
Obravnava spola samostalnika v petem razredu osnovne šole : magistrsko delo
ID Smerke, Jera (Author), ID Bešter, Marja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu smo se ukvarjali z razvijanjem metajezikovne zmožnosti učencev, tj. ene od sestavin sporazumevalne zmožnosti. Sporazumevalno zmožnost in njene sestavine naj bi učenci razvijali dejavno, procesno in celostno. Priporoča se, da so učenci pri pouku aktivni (transakcijski pouk) in da sami pridejo do novih spoznanj (konstruktivistični pouk), ker je na tak način pridobljeno znanje kakovostnejše kot pa znanje, pridobljeno s tradicionalnim poukom. V kvalitativni, deskriptivni raziskavi smo najprej ovrednotili učbenike, ki so potrjeni za jezikovni pouk pri slovenščini v 5. razredu, in sicer njihovo poglavje/enoto o spolu samostalnika, nato pa smo raziskali, kako se v 5. razredu OŠ obravnava spol samostalnika, in sicer smo zvočno posneli in analizirali pouk petih oddelkov 5. razreda z gorenjskih osnovnih šol. Po analizi učnih ur smo izvedli še intervju s sodelujočimi učitelji. Ugotovili smo, da so določeni učbeniki osnovani na nalogah, ki učence spodbujajo, da so aktivni in tako pridobivajo nova spoznanja – torej so primerni za izvajanje konstruktivističnega pouka. Določeni učbeniki vsebujejo na koncu poglavja končni govor, ki ga morajo učenci dopolniti. Več učbenikov pa ima že na začetku predstavljeno vso teorijo o spolu samostalnika, temu pa sledijo naloge. En učbenik ima na koncu tudi vprašanja, s katerimi učenec preveri svoje razumevanje učne vsebine. Pet učiteljev je vodilo pouk slovenščine z raznolikimi učnimi metodami in učnimi oblikami. Najpogosteje so uporabili metodo pogovora ter frontalno in individualno učno obliko. Učenci so naloge reševali večinoma individualno, in sicer v delovnem zvezku ali na učnem listu. Pri dveh učnih urah je bila uporabljena tudi skupinska učna oblika. Kot učno sredstvo so učitelji uporabljali delovne zvezke, učne liste in elektronske prosojnice. Tabelsko sliko so štirje učitelji oblikovali zelo podobno. Težave učencev so bile večkrat povezane z napačnim določanjem moškega spola samostalnikom srednjega spola in obratno. Težave so imeli s samostalniki, ki so poimenovali stvari, pojme in nekatera bitja. Pojavili so se tudi problemi pri določanju spola samostalnikom, ki imajo posebne končnice. Ugotovili smo, da je v vseh učnih urah učitelj govoril precej več kot učenci (od 80 do 90 %). Večina učiteljev (4 od 5) se je trudila vključiti v pouk večino učencev. V intervjujih so učitelji povedali, da so bili s svojo izvedbo pouka večinoma zadovoljni, nekateri pa bi spremenili to, da bi poleg individualne in frontalne oblike vključili še skupinsko delo. Učne priprave so bile večinoma izdelane že v preteklih letih, vendar so jih prilagodili glede na posebnosti letošnjega razreda. Primere samostalnikov so nekateri učitelji pripravili vnaprej, pri nekaterih pa so jih iskali učenci. Učitelji so večinoma menili, da so bile naloge, ki so učencem povzročale težave, povezane s srednjim spolom ali pa so vsebovale samostalnike, ki so bili z vidika določanja spola zahtevnejši.

Keywords:metajezikovna zmožnost, spol samostalnika, konstruktivistični pouk, učiteljeva samorefleksija o učni uri, učna gradiva za jezikovni pouk pri predmetu slovenščina
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Number of pages:III, 130 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-142916 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:132300291 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.12.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Addressing the Gender of Nouns in Grade 5 of Primary School
In the master's thesis, we dealt with the development of students' metalinguistic abilities, i. e. one of the components of communication ability. Students should develop the ability to communicate and its components in an active, procedural and holistic way. It is recommended that students are active during lessons (transactional lessons) and that they come up with new knowledge themselves (constructivist lessons), because the knowledge gained in this way is of higher quality than the knowledge gained through traditional lessons. In a qualitative, descriptive study, we first evaluated the textbooks that are approved for language lessons in Slovene in the 5th grade, namely their chapter on the gender of nouns, and then we investigated how the gender of nouns is treated in the 5th grade of elementary school, and we audio recorded and analyzed the lesson of five 5th grade classes from primary schools in Gorenjska. After analyzing the lessons, we conducted an interview with participating teachers. We have found that certain textbooks are based on tasks that encourage students to be active and thus acquire new knowledge – that is, they are suitable for implementing constructivist lessons. Certain textbooks contain a summary at the end of the chapter that students must complete. Several books already present all the theory about the gender of the noun at the beginning, which is followed by tasks. One textbook also has questions at the end to check the student's understanding of the learning content. Five teachers led the Slovene language classes using a variety of teaching methods and teaching forms. Most often, they used the conversation method and chose frontal and individual teaching form. The students mostly solved the tasks individually, namely in a workbook or on a handout. A group teaching format was also used in two lessons. The teachers used workbooks, handouts and electronic slides as teaching aids. The prospective blackboard was designed very similarly by the four teachers. The students' problems were repeatedly related to the incorrect determination of the masculine gender of a noun of the neuter gender and vice versa. They had problems with nouns that name things, concepts and some creatures. There were also problems with determining the gender of nouns that have special endings. We found that in all lessons, the teacher spoke much more than the students (from 80 to 90%). The majority of the teachers (4 out of 5) tried to include most of the students in the lessons. In the interviews, the teachers said that they were mostly satisfied with their lesson delivery, but some would change it to include group work in addition to the individual and frontal format. The lesson plans were mostly prepared in previous years, but they were adapted according to the peculiarities of this year's class. Examples of nouns were prepared by some teachers in advance, while some were searched for by students. Teachers mostly felt that the tasks that caused problems for students were related to neuter gender or contained nouns that were challenging with regard to gender.

Keywords:metalinguistic ability, noun gender, constructivist teaching, teacher's self-reflection on the lesson, learning materials for language lessons in the subject of Slovene

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