
Gospodinjska pismenost slovenskih osnovnošolcev
ID Erjavšek, Martina (Author), ID Kostanjevec, Stojan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/7449/ This link opens in a new window

Hitre družbene, politične in gospodarske spremembe vplivajo na sestavo družbe, ki se s časom spreminja. Spremembe v družbi imajo velik vpliv na vzgojno-izobraževalne sisteme, ki jih je treba reformirati tako, da bodo prilagodljivi in združljivi z izzivi in s težavami sodobnega časa. V družbi se zaznavajo številni problemi na različnih področjih, vključenih v multidisciplinarni koncept gospodinjstva, ki so med seboj povezani in niso enoznačni. Gospodinjsko izobraževanje, ki s svojo multidisciplinarnostjo povezuje znanja različnih disciplin, ima pomembno vlogo pri reševanju težav spreminjajoče se družbe, ki se odražajo tudi na ravni družine in posameznika. V osnovnošolskem vzgojno-izobraževalnem procesu je treba zagotoviti, da učenci usvojijo ustrezno znanje in veščine, ki so potrebni za razvoj gospodinjske pismenosti (GP). GP posamezniki lahko z uporabo ter s prenosom znanj in veščin v konkretne vsakdanje življenjske situacije pripomorejo k izboljšanju kakovosti lastnega življenja, kar posledično prispeva tudi k boljši kakovosti delovanja družine in družbe. Za dosego tega je potrebno kakovostno gospodinjsko izobraževanje, katerega cilji in vsebine v učnem načrtu (UN) morajo odražati trenutne družbene potrebe, pri čemer je treba upoštevati temeljne usmeritve in enotno filozofijo gospodinjstva. V empiričnem delu doktorske disertacije je predstavljena raziskava, ki je bila zasnovana na osnovi zastavljenega raziskovalnega problema in petih raziskovalnih vprašanj, izvedena pa je bila v štirih delih. Namen prvega dela raziskave je bil na osnovi vsebinske analize UN predmeta gospodinjstvo oz. z njim primerljivega predmeta za osnovnošolsko izobraževanje v tujini in Sloveniji definirati vsebinska področja gospodinjskega izobraževanja. V analizo je bilo vključenih 17 UN predmeta gospodinjstvo in dva druga dokumenta, ki sta obravnavala gospodinjsko izobraževanje. V drugem delu raziskave so se ugotavljala stališča učiteljev, učencev in staršev o pomenu in uporabnosti gospodinjskega izobraževanja in opismenjevanja. Uporabljen je bil metodološki pristop delphi. Prvi krog raziskave delphi je vključeval 30 učiteljev, 34 učencev 9. razreda in 34 staršev učencev 9. razreda. V drugi krog raziskave delphi pa je bilo vključenih 16 učiteljev, 33 učencev 9. razreda in 29 staršev učencev 9. razreda. V tretjem delu raziskave so bili oblikovani standardi GP, ki temeljijo na izsledkih prvega in drugega dela raziskave in so bili uporabljeni za oblikovanje preizkusa znanja GP in gospodinjskega vedenja učencev. Določena so bila vsebinska področja gospodinjstva s pripadajočimi vsebinami. Definirani so bili tudi vidiki gospodinjstva, ki so vključeni v vsa štiri vsebinska področja gospodinjstva. V četrtem delu raziskave sta se s preizkusom znanja in gospodinjskega vedenja pri učencih ob koncu 6. in 9. razreda preverjala raven usvojenega znanja GP in njihovo gospodinjsko vedenje. Vključenih je bilo 652 učencev 6. in 9. razreda. Raziskana so bila tudi stališča njihovih staršev do gospodinjskega opismenjevanja in pogostost vključevanja otroka v opravila na različnih področjih gospodinjstva v domačem okolju s pomočjo staršev. Vključenih je bilo 652 staršev učencev, ki so sodelovali v raziskavi ugotavljanja GP. Rezultati, pridobljeni v raziskavi, so predstavljeni v šestih vsebinskih sklopih. V prvem sklopu so bili analizirani UN predmeta gospodinjstvo v tujini in Sloveniji. