
Pomen uvedbe stereotaktičnega obsevanja pri raku trebušne slinavke : magistrsko delo
ID Galunič, Nena (Author), ID Oblak, Irena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Žager Marciuš, Valerija (Comentor), ID Marinko, Tanja (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Rak trebušne slinavke je bolezen, ki jo praviloma odkrijemo šele v napredovali obliki. Kakovost življenja bolnikov je zelo okrnjena, saj jih pogosto spremljajo številne težave. Stereotaktična radioterapija je ena izmed možnosti zdravljenja, ki se izvede v zelo kratkem časovnem obdobju. Kot samostojna metoda zdravljenja omogoča odlično lokalno kontrolo bolezni, ki je primerljiva operaciji, v sklopu predoperativnega zdravljenja pa omogoča večjo možnost popolne odstranitve tumorja ter na koncu zmanjša bolnikove težave, ter mu izboljša kvaliteto življenja. Namen: Namen magistrskega dela je predstaviti rak trebušne slinavke in zdravljenje s poudarkom na stereotaktični radioterapiji. Metode dela: Pri izdelavi magistrskega dela smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo in sistematični pregled literature. V namen pisanja uvoda, teoretičnih izhodišč in razprave smo uporabili 78 virov znanstvene literature, za sistematični pregled pa smo od skupno identificiranih 16536 virov, s pomočjo presejalne metode, obdržali 22 virov. Rezultati: Rezultati zajemajo potek izbire dokumentov za sistematični pregled in analizo 22 virov znanstvene literature, ki smo jih analizirali glede na namen, ugotovitve in morebitne zaznamke, ter še natančneje glede na število udeležencev, najpogostejšo skupno dozo, število frakcij, lokalno kontrolo tumorja v 1 letu, razred in delež akutne toksičnosti ter mediano preživetja. Razprava in zaključek: Pri mejno operabilnih bolnikih lahko stereotaktična radioterapija pripomore k zmanjšanju tumorja in zajetega žilja in omogoči popolno kirurško odstranitev bolezni. Pri lokalno napredovalih tumorjih, ki so neresektabilni, pa omogoči visoko stopnjo lokalne kontrole, ki je po uspešnosti primerljiva kirurški resekciji. Stereotaktična radioterapija je primerna pri ponovitvi raka trebušne slinavke po prehodni radikalni resekciji (z resekcijskim robom R0), ter za reiradiacijo po ponovitvi raka trebušne slinavke, ki je bil predhodno zdravljen s konvencionalno radioterapijo, saj ponuja tudi lajšanje težav, ki jih povzroča tumor. Sodeč po sistematičnem pregledu literature, lahko s stereotaktično radioterapijo raka trebušne slinavke dosežemo odlično enoletno lokalno kontrolo tumorja (73 %), ob zadovoljljivo nizki stopnji toksičnosti.

Keywords:magistrska dela, radiološka tehnologija, rak trebušne slinavke, radioterapija, stereotaktična radioterapija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Galunič]
Number of pages:62 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-143848 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:137870083 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.01.2023
GALUNIČ, Nena, 2023, Pomen uvedbe stereotaktičnega obsevanja pri raku trebušne slinavke : magistrsko delo [online]. Master’s thesis. Ljubljana : N. Galunič. [Accessed 27 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Importance of the introduction of stereotactic radiotherapy in pancreatic cancer : master thesis
Introduction: Pancreatic cancer is a disease that is usually discovered at an advanced stage. The patients' quality of life is greatly reduced, as they are often accompanied by problems. Stereotactic radiotherapy is one of the treatment options that is performed in a very short period of time. As an independent method of treatment, it provides excellent local control of the disease, which is comparable to surgery, and as a part of preoperative treatment, it provides a greater chance of complete removal of the tumor and ultimately reduces the patient's problems and improves his quality of life. Purpose: The purpose of the master's thesis is to present pancreatic cancer and its treatment with an emphasis on stereotactic radiotherapy. Methods: We used a descriptive method and systematic review of literature in the preparation of the master's thesis. For the purpose of writing the introduction, theoretical starting points and discussion, we used 78 sources of scientific literature, for the systematic review, we retained 22 sources, of total of 16536 identified sources, using the screening method. Results: The results include a document selection process for a systematic review and analysis of 22 sources of scientific literature, which we analyzed according to the purpose, findings and possible comments, and more specifically the number of participants, the most common total dose, the number of fractions, local control within 1 year, grade and proportion of acute toxicity and median survival. Discussion and conclusion: In borderline resectable patients, stereotactic radiotherapy can help to shrink the tumor and the involved vessel and enable complete surgical removal of the disease. In locally advanced tumors, that are unresectable, however, it enables a high level of local control, which is comparable in success to surgical resection. Steterotactic radiotherapy is suitable for pancreatic cancer recurrence after transitional radical resection (with an R0 resection margin) and for reirradiation after pancreatic cancer recurrence previously treated with conventional radiotherapy, as it also offers relief of problems, caused by tumour. Judging from a systematic review of literature, stereotactic radiotherpy for pancreatic cancer can achieve excellent one-year local control (73%) with a satisfactorily low level of toxicity.

Keywords:master's theses, radiologic technology, pancreatic cancer, radiotherapy, stereotactic radiotherapy

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