
Ocena tveganja v proizvodnji medicinskih laserskih naprav
ID Lavrič, Miha (Author), ID Huč, Sabina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Ocena tveganja je ključni dokument in hkrati opravilo, ki ga mora podjetje izvesti, da delavcem omogoči varno in zdravo delo. Z redno revizijo tako tudi stalno preverja in izboljšuje trenutno stopnjo varnosti. Predpisana je tudi v zakonodaji, kar pa še ne pomeni, da jo vsa podjetja ustrezno izvedejo. Ocena tveganja mora vsebovati identifikacijo nevarnosti, ki se pojavljajo v podjetju, in določitev tveganj. Tveganja morajo biti razvrščena po kriterijih pomembnosti, na podlagi česar mora delodajalec določiti potrebne ukrepe in odgovorne osebe za izvedbo ukrepov. Določeno mora biti tudi, v kakšnem časovnem obdobju se morajo ukrepi izvesti. Za ukrepe, ki jih ni možno izvesti takoj, je potrebno določiti roke za njihovo izvedbo in odgovorne osebe, ki bodo ukrepe izvajale. Delovne inšpekcije redno zaznavajo nepravilnosti. Delodajalcem namreč kvalitetno izdelana ocena tveganja narekuje izvajanje ukrepov, za katere je pogosto potrebna investicija časa in financ. To podjetju kratkoročno prinaša izgubo, vendar je dolgoročno zelo pomembna, saj varno delovno mesto omogoča večjo produktivnost in manj bolniških odsotnosti zaradi nezgod. Pokaže pa se tudi večje zadovoljstvo delavcev; večji je občutek varnosti; delavci se čutijo bolj odgovorne in imajo večji občutek pripadnosti. Visok nivo varnosti je tudi velik pokazatelj kakovosti in poslovanja v podjetju. Zato sem se odločil, da izvedem oceno tveganja v proizvodnji podjetja, ki proizvaja medicinske laserske naprave. S tem sem preveril, kakšen je odnos delodajalca do varnosti in zdravja pri delu. Najprej sem popisal vsa delovna mesta in jih razčlenil v sorodne skupine za večjo preglednost. Nato sem vsako skupino podrobno analiziral in zabeležil vsa tveganja, ki se v njej pojavljajo. Za vsako tveganje sem ugotovil kritičnost in jo tudi številčno predstavil s pomočjo metode Kinney-Wiruth. Glede na kritičnost tveganj sem tudi predlagal ukrepe za najbolj temeljito zmanjšanje ukrepov. Rezultate sem primerjal z obstoječo oceno tveganja in opazil znatne razlike. Pomembnejši ukrepi so bili potrebni predvsem na področju ergonomije in varnosti pri delu z elektriko ter laserskega sevanja. V splošnem je videti, da podjetje zagotavlja relativno veliko pozornosti varnosti in zdravju pri delu.

Keywords:Ocena tveganja, medicinske laserske naprave, metoda Kinney - Wiruth
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-142088 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:134078979 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.10.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Risk assessment in the production of medical laser devices
A risk assessment is a key document and, at the same time, a task that a company must carry out to enable workers to work safely and healthily. It also constantly checks and improves the current level of safety with regular audits. It is also prescribed in the legislation, which does not mean that all companies implement it properly. The risk assessment must include the identification of hazards occurring in the company and the determination of risks. Risks must be classified according to the importance of criteria based on which the employer must determine the necessary measures and the persons responsible for the implementation of the measures. It must also be specified in what period the measures must be implemented. For measures that cannot be implemented immediately, deadlines for their implementation and responsible persons who will implement the measures must be determined. Labor inspections regularly detect irregularities. Namely, a quality risk assessment dictates to employers the implementation of measures that often require an investment of time and money. This brings a loss to the company in the short term. However, it is very important in the long term because a safe workplace allows for greater productivity and less sick leave due to accidents. It also shows greater employee satisfaction, a greater sense of security, and workers feel more responsible and belong. A high level of safety is also a great indicator of the quality and business of the company. Therefore, I decided to carry out a risk assessment in the production of a company that produces medical laser devices. Thus, I checked what the employer's attitude is towards safety and health at work. First, I listed all the jobs and broke them down into related groups for greater transparency. Then, I analyzed each group in detail and recorded all the risks that occur in it. I determined the criticality of each risk and presented it numerically using the Kinney-Wiruth method. Considering the criticality of the risks, I have also proposed measures for the most thorough reduction of the measures. I compared the results with the existing risk assessment and noticed significant differences. More important measures were needed, especially in the field of ergonomics and safety when working with electricity and laser radiation. In general, it appears that the company pays relatively high attention to safety and health at work.

Keywords:Risk assessment, medical laser devices, Kinney - Wiruth method

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