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da je gospodinjstvo v Sloveniji glede na druge analizirane države med vsebinsko bolj raznolikimi predmeti. V slovenski UN so vključene vsebine, ki se nanašajo na področja financ, tekstila, prehrane, doma in družine, okolja, potrošnje, zdravja in zdravega življenjskega sloga ter socialnih veščin. Kljub vsebinski raznolikosti je bilo zaznati vsebinski primanjkljaj na nekaterih področjih gospodinjstva. To so področja zdravja in dobrega počutja, prehransko področje, področje tekstila, okoljsko področje in področje doma, ki jih je treba dopolniti z identificiranimi manjkajočimi vsebinami. Med državami je bila zaznana razlika v starostnem obdobju učencev, v katerem poteka gospodinjsko izobraževanje. Slovenija je izmed 14 držav edina, ki izvaja predmet gospodinjstvo le v 5. in 6. razredu, ko so učenci stari od 10 do 12 let. Vse druge države izvajajo gospodinjsko izobraževanje tudi pred tem starostnim obdobjem in/ali po tem starostnem obdobju – do konca osnovnošolskega izobraževanja. Drugi sklop predstavlja stališča učiteljev, učencev in staršev o pomenu in uporabnosti gospodinjskega izobraževanja in opismenjevanja. Glavni izsledki kažejo, da imajo učitelji, učenci in starši pozitivna stališča do gospodinjskega izobraževanja in opismenjevanja. Po njihovem mnenju morajo učenci do konca osnovne šole usvojiti znanje in veščine na različnih področjih, vključenih v gospodinjsko izobraževanje. Te vsebine so povezane s financami, z okoljem, s potrošnjo, tekstilom, prehrano, z zdravjem in dobrim počutjem ter z zdravim življenjskim slogom, družino in domom. Prav tako pa naj bi po mnenju učiteljev, učencev in staršev v celotnem procesu gospodinjskega izobraževanja učenci razvijali socialne veščine. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da je učiteljem, učencem in staršem pomembno, da učenci med osnovnošolskim izobraževanjem usvojijo znanje predmeta gospodinjstvo. Prav tako zaznavajo prispevek gospodinjskega izobraževanja in opismenjevanja h kakovosti življenja posameznika, družin in družbe. V tretjem sklopu so predstavljeni oblikovani standardi GP, ki naj bi jih dosegli učenci pri gospodinjskem izobraževanju do konca osnovne šole za dvig kakovosti življenja. Standardi GP so bili oblikovani na osnovi rezultatov analize UN predmeta gospodinjstvo v tujini in Sloveniji ter ugotovljenih stališč učiteljev, učencev in staršev glede potreb po usvajanju znanja in veščin pri gospodinjskem izobraževanju oz. opismenjevanju. V teh dveh fazah raziskave so bila identificirana različna področja, ki so v tujini in Sloveniji vključena v gospodinjsko izobraževanje. Za namen oblikovanja standardov GP so bila najprej na novo oblikovana in definirana štiri vsebinska področja gospodinjstva s pripadajočimi vsebinami: finančno področje, področje tekstila, prehransko področje ter področje doma in družine. Vsa vsebinska področja gospodinjstva se povezujejo oz. se v njih integrirajo vidiki skrbi za zdravje in dobrega počutja, potrošnje, trajnostnega načina življenja in socialne veščine, katerih razvoj je treba spodbujati med celotnim gospodinjskim izobraževanjem. Vse opisano je prikazano v modelu vsebinske zasnove gospodinjskega izobraževanja s standardi GP. Standardi GP so bili uporabljeni za oblikovanje preizkusa znanja GP in gospodinjskega vedenja učencev. Četrti sklop predstavlja rezultate ravni usvojenega znanja GP in gospodinjskega vedenja učencev 6. in 9. razreda. Glavni izsledki raziskave kažejo, da 27,9 % vseh učencev 6. in 9. razreda dosega nezadostno ali zadostno raven znanja GP, 41,1 % učencev dosega dobro raven znanja in le 30,9 % učencev dosega prav dobro ali odlično raven znanja GP, pri čemer je treba izpostaviti, da odlično raven znanja GP dosega le 4,4 % učencev. Analiza rezultatov je pokazala, da ni statistično pomembnih razlik v ravni znanja GP glede na spol učencev in obiskovanje izbirnega predmeta s prehranskimi vsebinami. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da so razlike v ravni znanja GP glede na učni uspeh statistično pomembne. Pri učencih z zadostnim ali dobrim uspehom je raven znanja GP nižja kot med učenci z odličnim uspehom. Prav tako pa so statistično pomembne razlike v ravni znanja GP glede na razred; raven znanja GP je med učenci 6. razreda nižja kot med učenci 9. razreda. Del GP ni le znanje in veščine, ampak tudi vedenje, ki se je v raziskavi ugotavljalo kot pogostost učenčevega izvajanja različnih aktivnosti v domačem okolju. Izsledki raziskave so pokazali, da učenci v domačem okolju ne izvajajo pogosto aktivnosti, ki se nanašajo na GP. Dekleta statistično pomembno pogosteje izvajajo aktivnosti, ki se nanašajo na GP, kot fantje, prav tako pa tudi devetošolci statistično pomembno pogosteje izvajajo aktivnosti, ki se nanašajo na GP, kot šestošolci. Razlike v vedenju na področju GP glede na uspeh in obiskovanje izbirnega predmeta s prehranskimi vsebinami niso statistično pomembne. Peti sklop je bil namenjen obravnavi stališč njihovih staršev do gospodinjskega opismenjevanja in pogostosti vključevanja otroka v opravila na različnih področjih gospodinjstva v domačem okolju. Izsledki raziskave so pokazali, da je staršem ne glede na tip gospodinjstva in izobrazbo pomembno, da učenci pri predmetu gospodinjstvo usvojijo vsebine, ki se nanašajo na finančno področje, področje tekstila, prehransko področje ter področje doma in družine. