
Usklajevanje poklicnega in družinskega življenja vzgojiteljev predšolskih otrok
ID Gostiša, Vesna (Author), ID Berčnik, Sanja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/7422/ This link opens in a new window

Usklajevanje poklicnega in družinskega življenja je v zadnjem času izredno aktualna tematika. Delo prinaša mnogo ugodnosti in zagotovil, hkrati pa nas bremeni, tako psihično kot fizično. Ko si ustvarimo družino, se nam dinamika življenja spremeni. Vsakdan je ločen na dve pomembni sferi – delo in družino. Da lahko dobro opravljamo svoje službene obveznosti in hkrati skrbimo za svojo družino in gospodinjstvo, je treba te dve sferi usklajevati. To pa še zdaleč ni enostavno. V diplomskem delu sem se osredinila na poklic vzgojiteljice predšolskih otrok. Vzgojiteljice opravljajo izredno dinamično, aktivno in odgovorno delo. Ko vsak dan po končanem delu vstopijo v družinsko okolje, jih v vlogi mame in partnerke čaka še mnogo opravil in obveznosti. Vse skupaj je torej psihično in fizično zelo obremenjujoče, zato je treba dobro uskladiti poklicno in družinsko življenje. S pomočjo kvalitativne tehnike zbiranja podatkov sem izbrala šest vzgojiteljic, ki so mame predšolskim ali šolskim otrokom. Zbrane delavke sem intervjuvala in na koncu obdelala zbrane podatke in odgovore. Rezultati so pokazali, da se vzgojiteljice pri svojem delu redno srečujejo s psihičnimi in fizičnimi napori. Pogosto občutijo tudi stres in izčrpanost. Usklajevanje njihovega poklicnega in družinskega življenja jim prinaša mnogo izzivov. Največkrat so preutrujene, da bi po napornem delovniku doma svojim otrokom predale veliko kvalitetne energije in pozornosti. Hkrati čutijo tudi pritisk in krivdo, saj želijo biti dovolj dobre na obeh področjih. Pogosto jih bremenijo popoldanske službene obveznosti, zaradi katerih preživijo manj časa s svojimi otroki in družino. Rešitve za kvalitetno usklajevanje poklicnega in družinskega življenja vzgojiteljice vidijo predvsem v medsebojni pomoči doma in na delovnem mestu. V družinskem okolju veliko vlogo igra partner oziroma oče njihovih otrok, ki opravlja gospodinjska opravila in enakovredno sodeluje pri vzgoji in skrbi za otroke. Na delovnem mestu pa so sodelavci tisti, ki nudijo oporo in pomoč. Ključno je tudi vodstvo vrtca, ki poskrbi, da se delavci počutijo slišane, da se jim ugodi bolniške odsotnosti in razume izostanke s popoldanskih srečanj zaradi družinskih obveznosti. Hkrati lahko delavcem ponudi tudi možnost skrajšanega delovnega časa, ki pozitivno vpliva na družinsko življenje vzgojiteljic.

Keywords:usklajevanje poklicnega in družinskega življenja
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-142132 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:126417155 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.10.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Balancing work and family life for pre-school teachers
Balancing professional and family lives has recently been discussed in detail. Professional life brings a lot of benefits and assurance, while, at the same time, it can exact a heavy toll, both mentally and physically. Once we start a family, our pace of life changes. Our everyday is divided into two important spheres: work and family. In order to fulfil our professional tasks effectively and, at the same time, take care of our family and household, it is important to balance these two spheres. This, however, is far from simple. This paper focuses on preschool teachers. Preschool teachers fulfil extremely dynamic, active and responsible tasks. When they enter their family environment after work, they still have a lot of chores and responsibilities to carry out as mothers and partners. Altogether, this can exact a very heavy toll on them, both mentally and physically, which is why professional and family lives need to be balanced carefully. Using the qualitative data collection method, I selected six preschool teachers who are also mothers to preschool- or school-age children. The selected preschool teachers were interviewed, and their data and responses were processed afterwards. According to the results, preschool teachers regularly feel mentally and physically overwhelmed at work. They also experience stress and feel exhausted. They find balancing their professional and family lives extremely challenging. They are most frequently too tired after a stressful workday to pay enough quality attention to their children. They also feel pressured and guilty, because they want to be good enough in both spheres. They often feel under pressure due to afternoon work obligations, as this means that they spend less time with their children and family. They mainly see a solution to quality professional and family life balance in mutual help at home and in the workplace. In the family environment, partner or father of their children plays a significant role, as he carries out chores and participates in the upbringing of and care for their children equally. In the workplace, on the other hand, colleagues are those who offer support and assistance. Moreover, a key element is also preschool management, who ensure that their employees feel heard, that they are granted sick leave and that they can be excused from afternoon meetings due to family obligations. At the same time, preschool teachers can be offered the possibility of a part-time work schedule, which has a positive effect on their family lives.

Keywords:balancing of professional and family lives

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