
Analiza izvedbe sončne elektrarne za zmanjšanje odvisnosti podjetja od dobavitelja električne energije
ID ŽMAVC, MATIC (Author), ID Čepin, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo zajema zmanjšanje odjema električne energije od dobavitelja električne energije v sklopu objektov podjetja Telekom Slovenije. V okviru aktualne tematike dodatnih virov napajanja za izkoriščanje obnovljivih virov energije se je naredilo analizo objekta v Ljubljanskih Dravljah. Cilj podjetja Telekom Slovenije je na telefonske centrale postaviti sončne elektrarne s hranilnikom el. energije. Tako bi centrale postale samooskrben objekt. V diplomskem delu se je na dejanskem primeru telefonske centrale analiziralo dva primera integracij sončne elektrarne na objekt funkcijske lokacije. In sicer prvi primer postavitve sončne elektrarne na streho, v drugem primeru pa postavitev fotonapetostnih modulov na streho in fasado stavbe. V obeh primerih se je, za shranjevanje v baterijskem hranilniku in poznejšo uporabo, analiziralo tudi potencialne proizvedene presežke električne energije na sončni elektrarni. Izračuni so se naredili za dva primera povrnitve investicije, in sicer za primer trenutne in za novo višjo ceno el. energije. Izračuni so pokazali, da je investicija v obeh primerih upravičena. V obeh primerih se namreč investicija povrne, in sicer v približno desetih letih v primeru trenutnih cen in v treh letih v primeru obetajoče se cene el. energije. Vendar pa nam izračuni za primer z večjo površino nameščenih fotonapetostnih modulov, nameščenih na streho in fasado objekta, na daljši rok prikažejo večje donose. Pri baterijskem hranilniku se je v obeh obsegih nameščenih fotonapetostnih modulov izkazalo, da vgradnja le tega ni smiselna, saj v primeru nameščenih modulov na streho potencialnih presežkov električne energije niti ne proizvedemo. V primeru postavitve elektrarne na streho in fasado pa se ustvari presežek električne energije v polovici leta, vendar zaradi polnilnih in praznilnih tokov baterij ter omejitve glede življenjske dobe v času neuporabe tudi v tem primeru investicije v baterije ni mogoče upravičiti.

Keywords:napajalni sistem, telefonska centrala, poraba električne energije, racionalna raba, implementacija dodatnega sistema napajanja, sončna elektrarna, analiza porabe in proizvodnje.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-142858 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:131596803 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.11.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Feasibility analysis of a solar power plant to reduce the dependence of a company on the electric energy supplier
The thesis covers the reduction of electric energy consumption from the electricity supplier within the facilities of the Telekom Slovenije company. As part of the current issue of additional power sources for the use of renewable energy sources, an analysis of the building in Ljubljana Dravlje was made. Telekom Slovenije's goal is to install solar power plants with electric energy storage on telephone station. In this way, the power stations would become a self-sufficient facility. In the thesis, two cases of integration of a solar power plant into a functional location facility were analyzed on the actual example of a telephone switchboard. Namely, the first example is the installation of a solar power plant on the roof, and the second example is the installation of photovoltaic modules on the roof and facade of the building. In both cases, the potential excess of electric energy produced at the solar power plant was also analysed, for storage in the battery storage and later use. Calculations were made for two cases of investment, namely for the case of the current and for the new higher price of electricity. The calculations showed that the investment is justified in both cases. In both cases, the investment is repaid, namely in about ten years in the case of current prices and in three years in the case of the promising price of electric energy. However, calculations for the case with a larger area of installed photovoltaic modules, installed on the roof and facade of the building, show us higher returns in the longer term. In the case of the battery storage, in both ranges of installed photovoltaic modules, it turned out that the installation cannot be justified. In the case of installed modules on the roof we do not even produce enough energy. In the case of placing the power plant on the roof and facade, a surplus of electric energy is generated only in half of the year. Due to the charging and discharging currents of the battery and the limitation in terms of capacity decrease during periods of non-use, even in this case, the investment in batteries cannot be justified.

Keywords:power supply system, telephone station, electric energy consumption, rational use, implementation of an additional power supply system, solar power plant, analysis of consumption and production.

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