
Vpliv povečane uporabe razkužil na površinah javnih objektov na bakterijsko odpornost : magistrsko delo
ID Avsec, Manca (Author), ID Godič Torkar, Karmen (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Fink, Rok (Reviewer)

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MD5: F882C2F6B00D53C7793E44144C3F6CB4

Uvod: Razkuževanje je postopek, s katerim uničimo mikroorganizme do stopnje, ko ne morejo povzročiti okužb. Pri tem lahko uporabimo namenske pripravke s kemijskimi substancami s protimikrobnim delovanjem – razkužila. S (pre)pogosto, napačno in nekontrolirano uporabo razkužil se lahko povečuje njihova koncentracija v okolju, ki lahko vpliva na razvoj obrambnih mehanizmov ter odpornosti bakterij. Razkuževanje je z letom 2020 zaradi omejevanja širjenja virusa SARS-CoV-2 (koronavirus) postalo del vsakdana. Razkužujemo površine, ki se jih uporabniki pogosto dotikajo, in tudi roke predvsem pred vstopom v javne objekte. Zaradi nenehne uporabe in izpostavljanja razkužilom med pandemijo je velika verjetnost, da se je odpornost bakterij proti njim v okolju pogosteje pojavljala in tudi prenašala. Namen: Preučiti, ali se je delež proti razkužilom odpornih bakterij, prisotnih na javnih površinah in na koži ljudi, povečal zaradi intenzivnejše uporabe razkužil. Metode dela: Opazovali smo navade uporabnikov glede uporabe razkužil na javnih mestih. Bakterijske seve za testiranje smo vzorčili na javnih površinah in na rokah prostovoljcev. Identificirali smo jih z morfološkimi in biokemijskimi testi. Bakterijsko odpornost proti razkužilom smo ugotavljali z difuzijsko metodo z diski in mikrodilucijsko metodo. Rezultati: Ob vstopu v javne prostore si je ob razkužilni postaji manj kot 50 % uporabnikov razkužilo roke. Največje število bakterij je bilo občutljivih na razkužila, katerih glavne sestavine so bile kvartarne amonijeve spojine (razkužilo A), vodikov peroksid in alkohol (razkužilo C) in vodikov peroksid z bigvanidom (razkužilo F). Pri teh razkužilih smo ugotovili v povprečju največje inhibicijske cone. Najbolj odporne so bile bakterije, osamljene iz razkužilnih doz, zlasti predstavniki rodu Bacillus. Najmanj odporni so bili sevi stafilokokov in mikrokokov. Razprava in zaključek: Uporabniki eno leto po prvem valu epidemije v Sloveniji rok ne razkužujejo redno, kar je lahko posledica dalj trajajoče izpostavljenosti nevarnosti okužbe. Višje skupno število aerobnih mezofilnih bakterij smo ugotovili na površinah, ki niso v stiku z razkužili. Največ bakterij, ki so bile odporne proti testiranim razkužilom, smo osamili iz razkužilnih doz. Tam so bakterije najintenzivneje izpostavljene razkužilom in na njih nimajo vpliva uporabniki, ki si rok ne razkužujejo. Bakterije so bile bolj občutljive za delovanje razkužil, ki vsebujejo več različnih vrst aktivnih komponent.

Keywords:magistrska dela, sanitarno inženirstvo, razkužila, antiseptiki, COVID-19, odporne bakterije
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Avsec]
Number of pages:75 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-141934 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:125223427 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.10.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Effect of increased use of disinfectants on the surfaces of public facilities on bacterial resistance : master thesis
Introduction: Disinfection is a process that destroys microorganisms to the point where they are unable to cause infections. We can use special preparations with chemical substances with antimicrobial action – disinfectants. With frequent, incorrect, and uncontrolled use of disinfectants, their concentration in the environment can increase and can affect the development of defence mechanisms and resistance in bacteria. In 2020, due to limiting the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 (coronavirus) virus, disinfection became a part of everyday life. We disinfect surfaces that users often touch and our hands, especially before entering public facilities. Due to the possible rapid adaptation of bacteria to environmental pressures, the public should take great care when disinfecting. Otherwise, we may be unsuccessful in our work or even contribute to the development of resistance. Purpose: To examine whether the proportion of disinfectant-resistant bacteria present in public areas and on people's skin has increased due to the more intensive use of disinfectants. Methods: We observed users' habits of using disinfectants in public places. Bacterial strains for testing were sampled on public surfaces and on volunteers' hands. We identified them with morphological and biochemical tests. Bacterial resistance against disinfectants was determined using the disk diffusion method and the microdilution method. Results: Less than 50% of users disinfected their hands upon entry and exit at disinfection stations in public places. The largest number of bacteria were most sensitive to disinfectants whose main active ingredients were quaternary ammonium acids (disinfectant A), hydrogen peroxide with alcohol (disinfectant C), and hydrogen peroxide with alcohol and biguanide (disinfectant F). We found the largest average inhibition zones with these disinfectants. The most resistant bacteria were the ones isolated from disinfectant doses, especially members of the genus Bacillus. The least resistant were strains of the genera Staphylococcus and Micrococcus. Discussion and conclusion: One year after the first wave of the epidemic in Slovenia, users no longer regularly disinfect their hands, which may be the result of prolonged exposure to the risk of infection. The highest total number of aerobic mesophilic bacteria was found on surfaces not in contact with disinfectants. Most of the bacteria that were resistant to the tested disinfectants were isolated from the disinfectant doses. There, the bacteria are most intensively exposed to disinfectants and are not affected by users who do not disinfect their hands. The bacteria were more sensitive to the action of disinfectants containing several different types of active components.

Keywords:master's theses, sanitary engineering, disinfectants, antiseptics, COVID-19, resistant bacteria

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