In my master’s, I write about World War II in the valley of Horjul. First, we look at the valley before the war, and then, with the help of the school chronicle, inventory of war damages, court records, interviews, and literature that has already been written about the war, we take a look at the valley during war times. We start whit the arrival of the Italian army and the start of the organized partisan movement (OF). Because the partisans got violent with the population, during the spring and summer of 1942 the locals established the home guard (Vaške straže), which kept them safe from the partisans and also from the Italians who took revenge on the civilian population for the partisan guerrilla attacks. Even before the establishment of the home guard, the Italians built a fence around the village of Horjul to keep them safe from the partisan attacks. The war continued after the Italian capitulation with the arrival of the German army, and the home guard took a new shape and was renamed Slovensko domobranstvo. In the ending, we look at the end of the war in the valley, the faith of the home guard, and the valley after the war.