
ID Kodelja, Enej (Author), ID Twrdy, Elen (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Dandanes se prevaža vse več tovora. Vozila in plovila v večini opravljajo prevoze tovorov, ki ne presegajo dovoljenih gabaritov in tako ne predstavljajo nevarnosti za soudeležence v prometu in osebe, ki manipulirajo s tovorom. Kljub temu, da je večina tovora standardnega, nam še vedno ostane nedeljiv tovor, ki ga ni možno razdeliti na manjše dele in tako presega omejene gabarite. Tovrsten tovor imenujemo izredni tovor. Za varno izvajanje samega premika izrednega tovora potrebujemo ustrezno opremo za manipulacijo ter usposobljen kader, da zmanjšamo samo nevarnost dela. Rdeča nit diplomske naloge nam podaja odgovor na naslednje raziskovalno vprašanje: Kako čim varneje rokovati z izrednim tovorom? Da si lahko odgovorimo na zgornje vprašanje, si je bilo med pisanjem diplomske naloge potrebno zastaviti še druga podvprašanja, kot so: Kateri tovor se smatra kot izredni tovor? S katerimi prevoznimi sredstvi lahko premikamo izredne tovore? Katera manipulativna sredstva lahko pri tem uporabljamo? Kakšna je zakonodaja pri manipulaciji izrednih tovorov?

Keywords:izredni tovor, manipulacija tovora, pristanišče, prevozna sredstva, logistika.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FPP - Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-142781 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.11.2022
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Nowadays, more and more cargo is being transported. Vehicles and vessels mostly carry cargo that does not exceed the permitted dimensions and thus does not pose a danger to traffic participants and the persons handling cargo. Despite the fact that most of the cargo is of standard dimensions, we still have indivisible cargo, which cannot be divided into smaller parts and thus exceeds the permitted dimensions. In order to safely carry out the movement of the oversized-overweight cargo (OOG), we need appropriate handling equipment and trained personnel to reduce the danger at work. The main gain of the diploma thesis is the question of how to handle oversized-overweight cargo as safely as possible? In order to answer the questions above, it was necessary to pose other questions, such as: Which cargo is considered as oversized-overweight cargo? Which transportation devices can we use to move oversized-overweight cargo? Which trans loading machinery can we use? What is the legislation on the handling of oversized-overweight cargo?

Keywords:oversized-overweight cargo, cargo handling, port, means of transport, logistics.

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