
Idejna zasnova kulturno-izobraževalnega središča Teatro Fenice na Reki
ID Ljuština, Maria (Author), ID Zorec, Maruša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Rustja, Uroš (Comentor)

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Reka je mesto, ki ga najbolje opisuje termin heterogenost. Njegovo zgodovino zaznamujeta skoraj nenehna rast in blaginja, mesto se je razvijalo stihijsko z nekaj veličastnih urbanističnih posegov, katerih vpliv večinoma ni presegel meja obravnave. V prvem delu naloge analiziram razvoj Reke, mesta, ki je moč urbanističnega načrtovanja izkusilo šele v drugi polovici 20. stoletja, ko so zaradi množične imigracije, povzročene z eksponentno rastjo industrije, v panoramo mesta integrirane stolpnice. Njihova razpršenost je oblikovala kolektivno identiteto, ki je industrijo dojemala kot bistvo mesta, a danes, skoraj 30 let po njenem propadu, te iste stolpnice predstavljajo nenehen opomin na razočaranje. Prepoznam pomen ustvarjanja novih monoprogramskih središč, kot sta univerzitetni kampus Trsat in umetniška četrt Benčić, menim pa tudi, da je treba omenjene programe razširiti zunaj njihovih meja, če jih želimo implementirati v identiteto celotnega mesta. V drugem del naloge se osredotočam na urbanistične poteze, usmerjene k revitalizaciji in oblikovanju nove identitete Reke kot mesta univerze in kulture. S sintezo obeh delov naloge povzemam vsebinske zaključke – o razumevanju mesta in pomenu decentralizacije pri oblikovanju kolektivne identitete. Potencial za nadaljnji razvoj kulturno-izobraževalnega programa vidim v prenovi secesijskega gledališča, umeščenega v središču mesta, in nadgradnji degradiranega območja, ki ga obdaja. V staro gledališče umestim programe, prilagojene obšolskim dejavnostim, namenjenim mladim, v drugem delu lokacije pa zasnujem srednjo šolo za umetnost in oblikovanje. Objekte povezujem z javnim prostorom, kjer se srečujejo deli obeh programov. Nadaljujem idejo o Reki kot mestu kulture.

Keywords:identiteta, decentralizacija, Reka, arhitekturna prenova, izobraževalno središče, kulturno središče, secesijsko gledališče
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FA - Faculty of Architecture
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-143610 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:138298115 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.01.2023
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Secondary language

Title:A proposal for a cultural and educational centre Teatro Fenice in Rijeka
Rijeka is a city best described by the term heterogeneity. Its history is marked by an almost continuous growth and prosperity, it is a city developed impulsively, only having a few grand urban interventions, the impact of which has never gone beyond the city limits. In the first part of the thesis, I analyse the development of Rijeka, a city that had experienced the power of urban planning only in the second half of the 20. century, when due to mass immigration caused by the exponential industrial growth, skyscrapers were introduced into the city's panorama. Their dispersion formed a collective identity that perceived industry as the heart of the city, but today, almost thirty years after its demise, these same buildings are a constant reminder of disillusionment. I recognize the importance of creating new districts, such as the Trsat university campus and the Benčić art district, however, I also believe that the aforementioned programs must be expanded beyond their borders if we want to implement them into the identity of the entire city. The second part of the thesis focuses on current urban plans that are aimed at the revitalization and creation of a new identity of Rijeka as a city of a university and culture. Through the synthesis of both parts of the thesis, I summarize substantive conclusions – both about the understanding of the city and the importance of its decentralization in the process of forming a collective identity. I see the potential for further development of the educational and cultural programs within the renovation of a secession theatre located in the very city centre and in the upgrading its degraded surroundings. Programs including extracurricular activities aimed at a younger population are placed in the old theatre while the secondary school for art and design is located in another part of the site. Both buildings are connected through a public space, where parts of both programs meet. I aim to continue the idea of Rijeka as a city of culture.

Keywords:identity, decentralization, Rijeka, architectural renovation, educational centre, cultural centre, secession theatre

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