
Vloga socialnega dela ob starševski izčrpanosti in izgorelosti : magistrsko delo
ID Bedöke, Katja (Author), ID Žgavec, Patricija (Author), ID Videmšek, Petra (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu raziskujeva poznavanje starševske izčrpanosti in izgorelosti iz dveh perspektiv: perspektive strokovnih delavk in delavcev na področju psihosocialne podpore in pomoči, ki pri svojem delu sodelujejo s starši; ter perspektive samih staršev z otroki, starimi največ 15 let, ki so spregovorili tudi o svojih neposrednih izkušnjah s starševsko izčrpanostjo in izgorelostjo. Zanimali so naju samopomoč in laična pomoč ter podpora stroke socialnega dela ob tovrstnih stiskah, posebno pozornost pa sva posvetili tudi času epidemije covida-19. V teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela predstaviva najpogostejše izzive starševstva, pojma izčrpanosti in izgorelosti ter starševske izčrpanosti in izgorelosti. Opiševa tudi izhod iz primeža starševske izčrpanosti in izgorelosti, ki vključuje preventivo in skrb zase ter zdravljenje in strokovno pomoč. Ob koncu teoretičnega dela piševa še o sami vlogi socialnega dela ob starševski izčrpanosti in izgorelosti. V empiričnem delu predstaviva rezultate najine raziskave, ki sva jih pridobili z analizo intervjujev, opravljenih z desetimi mamami in desetimi strokovnimi delavkami. Sodelujoče v raziskavi so v zvezi z opredelitvami starševske izčrpanosti in starševske izgorelosti navedle različne asociacije na telesni, čustveni in kognitivni ter vedenjski ravni. Udeleženke raziskave poudarjajo, da se starševska izčrpanost lahko prevesi v starševsko izgorelost, pri kateri gre za bolezensko stanje telesa in uma ter za višjo stopnjo starševske izčrpanosti. Rezultati raziskave razkrivajo, da se starševska izčrpanost in izgorelost pogosto razvijeta pri mamah, ki pri vzgoji in varstvu otrok nimajo podpore očeta; pri starših mlajših osnovnošolskih otrok; pri starših v slabšem socialno-ekonomskem položaju; pri starših, ki imajo zdravstvene težave ali težave v duševnem zdravju oziroma imajo tovrstne težave njihovi otroci; ter pri starših povzročiteljih nasilja v družini. Večina strokovnih delavk, sodelujočih v raziskavi, je s starši, ki so starševsko izčrpani ali izgoreli, izvajala socialnodelovne pogovore, v okviru katerih so jim nudile razbremenitev, v rešitev usmerjeno perspektivo in prvo socialno pomoč. Pri sodelovanju s starši so krepile njihove starševske veščine, gospodinjska opravila in skrb za otroka pa obravnavale kot cenjeno ter zahtevno delo. Intervjuvane strokovne delavke so se v primerih starševske izčrpanosti ali izgorelosti povezovale z različnimi organizacijami in institucijami. Strokovne delavke, sodelujoče v raziskavi, so v času epidemije covida-19 pri številnih starših prepoznale slabše opravljanje starševske vloge zaradi preobremenjenosti ter pogostejše starševske izčrpanosti in izgorelosti. Starši so v obdobju izrednih razmer zaradi epidemije covida-19 potrebovali še več podpore in razbremenilnih pogovorov. Poudarjava smiselnost vzpostavitve vstopne točke za mame v stiski ter ustanovitev podpornih skupin za starše, ki se soočajo s starševsko izčrpanostjo ali izgorelostjo. Za namen preprečevanja ter odpravljanja tovrstnih stisk predlagava večje informiranje staršev glede starševske izčrpanosti in izgorelosti, s čimer bi pomembno prispevali k detabuizaciji teh težav ter starše seznanili z možnimi oblikami podpore in pomoči.

Keywords:izzivi starševstva, starševska izčrpanost, starševska izgorelost, skrb zase, podpora socialnega dela
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[K. Bedöke, P. Žgavec]
Number of pages:285 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-143511 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:145755651 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.12.2022
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Secondary language

Title:The Role of Social Work in the Case of Parental Exhaustion and Burnout
In our master’s thesis, we research the erudition of parental exhaustion and burnout from two perspectives: the perspective of professional workers in the field of psychosocial support and assistance who often collaborate with parents; and the perspectives of parents themselves with children up to 15 years old, who also spoke about their direct experiences with parental exhaustion and burnout. We were interested in the processes of self-help, nonprofessional help and support from the social work profession during such hardships, and we also paid attention to the time of the covid-19 epidemic. In the theoretical part of the thesis, we present the most common challenges of parenting, the concepts of exhaustion and burnout, parental exhaustion and burnout. We also describe a way out of the grip of parental exhaustion and burnout, which includes prevention and self-care as well as treatment and professional help. At the end of the theoretical part, we write about the role of social work in the case of parental exhaustion and burnout. In the empirical part, we present the results of our research, which we obtained by analyzing interviews carried out with ten mothers and ten professional workers. In relation to the definitions of parental exhaustion and parental burnout, the participants in the research stated different associations on the physical, emotional, cognitive and behavioral levels. Research participants point out that parental exhaustion can translate into parental burnout, which is a diseased state of the body and mind and a higher level of parental exhaustion. The results of the research reveal that parental exhaustion and burnout often develop in: mothers who do not have the support of fathers in raising and caring for children; parents of younger primary school children; parents in a worse socio-economic situation; parents who have health or mental health problems, or their children have such problems; and in parents causing domestic violence. Most of the professional workers participating in the research led social work conversations with parents who experienced parental exhaustion or burnout, in the context of which they offered them relief, a solution-oriented perspective and first social assistance. When working with parents, they strengthened their parenting skills, and household chores and child care were treated as valued and demanding work. In the cases of parental exhaustion or burnout, the interviewed professional workers connected with various organizations and institutions. During the covid-19 epidemic, the professional workers identified a worse performance of the parental role due to overload and more frequent parental exhaustion and burnout among many parents. During the period of emergency due to the covid-19 epidemic, parents needed even more support and relieving conversations. We emphasize the importance of establishing an entry point for mothers in need and support groups for parents who are facing parental exhaustion or burnout. For the purpose of preventing and eliminating such hardships, we suggest providing more information to parents regarding parental exhaustion and burnout, which would significantly contribute to the de-tabooing of these problems and inform parents of possible forms of support and assistance.

Keywords:parenting challenges, parental exhaustion, parental burnout, self-care, social work support

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