
Fenotipske razlike med udomačenimi in divjimi sevi vrst rodov Saccharomyces in Hanseniaspora
ID Makše, Simona (Author), ID Čadež, Neža (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Petrovič, Uroš (Comentor)

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Udomačitev je proces, s katerim človek preko umetne selekcije in vzreje divjih vrst pride do novih, udomačenih vrst. Ključna značilnost udomačitve je prilagoditev fenotipa na ustvarjene okoljske niše na račun aktivnosti človeka in poudarjanje lastnosti, ki jih favorizira tako okolje. Z raziskavo smo želeli fenotipsko okarakterizirata dva rodova kvasovk, Saccharomyces in Hanseniaspora, in ugotoviti, ali izvor sevov iz naravnega oziroma okolja, na katerega vpliva človek, vpliva na njihov fenotip. Izolacija sevov rodu Saccharomyces je potekala na območju gozdnih sestojev na Koroškem, Gorenjskem in Primorskem, medtem ko smo seve rodu Hanseniaspora izolirali le v koroški regiji. Glavni vir sevov obeh rodov je predstavljalo hrastovo lubje. Iz gozda izolirani sevi rodu Saccharomyces so pripadali vrstam S. paradoxus, S. cerevisiae, S. jurei in S. kudriavzevii, iz rodu Hanseniaspora pa le vrstama H. osmophila in H. uvarum. Fenotipske teste smo opravljali na trdnih gojiščih inokuliranih s kartezičnim manipulatorjem in spremljali rast kolonij v realnem času. Iz teh podatkov smo določili relativne hitrosti rasti oziroma odpornost proti etanolu, ocetni kislini, mlečni kislini, etilfenolu, etilgvajakolu, bakru, sulfitu in maltozi. Omenjene dejavnike smo izbrali zaradi izpostavljenosti kvasovk takšnim pogojem med procesom alkoholne fermentacije in ob uporabi agrokemičnih sredstev v vinogradih. Udomačene seve so predstavljali sevi izolirani iz vinograda, oljčnika in sadja sadovnjakov, divje seve pa sevi izolirani iz gozda (npr. lubja dreves). Ugotovili smo, da so sevi rodu Saccharomyces med procesom udomačevanja pridobili povečano toleranco na baker in sulfit ter odpornost proti višjim koncentracijam etanola, etilgvajakola in mlečne kisline. Te lastnosti nakazujejo na prilagoditve na človekovo okolje. Pri rodu Hanseniaspora pa smo ugotovili le odpornost proti bakru, sulfitu in etilgvajakolu.

Keywords:divje kvasovke, udomačene kvasovke, fenotipske lastnosti, Saccharomyces, Hanseniaspora, kartezični manipulator, relativna stopnja rasti, inhibitorji rasti
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[S. Makše]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-142161 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:126814211 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.10.2022
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Title:Phenotypic differences between domesticated and wild strains of Saccharomyces and Hanseniaspora species
Domestication is a process of artificial selection and breeding of wild species to obtain new variants. A key feature of domestication is adaptation to the man-made environment. The aim of this study was to phenotypically characterise strains of Saccharomyces and Hanseniaspora species and to determine whether a wild or manmade environment as the origin of isolation had an effect on their phenotype. Phenotyping was performed on solid media using a Cartesian manipulator with realtime colony growth measurements. Using these data, we determined the relative growth rate on solid media with the addition of various growth inhibitors, such as ethanol, acetic acid, lactic acid, ethylphenol, ethyl guaiacol, copper, sulfite and maltose. We chose these factors because the yeasts are exposed to such conditions during alcoholic fermentation or spraying in the vineyard. Domesticated strains were represented by strains isolated from vineyards, olive trees and fruits, while wild strains were isolated from forests. Domesticated Saccharomyces strains exhibited increased tolerance to copper and sulfite and were resistant to higher concentrations of ethanol, acetic acid, lactic acid, and ethyl guaiacol. We detected increased tolerance to copper, sulfite, and ethylguaiacol in Hanseniaspora strains. The Hanseniaspora strains did not grow on other media. We also isolated wild strains of the Saccharomyces genus from forests in the Koroška, Gorenjska, and Primorska regions, while strains of the Hanseniaspora genus were isolated only in the Koroška region. The main source of isolates of both genera was oak bark. The strains of the genus Saccharomyces isolated from the forests belonged to the species S. paradoxus, S. cerevisiae, S. jurei and S. kudriavzevii. Of the genus Hanseniaspora, only the species H. osmophila and H. uvarum were isolated from the forest.

Keywords:wild yeasts, domesticated yeasts, phenotypic traits, Saccharomyces, Hanseniaspora, cartesian manipulator, relative growth rate, growth inhibitors

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