
Analiza razvoja sistema subvencionirane študentske prehrane ter primerjava s sistemi v tujini : magistrsko delo
ID Sorč, Helena (Author), ID Pevcin, Primož (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu smo prikazali edinstvenost pomoči države v obliki proračunskih sredstev pri prehrani študentov v času študija. Raziskovali smo sistem subvencionirane študentske prehrane v Sloveniji in ga poskušali primerjati s sistemi v tujini. V začetku dela smo predstavili idejo in začetke sistema subvencioniranja študentske prehrane, oblikovanje trenutnega sistema, nato pa tudi možnost nadaljnjega razvoja. Celostno smo predstavili postopek razvoja in sistem, ki še ni bil obravnavan, kar je bil tudi namen našega dela. V začetku smo uporabili kvalitativno metodo analize dokumentov, in sicer pravnih aktov, ki so oblikovali pravno podlago za nastanek sistema subvencionirane študentske prehrane. Nadalje smo z metodo intervjuja orisali začetke sistema. Pri prvi hipotezi smo uporabili opisno statistično analizo odnosa do višine realiziranih proračunskih sredstev s strani dejavnikov, kot so število ponudnikov, število študentov in posledično večjih stroškov. V drugi hipotezi smo se poslužili metode anketiranja, v tretji pa metode analize dokumentov in matematične metode, v četrti in zadnji hipotezi pa metode intervjuva in analize dokumentov. Celostno smo povzeli, zakaj se je tak sistem sploh vzpostavil in kako prispeva k bolj zdravi družbi. Z analizo proračunskih sredstev smo predstavili, da se realizirana poraba niža, kljub temu pa bi se lahko porabila tudi za druge entitete, na primer višje plačilo študentom inšpektorjem. S primerjalno analizo med evropskimi državami smo ugotovili, da je slovenski sistem res unikaten in da so nekatere države že poskušale posnemati naš sistem. Z našim prispevkom želimo odločevalcem predstaviti, kako pomemben je sistem subvencionirane študentske prehrane in zakaj ga je treba ohraniti. Izpostavljamo prednost sodelovanja med deležniki, bolj zdravo družbo in priložnost za bilateralna sodelovanja.

Keywords:sistem subvencionirane študentske prehrane, študentska prehrana, digitalizacija, upravičenci, študenti, ponudniki
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[H. Sorč]
Number of pages:X, 108 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-143463 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:137452547 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.12.2022
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Secondary language

Title:The analysis of the development of the subsidized student meal system and comparison with such systems abroad
This master's thesis demonstrates the unique state aid in form of budgetary resources for student food. We will study the subsidized student meal system in Slovenia and try to compare it to such systems abroad. At the beginning, we will present the idea itself and the beginning of the subsidised student meal system, the development of the existing system and the possibility for its further development. We will portray the comprehensive development of the system and the system itself, which was not studied before, making this the aim of our thesis. At the beginning, we will use the qualitative method of document analysis, namely legal acts acting as legal basis for the development of the subsidised student meal system. We will continue by portraying the initial phases of the system using the interview method. When verifying the first hypothesis, we will carry out a descriptive statistical analysis of the relationship towards the realised budgetary resource amount in terms of factors such as number of providers, number of students and subsequent increase in costs. When verifying the second hypothesis, we will use the survey method, for the purpose of the third hypothesis the document analysis and mathematical methods will be adopted, and for verifying the fourth and last hypotheses, we will use the interview and document analysis methods. We will provide a comprehensive summary of reasons why such a system was established and how it contributes to a healthier society. By analysing budgetary resources, we will present that the realised use of resources is decreasing, yet it could be spent for other entities, such as higher reimbursement for student inspectors. Based on a comparative analysis of European countries, we will determine that the Slovenian system is indeed unique and that some countries have tried to replicate it. The aim of our thesis is to present to decision-makers how important the subsidised student meal system is and why it is important to maintain it. We will highlight the advantages of stakeholder participation, a healthier society and an opportunity for bilateral cooperation.

Keywords:subsidized student meal system, student food, digitalisation, beneficiaries, students, providers

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