
Uporaba slovenskega prevoda Vprašalnika toaletnih navad : diplomsko delo
ID Stojčič, Anja (Author), ID Gričar, Nevenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Oven, Alenka (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Odvajanje blata je del ožjih dnevnih aktivnosti in je pomembna okupacija vsakdanjega življenja, saj je ključnega pomena za neodvisnost, uspešno socialno vključenost in kakovost življenja osebe. Pridobivanje kontinence črevesja in s tem nadzor nad odvajanjem blata je pomemben mejnik v otroštvu, ki ga otrok pridobi s toaletnim treningom. To je proces, s katerim se otrok uči pravilne uporabe toalete in hkrati tudi zavestne kontrole nad odvajanjem. Težave z odvajanjem so lahko povezane z motnjo senzorne predelave. Za načrtovanje delovnoterapevtske obravnave je treba te težave oceniti z ustreznimi ocenjevalnimi instrumenti. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je bil prevesti Vprašalnik o toaletnih navadah in s pomočjo intervjujev spoznati izkušnje slovenskih delovnih terapevtov z obravnavo otrok, ki imajo težave z odvajanjem ter ugotoviti kakšna je uporabnost in razumljivost vprašalnika. Metode dela: V raziskavi smo uporabili kvalitativni raziskovalni pristop. S štirimi delovnimi terapevtkami smo v juniju in juliju 2022 izvedli polstrukturirane intervjuje. Sodelovanje je bilo prostovoljno in anonimno. Podatki, dobljeni iz intervjujev, so bili analizirani s pomočjo kvalitativne vsebinske analize. Rezultati: Iz analize so izšle štiri teme: analiza vprašalnika, uporabnost vprašalnika, vzroki za težave z odvajanjem blata in strategije za reševanje težav z odvajanjem blata. Rezultati kažejo, da je bil vprašalnik intervjuvankam razumljiv, uporaben, vendar so predlagale nekaj sprememb. Menijo, da je časovno ekonomičen in strukturiran ter pomaga pri opredelitvi problemov otrok s težavami pri odvajanju blata in načrtovanju obravnave. Razprava in zaključek: Uporaba ocenjevalnih instrumentov je za delovno terapijo ključnega pomena, saj jasno opredelijo težave, ki jih je potrebno nasloviti pri obravnavi. Preveden Vprašalnik o toaletnih navadah je enostaven in priročen ocenjevalni instrument staršem. Omogoča hitrejše in strukturirano ocenjevanje. Rezultati raziskave kažejo na uporabnost vprašalnika v vsakdanji praksi, predvsem v smislu pridobivanja podatkov in načrtovanju delovnoterapevtske obravnave. Smiselno bi bilo narediti raziskavo na večjem vzorcu.

Keywords:diplomska dela, delovna terapija, težave z odvajanjem, otroci, senzorna integracija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Stojčič]
Number of pages:33 str., [3] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-143820 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:137496323 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.01.2023
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Secondary language

Title:The use of the Slovenian translation of The toileting habit profile questionnaire : diploma work
Introduction: Defecation is a part of narrower daily activities and is an important occupation of everyday life, as it is crucial for a person's independence, successful social inclusion and quality of life. Acquiring bowel continence and thus control over defecation is an important milestone in childhood that a child achieves through toilet training. This is the process by which the child learns the correct use of the toilet and, at the same time, conscious control over defecation. Weaning problems may be related to a sensory processing disorder. In order to plan occupational therapy treatment, these problems must be assessed with appropriate assessment instruments. Purpose: The purpose of the thesis was to translate the Questionnaire on Toilet Habits and, with the help of interviews, to learn about the experiences of Slovenian occupational therapists in treating children who have problems with bowel movements and to find out the usefulness and comprehensibility of the questionnaire. Work methods: We used a qualitative research approach in the research. We conducted semi-structured interviews with four occupational therapists in June and July 2022. Participation was voluntary and anonymous. The data obtained from the interviews were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. Results: Four themes emerged from the analysis: questionnaire analysis, usefulness of the questionnaire, causes of defecation problems, and strategies for dealing with defecation problems. The results show that the questionnaire was understandable and useful to the interviewees, but they suggested some changes. It is considered to be time-efficient and structured and helps in defining the problems of children with defecation problems and planning treatment. Discussion and conclusion: The use of assessment instruments is crucial for occupational therapy as they clearly identify the problems that need to be addressed in treatment. The translated Toilet Habits Questionnaire is a simple and convenient assessment instrument for parents. It enables faster and structured evaluation. The results of the research show the usefulness of the questionnaire in everyday practice, especially in terms of obtaining data and planning occupational therapy treatment. It would make sense to do research on a larger sample.

Keywords:diploma theses, occupational therapy, defecation problems, children, sensory integration

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