
Urbanistični izzivi Škofje Loke
ID Hafner, David (Author), ID Rebernik, Dejan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Osnovni namen magistrskega dela je preučiti izbrane urbanistične izzive, s katerimi se srečuje mesto Škofja Loka. Gre za degradirana urbana območja, ki so potrebna ustrezne revitalizacije. V prvem delu je predstavljen zgodovinski razvoj industrije v Škofji Loki in zgodovinsko ozadje preučevanih objektov ter lokacij. V nadaljevanju sledi analiza današnjega stanja in razlaga, zakaj in kako je prišlo do nastale situacije. V zadnjem delu se nahajajo predlogi, kako bi jih lahko ustrezno in uspešno revitalizirali. Na obrobju dobro ohranjenega srednjeveškega središča Škofje Loke, so se pojavila območja, ki so zaradi decentralizacije industrije zapuščena. Danes se zaradi konfliktov o uporabi in nevzdrževanja počasi spreminjajo v degradirana urbana območja.

Keywords:Decentralizacija, degradirana urbana območja, razvoj industrije, revitalizacija, Škofja Loka.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-141850 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.10.2022
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Title:Urban challenges of Škofja Loka
The main aim of the master thesis is to study selected urban challenges facing the town of Škofja Loka. These are deprived urban areas that need proper revitalization. The first part presents the historical development of industry in Škofja Loka and the historical background of the studied facilities and locations. The following part is an analysis of the current situation and explanation of why and how the situation arose. In the last part, there are suggestions on how to revitalize them properly and successfully. On the outskirts of the well-preserved medieval centre of Škofja Loka, areas have emerged that have been abandoned due to the decentralization of industry. Today, due to conflicts over use and non-maintenance, they are slowly turning into brownfields.

Keywords:Decentralization, brownfields, industrial development, revitalization, Škofja Loka.

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