
Kakovostno staranje v občini Križevci pri Ljutomeru : magistrsko delo
ID Šrajner, Katja (Author), ID Mesec, Bojana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V svojem magistrskem delu sem raziskovala kakovostno staranje občanov občine Križevci pri Ljutomeru. V teoretičnem delu sem najprej predstavila pojma staranje prebivalstva in kakovostno staranje, opisala potrebe starih ljudi in jih še podrobneje predstavila po indeksu potreb dolgotrajne oskrbe. Opredelila sem tudi socialno delo s starimi ljudmi, pojem dolgotrajne oskrbe in epidemijo COVID-19. V raziskavi je sodelovalo deset ljudi, ki živijo v občini Križevci pri Ljutomeru in so starejši od 65 let. Namen naloge je bil, da stare ljudi spodbudim k razmišljanju o tem, kaj zanje pomeni kakovostna starost. Izvedeti sem želela, kakšen je njihov način življenja, ali so njihova stanovanja dovolj prilagojena, kakšne so njihove potrebe, kakšna je njihova socialna mreža in kakšne želje imajo za svojo prihodnost. Želela sem tudi izvedeti, kako ozaveščeni so glede možnosti formalne oskrbe v naši občini, če sploh poznajo storitve za starejše, ki so jim na voljo. Ugotovila sem, da imajo sogovorniki v večini podobne potrebe in želje. Kakovostno staranje povezujejo z dobrim zdravjem in samostojnostjo, predvsem pri skrbi zase. Najpogostejše stike imajo z ožjimi družinskimi člani. Glede storitev v občini so slabo informirani in le redki vedo, kakšne so možnosti formalne oskrbe za starejše. Epidemija COVID-19 in z njo povezani ukrepi so imeli velik vpliv na njihova življenja. V prihodnosti si vsi sogovorniki želijo ostati doma, v svojem domačem okolju, ki jim je poznano in kjer se dobro počutijo. V dom starejših občanov pa bi se selili le v primeru, da ne bi več zmogli poskrbeti sami zase.

Keywords:stari ljudje, starost, kakovostno staranje, potrebe v starosti, dolgotrajna oskrba, Covid-19, socialno delo s starimi ljudmi
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[K. Šrajner]
Number of pages:132 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-142763 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:147734787 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.11.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Quality Ageing in the Municipality of Križevci near Ljutomer
In my master’s thesis, I researched the quality ageing of the residents of the Municipality of Križevci near Ljutomer. In the theoretical part, I first introduced the terms ‘ageing of the population’ and ‘quality ageing’, described the needs of the elderly and explained them in more detail according to the index of long-term care needs. I also defined social work with the elderly, the concept of long-term care and the COVID-19 epidemic. The research participants were ten people that live in the Municipality of Križevci near Ljutomer and are older than 65. The purpose of the thesis was to encourage the elderly to think of what quality ageing means to them. I wanted to learn about their way of life, if their living arrangements are adapted enough, what are their needs, what is their social circle like, and what are their wishes for the future. I was interested in how much they were informed about the formal care in our municipality, and if they even know about any services available to the elderly. I concluded that the participants mostly have equal needs and wishes. They connect quality ageing with good health and independence, especially with self-care. They have the most frequent contact with their closest family members. They are poorly informed of the services in the municipality, and few know what the options for formal care for the elderly are. The COVID-19 epidemic and related restrictions have had a big impact on their lives. In the future, all the participants wish to stay at home, in their familial environment, where they feel most comfortable. They would move to a nursing home only if they could no longer take care of themselves.

Keywords:old people, ageing, quality ageing, needs of the elderly, long-term care, COVID-19, social work with the elderly

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