
Kakovost izbranih drevoredov na območju Ljubljane
ID Vodičar, Domen (Author), ID Osterc, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Zupan, Marko (Comentor)

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Namen diplomskega dela je bil oceniti kakovost izbranih obstoječih drevoredov srebrnolistnih lip (Tilia tomentosa) in turških lesk (Corylus colurna) ob Štajerski cesti ter ameriškega javorja (Acer negundo) ob Božičevi cesti v Ljubljani. Na izbranih lokacijah smo na levi in desni strani drevoreda izbrali deset naključnih dreves in opravili meritve višine, širine, obsega debla na 50 cm od tal in svetlo višino. Meritve in ocene smo opravili v olistanem stanju maja 2020 in v neolistanem stanju novembra 2020. Vzeti so bili tudi vzorci tal v drevoredih. Opisali smo razmere, v katerih rastejo drevesa, in nevarnosti, ki jim pretijo pri vzdrževanju. Opaženo je bilo, kako pomemben je razpoložljiv prostor za rast in razvoj in kako pomembni so začetni tehnološki ukrepi vzdrževanja do polne ukoreninjenosti drevesa ter končne višine dreves. To se je pokazalo pri drevesih z več razpoložljivega rastnega prostora, najbolj opazno je bilo pri lipah, kjer je desna stran dreves z več prostora povprečno pridobila kar 4,6 cm obsega in 20 cm višine. Prav tako se je to pokazalo pri turških leskah, kjer je desna stran z več rastnega prostora povprečno pridobila 1 cm obsega in 16 cm višine. Ameriški javor je rastel na obeh straneh v podobnih razmerah (tako prostorskih kot talnih), zato so prirasti podobni. Veliko pozornosti v nadaljnjih letih bo treba nameniti izbiri pravih vrst dreves in sadik glede na hitre podnebne spremembe in posledično vremenske ekstreme.

Keywords:Sajenje dreves, drevoredi, okrasna drevnina, kakovost, Ljubljana, mestno okolje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-143583 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:135997187 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.12.2022
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Secondary language

Title:The quality of selected tree-lined avenues in the Ljubljana area
The purpose of the diploma thesis was to assess the quality of selected existing rows of silver linden (Tilia tomentosa) and Turkish hazel (Corylus colurna) along the Štajerska cesta road and of American maple (Acer negundo) along the Božičeva cesta road. At selected locations, we chose ten random trees on the left and right sides of the avenue and performed measurements of height, width, trunk circumference at 50 cm from the ground, and the canopy clearance height. Measurements and assessments were performed in the deciduous state in May 2020 and in the non-deciduous state in November 2020. Samples of soil in the tree-lined avenues were also taken. We have described the conditions in which trees grow and what dangers they face during maintenance. It has been observed how important the available space for growth and development is and how important the initial maintenance is until the tree rooting. This was shown in trees with more growing space available, most notably in linden trees, where the right side of the trees that had more space gained on average as much as 4.6 cm more in circumference, and 20 cm more in height. The same goes for the Turkish hazel, where the right side that had more growing space gained on average 1 cm more in circumference and 16 cm in height. The American maple grew on both sides under similar conditions, so the increments are relatively the same. In the coming years we will need to devote much attention to choosing the right types of trees and seedlings in light of the rapid climate change and, consequently, weather extremes.

Keywords:Planting trees, tree lines, ornamental trees, quality, Ljubljana, urban environment

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