
Mnenje učencev drugega triletja o vsebinah plesa pri predmetu šport : magistrsko delo
ID Zaletelj Krajnik, Eva (Author), ID Štemberger Vučko, Vesna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu smo ugotavljali, kakšno mnenje imajo učenci drugega triletja o vsebinah plesa pri predmetu šport. V teoretičnem delu smo opredelili pomen gibanja na splošno ter se nato osredotočili na ples. Omenili smo plesne elemente in tehniko gibanja v plesu. Na kratko smo predstavili tudi zgodovino plesa. Osredotočili smo se na plesno vzgojo v OŠ. Opisali smo vzgojna načela, smotre, cilje, naloge, oblike in vsebino plesne vzgoje. Razložili smo tudi vlogo učitelja pri poučevanju plesa, načine poučevanja ter metode plesne vzgoje. Proti koncu teoretičnega dela smo se osredotočili na otroka in razložili, kako ples vpliva na otrokov celostni razvoj, kakšen je odnos otrok in mladostnikov do gibanja in kako pomembne so spodbude pri športu. V magistrskem delu smo raziskovali problem predsodkov, ki jih imajo nekateri učenci do plesa pri predmetu šport. Uporabili smo kvantitativni raziskovalni pristop (anketni vprašalnik). Raziskovanje temelji na kavzalno ne-eksperimentalni raziskovalni metodi. V empiričnem delu je sodelovalo 186 učencev 4., 5. in 6. razreda osnovne šole na Gorenjskem. Zanimalo nas je, če je ples nasploh pri učencih priljubljen, ali se v prostem času ukvarjajo s plesom, ali je ples pri predmetu šport priljubljen, kdo jih poučuje predmet šport, katere oblike dela imajo učenci pri plesu radi, kadar ga izvajajo pri predmetu šport, ter katerih oblik dela ne marajo. Zanimalo nas je tudi, kako pogosto pri predmetu šport plešejo, kako se pri tem počutijo in kaj bi pri predmetu šport spremenili, da bi jim bil ples bolj všeč. Rezultati so pokazali, da je več kot polovici anketiranih učencev ples pri predmetu šport všeč. Kar se tiče dejavnosti, se učenci najbolj navdušujejo nad plesnimi igrami, najmanj pa nad plesom v paru. V prostem času se s plesom ukvarja zelo malo učencev. Le nekaj odstotkov obiskuje plesni krožek ali plesno šolo. Znotraj družine pa pleše več posameznikov. Glede počutja pri športu, kadar se izvaja ples, se večina učencev počuti dobro. Če bi učenci lahko spremenili karkoli, da bi jim bil ples pri predmetu šport bolj všeč, mnogi učenci ne bi spremenili ničesar. Je pa kar nekaj učencev, ki bi spremenili zvrst plesa ali glasbo, dodali več plesnih iger, nekateri pa sploh ne bi plesali.

Keywords:gibanje, ples, mnenje, priljubljenost, drugo triletje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Number of pages:IX, 88 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-142799 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:131280643 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.11.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Second Triad Pupils' Views on Dance at Physical Education
In the Master's thesis, we researched the opinions of second-year students about the content of dance in sport. In the theoretical part, we defined the importance of movement in general and then focused on dance. We have mentioned the elements of dance and the technique of movement in dance. We also gave a brief history of dance. We focused on dance education in primary school. We describe the educational principles, aims, objectives, tasks, forms and content of dance education. We also explain the teacher's role in teaching dance, teaching methods and methods of dance education. Towards the end of the theoretical part, we focused on the child, explaining how dance affects children's holistic development, children and adolescents' attitudes towards movement and the importance of incentives in sport. In this master thesis we investigated the problem of prejudice that some students have towards dance in the subject of sport. We used a quantitative research approach (survey questionnaire). The research is based on a caval non-experimental research method. The empirical work was carried out with 186 pupils in the 4th, 5th and 6th grade of primary school in Gorenjska region. We wanted to know if dance is popular with pupils in general, whether they do dance in their free time, whether dance is popular in sports, who teaches them sports, which forms of work pupils like when they do dance in sports and which they dislike. We also wanted to know how often they dance in sport, how they feel and what they would change in sport to make them like it more. The results show that more than half of the students surveyed like dance in sport. As far as activities are concerned, students are most enthusiastic about dance games and least enthusiastic about pairs dancing. Very few students take part in dance in their free time. Only a few percent attend a dance club or dance school. Within a family, several individuals dance. As for feeling good in sport, when dancing is practiced, most students feel good. If students could change anything to make them like dancing more in sport, many students would not change anything. However, there are quite a few students who would change the type of dance or the music, add more dance games, and some who wouldn't dance at all.

Keywords:movement, dance, opinion, popularity, second trimester

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