
Vključevanje učencev priseljencev v osnovno šolo
ID Podržaj, Tamara (Author), ID Ermenc, Klara S. (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrski nalogi pozornost posvečamo procesu vključevanja učencev priseljencev in razvoju medkulturnega dialoga na osnovni šoli. Za lažje sledenje obravnavani tematiki v teoretičnem delu sprva definiramo osnovne pojme, kot so večkulturalizem in medkulturalizem, učenci priseljenci, narodna manjšina ter prvi, drugi in vmesni jezik. V drugem poglavju opišemo zgodovino priseljevanja v Slovenijo po drugi svetovni vojni in predstavimo depriviligiran položaj pripadnikov narodov nekdanje SFRJ v Sloveniji. Tretje poglavje namenimo osvetlitvi konceptov integracije in inkluzije, opisu področij integracije in prezentaciji slovenske integracijske politike. V zadnjem poglavju predstavimo model medkulturne vzgoje in izobraževanja avtorice M. A. Vižintin. Model zaobsega sedem med seboj povezanih področij, ki prispevajo k učinkovitejši integraciji učencev priseljencev v osnovno šolo in vključuje vse sodelujoče v pedagoškem procesu. V empiričnem delu predstavljamo izsledke raziskave, v kateri smo preko intervjujev s štirimi strokovnimi delavci in tremi učenci priseljenci ter z analizo razvojnih dokumentov izbrane šole ugotavljali, v kolikšni meri intervjuvanci prepoznavajo šolsko večkulturnost in ali je le-ta izhodišče vzgojno-izobraževalnega dela. Zanimalo nas je, kako na šoli organizirajo pouk slovenščine kot drugega jezika, na kakšen način učencem priseljencem prilagajajo učni proces in ocenjevanje znanja ter kako prilagoditve načrtujejo. Raziskali smo, kakšnih možnosti dodatnega izobraževanja na področju vključevanja učencev priseljencev in razvijanja medkulturnosti se poslužujejo pedagoški delavci in kakšne so njihove izobraževalne potrebe. Ugotavljali smo, ali je po mnenju učiteljev medkulturnost v učnih načrtih in gradivih dovolj zastopana ter na kakšen način jo vključujejo v svoje delo. Zanimalo nas je tudi, kako na šoli poteka razvoj medkulturnega dialoga; na kakšen način šola spodbuja učenje maternih jezikov učencev priseljencev ter kako organizira medkulturne prireditve. Raziskali smo še, kako šola sodeluje s starši priseljenci in lokalno skupnostjo ter kakšne so po mnenju zaposlenih prednosti in pomanjkljivosti tovrstnega povezovanja.

Keywords:učenci priseljenci, vključevanje, medkulturna vzgoja in izobraževanje, medkulturni dialog, osnovna šola
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-142504 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.11.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Integration of immigrant students in primary school
The master's thesis depicts the process of integration of immigrant students and the development of intercultural dialogue in primary school. For comprehension purposes, the definitions of basic terms such as multiculturalism and interculturalism, immigrant students, national minority and first, second and pivot language are depicted in the theoretical part of the thesis. In the second chapter, the history of immigration to Slovenia after the Second World War is described and the underprivileged position of members of the nations of the former SFRY in Slovenia is presented. The third chapter highlights the concepts of integration and inclusion, describes the areas of integration and presents the Slovenian integration policy. In the last chapter, the model of intercultural education by M. A. Vižintin is introduced. The model encompasses seven interrelated areas that contribute to a more effective integration of immigrant students in primary school and includes all participants in the pedagogical process. In the empirical part, the results of the research are presented. Through interviewing four education staff and three immigrant students, and through the analysis of the development documents of the selected school, the extent to which the interviewees recognize multiculturalism at school and whether it is the starting point of educational work was established. Next, the school’s organization of the subject Slovenian as a second language, the way of adaption of the learning process and assessment of knowledge for immigrant students was studied, as well as the knowledge how those adaptions are outlined by the school itself. Pedagogues were asked what additional education options in the field of integrating immigrant students and developing interculturality are used and what the educational needs of immigrant students are. It was found whether, according to teachers, interculturality is sufficiently represented in the curricula and materials, and in what way it is included in their work. The thesis also covers the question of how the development of intercultural dialogue occurs at school; in what way does the school promote teaching native languages of immigrant students and how it organizes intercultural events. Lastly, the cooperation between school and immigrant parents and local community was examined, in which the employees were questioned about the advantages and disadvantages of this type of integration.

Keywords:immigrant students, integration, intercultural education, intercultural dialogue, primary school

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