
Evalvacija in predlog prenove kataloga znanja za geografijo za program srednje strokovno izobraževanje
ID Kokošar, Matic (Author), ID Resnik Planinc, Tatjana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo podaja evalvacijo trenutno veljavnega Kataloga znanja za geografijo za program srednje strokovno izobraževanje (SSI) ter iz ugotovitev izpeljan predlog njegovih sprememb. Veljavni Katalog znanja ni bil posodobljen že 15 let, zato ne preseneča ugotovitev, da je z vidika učnih ciljev, razvijanja kompetenc, sposobnosti in veščin ter učnih vsebin zastarel in na nekaterih delih neprimeren. V predlogu njegove prenove smo tako odstranili vse dele, ki se nam zdijo neprimerni, celoten Katalog znanja pa strukturno prenovili ter nadgradili. Odstranjene dele smo nadomestili z novo vsebino. Nadalje smo v šolskem okolju večkrat izvedli učno uro, oblikovano po predlogu prenove kataloga znanja, in jo s pomočjo ankete primerjali z učnimi urami z enako učno temo, ki smo jih izvedli po veljavnem Katalogu znanja. Rezultati ankete so pokazali, da so dijaki pri učni uri, izpeljani po veljavnem Katalogu znanja, pridobili več faktografskega znanja, medtem ko so dijaki, ki so bili prisotni pri učni uri, izpeljani po predlogu prenove kataloga znanja, pokazali precej več konceptualnega, proceduralnega ter metakognitivnega znanja.

Keywords:Katalog znanja za geografijo, predlog prenove, srednje strokovno izobraževanje, didaktika geografije
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-141852 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.10.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Evaluation and renovation proposal for Geography curriculum for the secondary professional education programme
This thesis deals with the issue of geography curriculum for the secondary vocational education program (SSI) and a proposal for its changes derived from the findings. The valid curriculum has not been updated for 15 years, so it is not surprising to find that it is outdated and, in some parts, inappropriate, especially from the perspective of learning goals, development of competences, abilities and skills, as well as in the learning content. In the Proposal for the renewal of the curriculum, we thus removed all the parts that we consider inappropriate, and the entire curriculum was structurally renovated and upgraded. The removed components were later replaced with new content. Furthermore, in the school environment, we conducted several lessons in the school environment designed according to the proposal for the renewal of the curriculum and, with help of a survey, compared it with lessons with the same learning topic, which we conducted according to the valid curriculum. The results of the survey showed that students performed much better in the presentation of factual knowledge from the lesson derived from the valid curriculum. On the other hand, the students who were present at the lesson conducted according to the Proposal for the renewal of the knowledge catalog demonstrated a wider conceptual, procedural and metacognitive knowledge.

Keywords:Geography curriculum for the secondary professional education programme, renovation proposal, secondary professional education, didactics of geography.

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