
Razvoj hitro odzivnega sistema na osnovi proteolize za izločanje proteinov iz endoplazemskega retikuluma
ID Praznik, Arne (Author), ID Jerala, Roman (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Izločanje topnih ter premikanje membranskih proteinov na površino celic je pomemben celični proces, s katerim celice nadzorujejo množico različnih funkcij, kot so medcelična signalizacija, hormonska regulacija, prenos signala med sinapsami, homeostaza, obramba pred patogeni idr. Nadzorovanje izločanja proteinov s sintezno-biološkimi sistemi se ponuja kot obetavno orodje za obvladanje različnih bioloških procesov ter za uporabo v terapevtske namene. Večina do sedaj razvitih sistemov za nadzorovanje izločanja proteinov iz sesalskih celic temelji na indukciji izražanja izločenih proteinov, ki nato potujejo do zunanjosti celice po konvencionalni sekretorni poti. Vendar sta za takšen pristop potrebni predhodna transkripcija in translacija proteina, ki šele nato začne vstopati v sekretorno pot, zaradi česar se začne protein kopičiti v biološko relevantnih količinah šele več ur po indukciji izražanja proteina. Za nekatere, zlasti terapevtske aplikacije, pri katerih je potreben odziv v nekaj minutah, ne urah, je takšen odziv prepočasen. V tem doktorskem delu smo razvili dva sistema – lumER in membER – za izločanje topnih in membranskih proteinov, pri čemer smo izločanje nadzorovali s pomočjo inducibilnih proteaz. V obeh sistemih se izločeni proteini predhodno izrazijo ter se zadržijo na konvencionalni sekretorni poti v endoplazemskem retikulumu s pomočjo kratkih C-končnih zadrževalnih aminokislinskih zaporedij. Odstranitev zadrževalnih zaporedij je pod nadzorom ortogonalnih virusnih proteaz iz družine Potyviridae, katerih aktivnost lahko reguliramo z malimi molekulami. Ker nadzor izločanja poteka na ravni posttranslacijskih modifikacij, sistema povsem zaobideta potrebo po sintezi in akumulaciji proteina po indukciji, zaradi česar sta hitrejša od primerljivih sistemov, ki temeljijo na indukciji izražanja izločenega proteina. Pokazali smo, da sta oba sistema med sabo ortogonalna ter da lahko pri obeh sistemih nadzorujemo izločanje s pomočjo ortogonalnih in inducibilnih virusnih proteaz. Sistema omogočata večkratno zaporedno induciranje izločanja. Nadalje smo pokazali, da lahko izločanje s sistemoma membER in lumER nadzorujemo s konstrukti za procesiranje vhodnih signalov po načelu dvovhodnih logičnih operacij. Na koncu smo sistema uporabili za nadzorovanje izločanja terapevtsko relevantnih proteinov. Ker sta zadrževanje ter izločanje zagotovljena z modularnimi elementi, je mogoče sistema povezati tudi z drugimi sinteznimi in naravnimi sistemi, ki temeljijo na proteolizi, prav tako pa sta sistema primerna za prenos na številne druge topne in membranske proteine, zaradi česar se ponujata kot močno orodje za številne potencialne aplikacije.

Keywords:sintezna biologija, sekrecija proteinov, endoplazemski retikulum, konvencionalna pot izločanja proteinov, posttranslacijske modifikacije
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Organization:MF - Faculty of Medicine
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-143230 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:144182019 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.12.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Development of a fast proteolysis-based response system for the secretion of proteins from the endoplasmic reticulum
The secretion of soluble proteins and the movement of membrane proteins to the cell surface is an important process with which cells regulate a plethora of different functions, such as intercellular communication, hormonal regulation, signal transfer between synapses, homeostasis, host defence against pathogens etc. Controlling protein secretion with synthetic biological systems thus represents an attractive tool to regulate different biological processes and for use in therapeutic applications. Currently, most synthetic systems for regulated secretion from mammalian cells work by inducing the expression of the secreted protein, which then travel through the conventional secretory patway to the cells exterior. However, in this approach, the protein must first be transcribed and translated, before it can enter the secretory pathway and start to accumulate in the cells exterior, a process which can take several hours before the protein is secreted in biologically relevant amounts. For certain applications, especially therapeutic, where a response needs to occur within minutes, not hours, this delay in response makes secretions with such systems too slow for practical use. In the present doctoral dissertation we have developed two systems – lumER and membER – for regulated secretion of soluble and membrane proteins, in which secretion is controlled by inducible proteases. In both systems the secreted protein is expressed and retained in the conventional secretory pathway in the endoplasmic reticulum, with the help of appended C-terminal retention sequences. The removal of the retention sequence is under the control of orthogonal viral proteases from the Potyviridae family, whose activity is regulated by small molecules. Because secretion is regulated at the posttranslational level, both systems bypass the need for prior protein synthesis and are therefore faster than comparable systems based on regulating protein expression. We have shown that both systems are orthogonal to each other and are controllable with different orthogonal and inducible viral proteases. Both systems allow for repeated induction of secretion. Further, we have shown that secretion with the membER and lumER systems can be controlled by constructs used for two input logical operation processing. Finally, we have used the systems to control the secretion of therapeutic proteins. Because ER retention and secretion are achieved with the help of modular elements, the systems allow for their combination with other synthetic and natural systems, that rely on proteolysis, and can be extended to feature other soluble and membrane proteins, making both systems a powerfull tool for different applications.

Keywords:synthetic biology, protein secretion, endoplasmic reticulum, conventional protein secretion, posttranslational modifications

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