
Radarski merilnik hitrosti z Arduino sistemom
ID ČERNIC, SIMON (Author), ID Beguš, Samo (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Cilj diplomskega dela je bil izdelati napravo oz. prototip, ki bo meril hitrost z radarskim merilnikom hitrosti. Prevelika hitrost vozil je v naseljih in tudi sicer pereča problematika, zato se nam je zdelo zanimivo se s tem ukvarjati bolj poglobljeno. Izdelali smo prototip, ki prek modula z vgrajenim radarjem zaznava hitrost in jo prikazuje na 7 segmentnih LED-prikazovalnikih. Uporabili smo radarski modul BGT24LTR11 in pripadajoči razvojni modul XMC4700. Shemo vezja smo izrisali v programu EAGLE. Uporabljeni so trije večbarvni LED-prikazovalniki, ki so krmiljeni v multipleksnem načinu. Posamezna cifra se krmili s tranzistorjem, segmente LED-prikazovalnika pa se vklaplja s tranzistorskimi nizi, krmiljenimi prek pomičnih 8-bitnih registrov. Uporabljeni so trije zaporedno vezani pomični registri za rdečo, zeleno in modro barvo. Tok segmentov LED-prikazovalnikov je omejen z zaporedno vezanimi upori. Na testno ploščo smo pritrdili vse potrebne elemente, jih povezali ter prispajkali. Nato pa smo to povezali z radarskim modulom, tako da smo preprogramirali razvojni modul s programom Arduino. Prototip zaznava hitrost, ki jo prikazuje na LED-prikazovalnikih. Dovoljena hitrost je prikazana z zeleno barvo, vmesna hitrost z rumeno, prekoračena hitrost pa z rdečo barvo. Prednost našega prototipa pred obstoječimi prikazovalniki hitrosti so ravno različne barve na LED-prikazovalnikih, saj ocenjujemo, da je to prijazen način opozarjanja na prekoračeno hitrost.

Keywords:radar, Arduino, LED
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-142871 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:131703555 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.11.2022
ČERNIC, SIMON, 2022, Radarski merilnik hitrosti z Arduino sistemom [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 1 April 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Arduino based radar speedometer
The goal of this diploma work was to create a device or prototype, which would measure speed with a radar speed detector. Excessive speed of vehicles in suburbs and in general is a serious problem; hence it would be interesting to look into this mater more closely. We created a prototype, which, using a module with a build-in radar, measures speed and displays it on 7 segment LED-displays. We used radar module BGT24LTR11 and its accompanying development module XMC4700. We created the circuit scheme in the EAGLE program. We used three multicolor LED-displays, which are controlled in the multiplex style. An individual numeral is controlled by a transistor, while segments of LED-displays are turned on using transistor arrays, controlled by 8-bit shift registers. Three serial shift registers are used, one for red, green and blue color, each. The current through LED-display segments is limited with series resistors. Onto a proto board we attached all necessary elements, connected them and soldered them into place. Later we connected the proto board with the radar equipped module, by reprograming the development module with the Arduino program. The prototype detects the speed that is displayed on the LED-displays. Allowed speed is displayed in green color, borderline speed in yellow and excessive speed in the red color. The advantage of our prototype over the existing speed displays are the different colors on the LED-displays, as we determined that it is a user-friendly way of warning of excessive speed.

Keywords:radar, Arduino, LED

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