
Primerjava razmerij izokinetičnih navorov z razmerji tenziomiografskih parametrov mišic kolena pri zdravih mladih odraslih : magistrsko delo
ID Hrastnik, Ajda (Author), ID Kacin, Alan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Weber, Daša (Comentor), ID Voglar, Matej (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Izokinetična dinamometrija predstavlja zlati standard merjenja mehaničnih lastnosti hotene mišične kontrakcije, s katero ovrednotimo mišično zmogljivost. Izokinetični dinamometer posreduje podatke o mišični jakosti ter razmerjih med antagonističnimi mišicami v opazovanem sklepu. Neravnovesje med mišicami fleksorji in ekstenzorji kolena lahko privede do večjega tveganja za poškodbo sklepa. Poleg hotene mišične kontrakcije lahko merimo tudi nehoteno. To je kontrakcija mišice, ki je izzvana z refleksom na nateg ali zunanjo električno stimulacijo. Merimo jo z različnimi metodami, mednje spadajo magnetna resonanca, elektromiografija ter mehanomiografija. Ena izmed mehanomiografskih metod, ki se uporablja za ocenjevanje kontraktilnih lastnosti mišic, je tenziomiografija. Veljavnost razmerij med antagonističnimi mišicami kolena, izmerjenimi s tenziomiografijo, do danes ni bila raziskana. Namen: Na vzorcu mladih odraslih primerjati konvencionalna in funkcionalna izokinetična razmerja navorov fleksorjev in ekstenzorjev kolena, izmerjena z izokinetično dinamometrijo z razmerji časovnih in amplitudnih parametrov tenziomiografije. Metode dela: V raziskavi je sodelovalo 30 zdravih preiskovancev (15 žensk in 15 moških), ki smo jim s tenziomiografijo (TMG) izmerili časovne (čas zakasnitve, Td in čas kontrakcije, Tc) in amplitudne parametre kontraktilnost fleksorjev in ekstenzorjev kolena in iz njih izračunali različna razmerja. Nato smo z dinamometrom izmerili največje izokinetične koncentrične in ekscentrične navore pri treh različnih kotnih hitrostih (60°/s, 180°/s in 240°/s), iz njih izračunali konvencionalna in funkcionalna razmerja in jih korelirali s TMG-razmerji. Rezultati: Obstaja zmerna negativna povezava med funkcionalnim izokinetičnim razmerjem mišic kolena pri 180°/s in TcFL/TcEKST (r = –0,465) ter TcBF/TcEKST (r = –0,468). Šibka negativna povezava obstaja tudi med funkcionalnim izokinetičnim razmerjem mišic kolena pri 240°/s in TcFL/TcEKST (r = –0,366) ter TcBF/TcEKST (r = –0,408). Poleg tega obstaja tudi šibka negativna povezava (r = –0,397) med konvencionalnim izokinetičnim razmerjem ekstenzorjev in fleksorjev kolena pri 60°/s ter razmerjem TdFL/TdEKST. Razprava in zaključek: Korelacijski koeficienti med opazovanimi razmerji mišic kolena so bili večinoma neznačilni in nizki; zaznali smo le nekaj posameznih šibkih do zmernih povezav, zato ugotavljamo, da razmerja nehotene mišične kontraktilnosti, izračunana iz TMG-parametrov, v splošnem slabo napovedujejo razmerja mišičnih navorov pri hotenem gibanju. Potrebne so nadaljnje visokokakovostne raziskave veljavnosti razmerji TMG-parametrov antagonističnih mišičnih skupin kolena.

Keywords:magistrska dela, fizioterapija, izokinetična dinamometrija, tenziomiografija, korelacija, razmerja, TMG
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Hrastnik]
Number of pages:41 str., [23] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-142012 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:126110211 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.10.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Comparison of isokinetic torque ratios and tensiomyographic parameters ratios of knee muscles in healthy young adults : master thesis
Introduction: Isokinetic dynamometry is a gold standard for measuring the mechanical properties of voluntary muscle contraction. It is used to evaluate muscle performance. The isokinetic dynamometer provides data on muscle strength and the relationship between antagonistic muscles in the observed joint. An imbalance between the knee flexors and extensors can lead to a greater risk of injury to the joint. In addition to voluntary muscle contraction, we can also measure involuntary contraction. This is a muscle contraction that is triggered by a stretch reflex or external electrical stimulation. It is measured by different methods, including magnetic resonance, electromyography and mechanomyography. One of the mechanomyographic methods used to assess the contractile properties of muscles is tensiomyography. The validity of the relationships between antagonistic knee muscles measured with tensiomyography has not yet been investigated. Purpose: In a sample of young adults, conventional and functional isokinetic torque ratios between knee flexors and extensors measured with isokinetic dynamometry were compared with the ratios between time and amplitude parameters of tensiomyography. Methods: 30 healthy volunteers (15 women and 15 men) participated in the study. We measured the time (delay time, Td and contraction time, Tc) and amplitude parameters of the contractility of the knee flexors and extensors with tensiomyography (TMG) and thus calculated different ratios. We then measured the maximum isokinetic concentric and eccentric torques with a dynamometer at three different angular velocities (60°/s, 180°/s and 240°/s), calculated conventional and functional ratios and correlated them with the TMG ratios. Results: There is a moderate negative correlation between the functional isokinetic ratio of the knee muscles at 180°/s and TcFL/TcEKST (r=-0,465) and TcBF/TcEKST (r=-0,468). A weak negative correlation also exists between the functional isokinetic ratio of the knee muscles at 240°/s and TcFL/TcEKST (r=-0,366) and TcBF/TcEKST (r=-0,408). In addition, there is also a weak negative correlation (r=-0,397) between the conventional isokinetic ratio of the knee extensors and flexors at 60°/s and TdFL/TdEKST. Discussion and conclusion: The correlation coefficients between the observed knee muscle ratios were mostly non-significant and low; we detected only a few significant weak to moderate associations. We conclude that involuntary muscle contractility ratios calculated from TMG parameters are generally poor predictors of torque ratios achieved during voluntary movement. Further high quality studies on the validity of TMG parameter relationships of antagonistic knee muscle groups are needed.

Keywords:master's theses, physiotherapy, isokinetic dynamometry, tensiomyography, correlation, ratios, TMG

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