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da med starši kmečkih oziroma nekmečkih gospodinjstev ni statistično pomembnih razlik v oceni pomembnosti učenčevega usvajanja vsebin finančnega področja, področja tekstila, prehranskega področja ter področja doma in družine. Glede na izobrazbo staršev pa je bilo ugotovljeno, da je višje izobraženim staršem statistično pomembnejše, da učenci pri pouku gospodinjstva usvojijo znanje in veščine s prehranskega področja, kot nižje izobraženim staršem. Na finančnem področju, področju tekstila ter področju doma in družine statistično pomembnih razlik ni bilo ugotovljenih. Izsledki raziskave so pokazali, da starši kmečkega gospodinjstva v povprečju statistično pomembno pogosteje vključujejo svojega otroka v različna opravila na področju tekstila kot starši nekmečkega gospodinjstva, na preostalih področjih gospodinjstva pa statistično pomembnih razlik ni. Glede na izobrazbo staršev pa statistično pomembnih razlik v pogostosti vključevanja otrok v opravila v domačem okolju ni bilo potrjenih pri nobenem izmed štirih področij gospodinjstva. V šestem sklopu so predstavljene razlike v ravni znanja učencev na posameznem področju gospodinjstva in GP glede na izobrazbo staršev, tip gospodinjstva, v katerem učenec živi, ter stališča staršev do gospodinjskega opismenjevanja in vključevanja otrok v gospodinjske aktivnosti v domačem okolju. Izsledki so pokazali, da učenci, katerih starši so višje izobraženi, dosegajo statistično pomembno višje povprečno število točk GP kot učenci staršev z nižjo izobrazbo, hkrati pa statistično pomembno višje povprečno število točk dosegajo tudi na finančnem področju, področju tekstila in na prehranskem področju. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da učenci iz nekmečkih gospodinjstev v povprečju dosegajo statistično pomembno višje povprečno število točk na vseh štirih področjih gospodinjstva in GP kot učenci iz kmečkih gospodinjstev. V raziskavi ni bilo ugotovljenih statistično pomembnih razlik v povprečni oceni pogostosti izvajanja različnih opravil učencev v domačem okolju na posameznih področjih gospodinjstva in GP glede na tip gospodinjstva in izobrazbo staršev. Na osnovi pridobljenih izsledkov raziskave in teoretičnih usmeritev je bil oblikovan vzgojno-izobraževalni model za gospodinjsko opismenjevanje in doseganje ustrezne GP. Vzgojno-izobraževalni model bo pripomogel k višji kakovosti gospodinjskega izobraževanja in opismenjevanja otrok v osnovnošolskem izobraževanju. Izsledki raziskave dopolnjujejo druge raziskave na področju gospodinjskega izobraževanja, saj raziskava, ki bi merila GP celostno in ne le po posameznih področjih gospodinjstva, na ravni osnovne šole v slovenskem prostoru še ni bila izvedena. Izsledki raziskave in v njej razvita modela predstavljajo znanstveni in aplikativni prispevek tudi na področju didaktike gospodinjskega izobraževanja. Izsledki raziskave se lahko uporabijo pri oblikovanju izobraževalne politike v Sloveniji. Rezultati predstavljajo pomembne podatke za utemeljeno vključevanje gospodinjstva v predmetnik osnovne šole, saj starši, učitelji in učenci izražajo potrebo po ustrezni GP, ki bi mladim ob koncu obveznega izobraževanja pomembno prispevala h kakovosti življenja. Vzgojno-izobraževalni model za gospodinjsko opismenjevanje in doseganje ustrezne GP poudarja potrebne elemente gospodinjskega izobraževanja, ki temeljijo na raziskovalnih ugotovitvah in poudarjajo pomen njihovega vključevanja v izobraževalni proces, katerega temeljni cilj je razvijanje odgovornega življenja posameznika v skrbi zase, družbo in za okolje.

Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-142588 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:128986883 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.11.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Home economics literacy of Slovenian primary school children
Rapid social, political and economic changes affect the composition of society that transforms over time. Social changes have a big impact on educational systems which have to be reformed in order to be adaptable and compatible with the challenges and problems of modern times. In society, many problems are discernible in different areas covered by the multidisciplinary concept of the discipline of home economics, which are interlinked and not homogeneous. With its multidisciplinary approach, the field of home economics education integrates knowledge from different disciplines and has an important role in addressing the problems of a changing society, which also reflect at the level of the family and the individual. The primary education process must ensure that pupils acquire the appropriate knowledge and skills needed to develop home economics literacy (HEL). Only individuals literate in home economics can improve the quality of their own lives by applying and transferring knowledge and skills to concrete everyday life situations, which in turn contributes to a better quality of life for the family and society. To achieve this, quality home economics education is needed, with objectives and curriculum content that reflect current social needs, taking into account the basic orientations and a common philosophy of the HE discipline. The empirical part of the doctoral dissertation presents a research study, which was designed on the basis of the stated research problem and five research questions and was carried out in four parts. The aim of the first part of the research was to define the content areas of home economics education on the basis of a content analysis of the curricula of the home economics subject or a comparable subject for primary education abroad and in Slovenia. The analysis included 17 curricula for the home economics subject and two other documents dealing with home economics education. The second part of the study sought to determine the views of teachers, pupils and parents on the importance and usefulness of home economics education and literacy. A Delphi methodological approach was used. The first round of the Delphi study involved 30 teachers, 34 9th grade pupils and 34 parents of 9th grade pupils. The second round of the Delphi study involved 16 teachers, 33 9th grade pupils and 29 parents of 9th grade pupils. In the third part of the study, HE literacy standards were developed based on the findings of the first and second parts of the study; they were used to design the HE literacy knowledge test. The content areas of the HE literacy were identified with their associated content. The aspects of HE that are included in all four content areas of the HE have also been defined. In the fourth part of the study, the level of HE literacy knowledge acquired and the pupils' HE literacy behaviour were tested by means of a knowledge test at the end of the 6th and 9th grades. 652 pupils in the 6th and 9th grades were included. Their parents' attitudes towards HE literacy and the frequency of their support for their child to get involved in tasks belonging to different home economics areas in their home environment were also investigated. 652 parents of pupils who participated in the HE literacy study were included. The results obtained from the study are presented in six thematic sets. The first set analyses the curricula of the subject of home economics abroad and in Slovenia. It was found that Slovenia has a more diverse range of subjects, when compared to the other countries analysed. The Slovenian curriculum includes content relating to finance, textiles, nutrition, home and family, environment, consumption, health and healthy lifestyles, and social skills. Despite the diversity of content, content deficit was perceived in some of the home economics areas. These are the areas of health and well-being, nutrition, textiles, environment and home, which need to be supplemented with the identified missing content. A difference between countries in the age range of pupils receiving HE education was perceived. Slovenia is the only one of the 14 countries that teaches the HE subject solely in 5th and 6th grades, when pupils are aged between 10 and 12 years. All the other countries provide home economics education before and/or after this age – until the end of primary education. The second set presents the views of teachers, pupils and parents on the importance and usefulness of home economics education and literacy. The main findings show that teachers, pupils and parents have positive attitudes towards home economics education and literacy. They believe that pupils should have acquired knowledge and skills in the different areas covered by home economics education by the end of primary school. The content of these areas is related to finance, environment, consumption, textiles, nutrition, health, well-being and healthy lifestyles, family and home. Teachers, pupils and parents also believe that throughout the whole process of home economics education, pupils should develop social skills. It was found that teachers, pupils and parents find it important that pupils acquire knowledge of the home economics subject during their primary education. They also acknowledge the contribution of home economics education and literacy to the quality of life of individuals, families and society. The third set presents the formulated HE literacy standards that pupils should achieve in their home economics education by the end of primary school in order to raise their quality of life. The HE literacy standards have been developed based on the results of the analysis of the home economics subject curriculum abroad and in Slovenia, and on the views of teachers, pupils and parents regarding the needs for the acquisition of knowledge and skills in home economics education or literacy. These two phases of the study identified the different areas that are included in home economics education abroad and in Slovenia. For the purpose of developing the HE literacy standards, four HE content areas were first redesigned and redefined with their associated content, namely finance, textiles, nutrition, and home and family. All the content areas of home economics interlink or integrate the following: