
Populistično komuniciranje in spol na primeru evropske begunske krize med letoma 2015 in 2018 : doktorska disertacija
ID Fabijan, Emanuela (Author), ID Pajnik, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Disertacija obravnava populistične manifestacije spola v političnem in medijskem komuniciranju na primeru evropske begunske krize. Z aplikacijo analize okvirjanja so bile analizirane razprave politikov_čark na sejah Državnega zbora RS o izbrani zakonodaji in komentarji novinarjev_k v dnevnih časopisih (Delo, Dnevnik, Večer, Slovenske novice). Operacionalizacija populizma temelji na analizi treh dimenzij, ključnih za merjenje populizma: čaščenje ljudstva, protielitizem in Drugost. Ideološke perspektive bistveno zaznamujejo narativno strukturo populizma. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da levi populizem begunke in begunce prišteva med ljudstvo, ki je v antagonistični relaciji do političnih elit, saj sprožajo vojaške spopade, kršijo pravice begunk, begunskih otrok in beguncev, so od slednjih odtujene ter manipulirajo volivce. Levemu populizmu ljudstvo predstavlja entiteto, ki presega diferenciacijo na podlagi državljanstva in verske pripadnosti, medtem ko desni populizem ljudstvo koncipira kot nacionalno skupnost, ki zajema slovenski narod s slovensko kulturo in krščanskimi temelji ter je del širše »evropske kulture« in »zahodne civilizacije«. Desni populizem gradi na dihotomni relaciji med ljudstvom (kamor umešča predvsem slovenske državljanke in državljane) ter migranti, predvsem moškimi islamske vere, ki sestavljajo uniformno skupino, utemeljeno na varnostnem tveganju; ogrožanju »našega naroda«, kulture in civilizacije; ekonomski škodi; nevarnosti za enakopravnost spolov in demografskem izzivu. Desni populizem se torej najbolj naslanja na reproduciranje populističnega antagonizma Drugost in na čaščenje slovenskega ljudstva, v primerjavi z levim populizmom, ki se v večini opira na protielitizem. V populističnem okvirjanju v razpravah politikov_čark in komentarjih novinarjev_k je mogoče zaznati usklajenost. Obe skupini, kolikor aplicirata populizem, okvirjata moške migrante skozi perspektivo teroristične, seksualne oziroma splošne varnostne grožnje za Slovenke, Evropejke ter Slovenijo in Evropo nasploh ter pozivata k zaščiti pravic žensk kot »evropskih« oziroma »zahodnih vrednot«, zagotavljanju javne varnosti z restrikcijami azilne zakonodaje in krepitvijo nadzora meja. V primarni antagonistični relaciji med ljudstvom in elitami spol ne igra tako pomembne vloge kot v odnosu med ljudstvom in Drugimi, kar nakazuje, da je vprašanje spola za populizem sekundarno orodje, ki služi nativistični agendi.

Keywords:Populizem, politični populizem, medijski populizem, spol, parlamentarne razprave, novinarski komentarji.
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[E. Fabijan]
Number of pages:212 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-141965 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:126309123 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.10.2022
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Title:Populist Communication and Gender in the Case of the European Refugee Crisis from 2015 to 2018
This dissertation deals with populist manifestations of gender in political and media communication in the case of the European refugee crisis. Discussions of politicians at the National Assembly's sessions on selected legislation and journalistic commentaries from daily newspapers (Delo, Dnevnik, Večer, Slovenske novice) are analysed by applying frame analysis. The operationalisation of populism is based on the analysis of three dimensions that are crucial for measuring populism: people-centrism, anti-elitism and Othering. Ideological perspectives significantly mark the narrative structure of populism. Research findings have shown that left-wing populism considers refugee women and men as the people in an antagonistic relationship with the political elites; the latter trigger military conflicts, violate the rights of refugee women, men, and children, are alienated from them and manipulate voters. For left-wing populism, the people represent an entity that transcends differentiations on the basis of citizenship and religious affiliation, while right-wing populism views the people as a national community, which encompasses the Slovenian nation with Slovenian culture and Christian foundations and is part of a broader «European culture» and «Western civilisation». Right-wing populism builds on a dichotomous relation between the people (which in this case includes Slovenian female and male citizens) and migrants, especially Muslim male migrants, who represent a uniform group, based on security risks; endangering «our nation», culture and civilisation; economic damage; threats to gender equality and a demographic challenge. Right-wing populism therefore relies largely on the reproduction of the populist antagonism of Othering and on the worship of the Slovenian people, compared to left-wing populism, which mostly builds on anti-elitism. Coherence of populist framing is present in the discussions of politicians and commentaries of journalists. Both groups, when they apply populism, frame migrant men through a perspective of a terrorist, sexual or general security threat to Slovenian and European women, and Slovenia and Europe in general, and call for the protection of women's rights as »European» or «Western values» and ensuring public security by restrictions of asylum legislation and strengthening border control. In the primary antagonistic relation between the people and the elites, gender does not play such an important role as in the relationship between the people and the Others, which suggests that the question of gender is a secondary tool for populism that serves a nativist agenda.

Keywords:Populism, political populism, media populism, gender, parliamentary debates, journalistic commentaries.

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