
Islam in konfucijanstvo – civilizacijski dialog
ID Muzaferija, Annes (Author), ID Petek, Nina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Svoje magistrsko delo sem naslovil kot civilizacijski dialog med islamom in konfucijanstvom, kar me je vodilo v nadaljnjo razlago predpostavk v obeh sistemih. V svoji magistrski nalogi se želim približati možnostim ene globalne etike, ki bi svojo oporo našla na sledi dialoga med islamskim in konfucijanskim mišljenjem. Delo temelji na ideji »in-in«, ki ima eno svojo končno instanco v filozofiji odprtosti, ki kot taka ne bi pomenila nikakršnega izključevanja Zahoda iz dialoga globalne etike, hegemonija zahodnih idej pa zanjo ne bi bila relevantna. Nasprotna ideja takšni filozofiji je »ali-ali«, v kateri obstaja popolna ekskluzivnost po načelu ali eno ali drugo. Predstavil bom podobnosti med islamskim in konfucijanskim mišljenjem ter možnostjo dialoga v načrtu ustvarjanja svetovne filozofije in pomenu samega dialoga za ustvarjanje takšne filozofije.

Keywords:islam, konfucijanstvo, dialog, etika, globalna etika, »in-in«, skupne vrednote
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-142856 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:152695043 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.11.2022
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Title:Islam in Confucianism - a civilizational dialogue
I titled my master's thesis as a civilizational dialogue between Islam and Confucianism, which further explained the assumptions. In my master's thesis, I want to approach the possibility of one global ethics that would find its basis in the traces of a dialogue between Islamic and Confucian system of thought. The work is based on the idea of »and-and«, which has one final instance in the philosophy of openness, which as such would not imply any exclusion of the West from the dialogue of a global ethic and the hegemony of Western ideas would not be relevant to it. The counter-idea to such a philosophy is »either-or«, in which there is complete exclusivity according to the principle of either one or the other. I will present the similarities between Islamic and Confucian thinking and the possibility of a dialogue in the plan to create a world philosophy, and the importance of dialogue for creating such a philosophy.

Keywords:Islam, Confucianism, dialogue, ethics, global ethics, »and-and«, common values

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