
Joga kot komplementarni pristop pri delu z učenci z avtističnimi motnjami
ID Krančan, Nika (Author), ID Lipec Stopar, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Bezenšek, Ana (Comentor)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/7407/ This link opens in a new window

Avtistične motnje so najhitreje naraščajoča skupina razvojnih motenj, za katere so značilne kvalitativne abnormnosti v vzajemnih socialnih interakcijah in vzorcih komunikacije ter utesnjen, stereotipen, ponavljajoč se repertoar interesov in aktivnosti. Ob naraščanju števila otrok z AM se starši, pedagoški delavci in drugi strokovnjaki soočajo z izzivi nudenja ustrezne podpore ter pomoči posameznikom z AM. V zadnjem času postaja joga tema interesa komplementarne oz. dopolnilne intervencije in dodatne podpore učencem z AM. Joga je način vadbe, s katero vplivamo na telo, dihanje in duševnost, da lahko delujejo v ravnovesju. Njen namen je doseganje notranjega miru, ki je neodvisen od notranjih in zunanjih pritiskov. Raziskave joge in njenih učinkov na posameznike z AM so omejene, vendar le-te kažejo na vrsto koristi. Joga je lahko učinkovita za učence z AM predvsem zato, ker ponuja rutino, strukturo in minimaliziranje motečih dražljajev, kar ustvarja varno okolje za učenje. Ker v slovenskem prostoru še ni raziskav, ki bi obravnavale jogo kot učinkovito komplementarno obravnavo učencem z AM, smo na podlagi pregleda ugotovitev dostopnih raziskav in prebrane literature oblikovali program joge, ki sledi potrebam učencem z AM. To pomeni, da program zajema vaje joge, ki spodbujajo razvoj področij primanjkljajev oseb z AM, tj. socialno vedenje, prilagoditveno vedenje in pozornost, prav tako pa upošteva didaktično-metodične prilagoditve za delo z omenjeno populacijo. Oblikovan program smo individualizirali potrebam izbranega učenca in preverili njegovo učinkovitost v desetih srečanjih. Nato smo oblikovan program joge evalvirali in ga skušali predstaviti učiteljem joge, ki ne poznajo značilnosti učencev z AM, kot tudi specialnim in rehabilitacijskim pedagogom, ki nimajo toliko izkušenj z jogo. Raziskava tako predstavlja opisan primer možnosti za enakovredno vključevanje učencev z AM v programe joge. Ugotovili smo, da je strukturirano okolje joge, ki vključuje petje manter, dihalne tehnike, vadbo asan in globoko sprostitev, vplivalo na nekatere glavne simptome AM. Opazili smo, da so k napredku socialnega vedenja, prilagoditvenega vedenja in pozornosti pripomogle predvsem prilagoditve, ki so izhajale iz uveljavljenih načinov poučevanja učencev z AM. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da je napredek na področjih primanjkljajev AM potekal sočasno. Učenec je dosegel znatne spremembe socialnega vedenja na področju govora, delitve interesov in čustev, prilagoditve vedenja socialnim okoliščinam, očesnega kontakta, uporabe obrazne mimike, motiviranosti izven specifičnega interesa ter razumevanja pohval. Velik napredek prilagoditvenega vedenja je dosegel na področju stresa ob spremembah, stresa v novih socialnih interakcijah, prehodov med dejavnostmi, samostimulirajočega vedenja, umirjenosti ob neistosti in na področju odsotnosti ponavljanja fraz. Znatne spremembe pozornosti pa je učenec dosegel na področju inhibicije, vztrajnosti, sledenja navodilom in dokončanja nalog, vzdrževanja pozornosti, osredotočenosti na celoto, sledenja dogajanju ter na področju osredotočenosti na bistvo.

Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-141771 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:124717827 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.10.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Yoga as a complementary approach to work with students with autism spectrum disorder
Autistic disorders are the fastest growing group of developmental disorders characterised by qualitative abnormalities in reciprocal social interactions and communication patterns and a restricted, stereotyped, repetitive repertoire of interests and activities. As the number of children with ASD increases, parents, educators, and other professionals face the challenges of providing adequate support and assistance to individuals with ASD. Recently, yoga has become a topic of interest for complementary or supplementary interventions and additional support for pupils with ASD. Yoga is a way of exercise with which we influence the body, breathing, and mind so that they can work in balance. Its purpose is to achieve inner peace independent of internal and external pressure. Research on yoga and its effects on individuals with ASD is limited, but it suggests various benefits. Yoga can be effective for students with ASD primarily because it provides routine and structure, and minimises distracting stimuli, which creates a safe learning environment. Since there is no research in Slovenia that would consider yoga as an effective complementary treatment for students with ASD, a yoga programme that follows the needs of students with ASD was designed based on a review of the available research and read literature. Therefore, our programme includes yoga exercises that promote the development of deficit areas of people with ASD, i.e. social behaviour, and adaptive behaviour and attention. It also considers didactical-methodical adaptations for working with the mentioned population. The programme was individually designed for the needs of a selected student. Its effectiveness was checked after ten meetings. The designed yoga programme was then evaluated and presented to yoga teachers who do not know the characteristics of students with ASD, and special and rehabilitation pedagogues who do not have as much experience with yoga. The research thus presents a described example of possibilities for equal inclusion of students with ASD in yoga programmes. It was found that a structured yoga environment involving chanting mantras, breathing techniques, asana practice, and deep relaxation influenced some of the main symptoms of ASD. It was noticed that the progress of social behaviour, adaptive behaviour and attention was mainly helped by the adaptations from the established methods of teaching students with ASD. The survey results showed that progress in the areas of ASD deficits occurred simultaneously. The student achieved significant changes in social behaviour of speech, sharing of interests and emotions, behaviour adaptation to social circumstances, eye contact, use of facial expressions, motivation beyond a specific interest, and understanding of praise. Significant progress in adaptive behaviour has been achieved in the area of stress due to change, the stress in new social interactions, transitions between activities, self-stimulating behaviour, calmness when feeling uncertain, and in the absence of repeating phrases. The student achieved significant changes in attention in the area of inhibition, persistence, following instructions and completing tasks, maintaining attention, focusing on the whole, following what is happening, and focusing on the basics.


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