the aspects of healthcare and well-being, consumption, sustainable lifestyles and social skills, the development of which should be promoted throughout the home economics education. All of the above is illustrated in the model for the content design of the home economics education with HE literacy standards. The HE literacy standards have been used to design the HE literacy knowledge test. The fourth set presents the results of the acquired level of HE literacy knowledge and HE-related behaviour of pupils in 6th and 9th grades. The main findings of the study show that 27.9% of all pupils in 6th and 9th grades achieve an unsatisfactory or sufficient level of HE literacy, 41.1% of pupils achieve a good level of knowledge and just 30.9% of pupils achieve a very good or excellent level of HE literacy knowledge, but emphasizing that only 4.4% achieved an excellent knowledge level of HE literacy. The analysis of the results shows that statistically significant differences in the level of HE literacy are not confirmed in reference to the gender of the pupils and their attendance of the elective subject. Differences in the level of HE literacy in reference to learning achievement were found to be statistically significant. The level of HE literacy is lower among pupils with sufficient or good achievement in comparison to pupils with excellent achievement. However, there are also statistically significant differences in the level of HE literacy by grade; the level of HE literacy is lower among 6th grade pupils than among 9th-graders. HE literacy includes not only knowledge and skills, but also behaviour, which the study measured as the frequency of different activities which pupils performed in their home environment. The results of the study show that pupils do not frequently perform activities related to HE literacy in their home environment. Girls are statistically significantly more likely to do HE literacy-related activities than boys, and 9th-graders are statistically significantly more likely to do HE literacy-related activities than 6th-graders. There are no statistically significant differences in HE literacy behaviour according to pupils’ achievement and their attendance of the elective subject. The fifth set focused on the parents' attitudes towards HE literacy and the frequency with which they involved their children in tasks in different home economics areas of their home environment. The results of the study show that, regardless of the type of household and educational background, parents consider it important for their children to learn content related to finance, textiles, nutrition and home and family issues in the subject of home economics. It was found in the study that there were no statistically significant differences between parents of farm and non-farm households in their assessment of the importance of pupils' learning in the areas of finance, textiles, nutrition and home and family. However, in terms of parental education, it was found that higher educated parents were statistically significantly more likely than lower educated parents to think that it was important for their children to acquire knowledge and skills in the area of food and nutrition during home economics lessons. No statistically significant differences were found in the areas of finance, textiles and home and family. The study results showed that, on average, parents from farm households were statistically significantly more likely to involve their child in various textile tasks than parents from non-farm households, while no statistically significant differences were found in the other areas of the home economics. No statistically significant differences in the frequency of children's involvement in domestic tasks were found in any of the four home economics areas in reference to the parents' educational background. The sixth set presents the differences in the level of pupils' knowledge in each area of home economics and HE literacy according to the parents' education, the type of household in which the pupil lives and the parents' attitudes towards HE literacy and their children's involvement in HE activities in their home environment. The results show that pupils whose parents have higher levels of education have statistically significantly higher mean HE literacy scores than pupils whose parents have lower levels of education, while they also have statistically significantly higher mean scores in the areas of finance, textiles and nutrition. On average, pupils from non-farm households were found to have statistically significantly higher mean scores in all four areas of home economics and HE literacy than pupils from farm households. The study found no statistically significant differences in the average estimate of the frequency of pupils' performing different tasks in their home environment in each area of the home economics and HE literacy, depending on the type of household and the education of the parents. Based on the results of the study and theoretical orientations, an educational model for HE literacy and achieving adequate HE literacy was developed. The educational model will contribute to a higher quality of home economics and HE literacy education for children in the primary level of education. The findings of this study complement other research in the field of home economics education, as there has been no research that would measure HE literacy comprehensively and not only by individual areas of literacy at the primary school level in Slovenia. The results of the study and the models developed in the study also represent a scientific and applied contribution to the didactics of home economics education. The results of the study can be used in the formulation of educational policy in Slovenia. The results provide important information for a well-founded integration of home economics into the primary school curriculum, as parents, teachers and pupils alike express the need of appropriate HE literacy which would make a significant contribution to the quality of life of young people at the end of compulsory education. The educational model for HE literacy education and the achievement of adequate HE literacy emphasises the necessary elements of HE education, based on research findings, and stresses the importance of integrating them into the educational process, the fundamental aim of which is to develop responsible living of individuals who take care of themselves, society and the environment.

Keywords:home economics

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