With the help of professional literature and reference cases, I devote myself in my master's thesis
the connection between degraded areas and the formation of urban heat islands. Main goal
of the master's thesis is to be considered degraded based on the various information obtained
I design the area in such a way that it has as little influence on the overheating of the room and the creation
heat islands. In recent years, it is absolutely necessary to take climate indicators into account when planning,
because in this way we help to reduce climate change.
The project work presents the concept of an urban solution where the former Arrigoni factory was located
in Izola. In the currently degraded area, the fishing spirit of the town, which it used to be, is being re-established
ruled in Izola. In the considered area I place the production of activities for the production of fish products
and wines. With this, in addition to the city's identity, I provide new jobs and interesting things in the space
tourist spot. With a mix of production, business and central activities and open public
the premises are provided with mixed use intended for different users of the premises.
When designing a new arrangement in the room, I take into account the guidelines for reducing the creation
urban heat islands, which negatively affect the quality of life in the area and the climate