
Identifikacija in zadovoljstvo članov strokovnih in poklicnih organizacij: primer Zdravniške zbornice Slovenije : primer Zdravniške zbornice Slovenije
ID Mustafai, Ana Marija (Author), ID Podnar, Klement (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Kot poudarjajo številni avtorji, je pri razvoju in napredku katerekoli stroke primarna sila organizirano telo. To pa ni samoumevno, temveč zahteva tudi vključenost in aktivnost njegovih članov. Ključni cilj magistrske naloge je ugotoviti, kateri dejavniki pomembno vplivajo na počutje in vedenje članov strokovnih organizacij. V ta namen opravimo kvantitativno raziskavo na primeru Zdravniške zbornice Slovenije, ki danes združuje več kot 11 tisoč članov. V analizo vključimo dva osrednja koncepta: identifikacijo s strokovno organizacijo in zadovoljstvo s članstvom. Izhajajoč iz teorije socialne identifikacije, v raziskavo dodamo tudi naslednje spremenljivke: strokovno identifikacijo, zaznan eksterni prestiž in zadovoljstvo s storitvami. Ugotovimo, da ima največji vpliv na zadovoljstvo s članstvom izmed proučevanih spremenljivk identifikacija z zbornico. Tudi zadovoljstvo s storitvami, ki jih zbornica nudi svojim članom, ima srednje močen vpliv na zadovoljstvo, medtem ko je neposredni vpliv zaznanega eksternega prestiža skoraj zanemarljiv. Po drugi strani pa ima ravno zaznan eksterni prestiž največji vpliv na identifikacijo z zbornico. Tovrstna raziskava je poleg aktualnega položaja zdravništva in medicine pomembna tudi zato, ker proučuje vpliv in pomen mnoštva identitet, povezanih z delom, ter zastavljene koncepte postavlja v kontekst strokovnih organizacij, ki so v slovenski literaturi pogosto spregledane.

Keywords:identifikacija, zadovoljstvo, zaznan eksterni prestiž, strokovna organizacija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. M. Mustafai]
Number of pages:74 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-142613 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:131374083 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.11.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Identification and satisfaction of members of professional and occupational organisation: the case of the Medical Chamber of Slovenia : magistrsko delo
As stressed out by several authors, the primary force for the development and progress of any profession is an organised body. However, this is not self-evident, it also demands involvement and activity of its members. The main goal of the Master’s thesis is to identify the factors that have an important influence on the well-being and behaviour on members of professional organisations. For this purpose, we conduct a quantitative research on the case of the Medical Chamber of Slovenia, which today connects more than 11 thousand members. The analysis included two main concepts: identification with the professional organisation and satisfaction with the membership. Based on social identification theory, we added the following variables to the research: professional identification, perceived external prestige and satisfaction with the services. We found that out of all variables, identification with the Chamber has the greatest influence on the satisfaction with the membership. Satisfaction with the services, offered by the Chamber to its members, has a medium influence of the satisfaction, while the direct influence of the perceived external prestige is almost negligible. On the other hand, particularly the perceived external prestige has the greatest influence on the identification with the Chamber. Such a research is, besides the current state of health care and medicine, also important, because it studies the influence and importance of the variety of identities, concerned with work, and puts the set concepts in the context of professional organisations, who are often overlooked in Slovenian literature.

Keywords:identification, satisfaction, perceived external prestige, professional organisation

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