
Analiza novosti v pravni ureditvi potrošniške prodajne pogodbe z ozirom na Direktivo (EU) 2019/771 : magistrsko diplomsko delo
ID Sever, Anja (Author), ID Možina, Damjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Področje varstva potrošnikov je že vrsto let predmet pravnega varstva na ravni EU. V ta namen so bile v EU sprejete številne direktive, katerih vsebino so države članice EU dolžne implementirati v svojo nacionalno zakonodajo, saj namreč le-te niso neposredno uporabljive. Direktiva (EU) 2019/771 o nekaterih vidikih pogodb za prodajo blaga spremembi Uredbe (EU) 2017/2394 in Direktive 2009/22/ES ter razveljavitvi Direktive 1999/44/ES na tem področju prinaša določene pomembne novosti v nekaterih vidikih potrošniških prodajnih pogodb, natančneje v sistemu obveznega jamčevanja v primeru neskladnosti blaga in prostovoljnih garancij, ki so namenjene predvsem dvigu stopnje varstva potrošnikov in odpravi ovir za notranji trg. Direktiva (EU) 2019/771 se v pravni red Republike Slovenije prenaša z novim Zakonom o varstvu potrošnikov (ZVPot-1), ki je bil sprejet 29. septembra 2022. Magistrsko diplomsko delo analizira novosti, ki jih v ureditev potrošniške prodajne pogodbe prinaša Direktiva (EU) 2019/771, jih primerja s prejšnjo ureditvijo v razveljavljeni Direktivi 1999/44/ES ter navaja razloge za sprejem tovrstnih novosti. Prav tako je v njem analiziran prenos Direktive (EU) 2019/771 v ZVPot-1 in morebitne druge novosti, ki jih na tem področju ZVPot-1, tudi v primerjavi s prej veljavnim Zakonom o varstvu potrošnikov (ZVPot).

Keywords:pravo EU, pravo varstva potrošnikov, potrošniška prodajna pogodba, obvezno jamčevanje v primeru neskladnost blaga s pogodbo, garancije
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Sever]
Number of pages:53 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-142462 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:131412739 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.11.2022
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Title:The analysis of novelties in the legal regime of the consumer sales agreement regarding the Directive (EU) 2019/771
Consumer protection has been a subject of regulation on the EU level for many years. For this purpose, EU has adopted a number of Directives, which EU member states are required to implement in their national legislation due to the fact that EU Directives are not directly applicable. Directive (EU) 2019/771 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 2019 on certain aspects concerning contracts for the sale of goods, amending Regulation (EU) 2017/2394 and Directive 2009/22/EC, and repealing Directive 1999/44/EC, brings certain important novelties in the field of consumer protection law, more specifically in the area of seller's mandatory liability for non-conformity of goods with the contract and voluntary guarantees, intended to significantly raise the level of consumer protection and to eliminate certain obstacles inhibiting the internal market. Directive (EU) 2019/771 has been implemented in the national legal order of Republic of Slovenia in the new Consumer Protection Act, which was adopted on 29 September 2022. This Master's thesis analyses the novelties, brought by the Directive (EU) 2019/771 in the legal regime of consumer sales contract, compares the novelties with the former legal regime in the repealed Directive 1999/44/EC, and states the reasons for their adoption, as well as analysing the implementation of Directive (EU) 2019/771 in the new Consumer Protection Act and other potential novelties in the new legislation, also in comparison with Consumer Protection Act formerly in force.

Keywords:EU law, consumer protection law, consumer sales contract, mandatory liability for non-conformity of goods, guarantees

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