
Opazovanje in spoznavanje ptic v okolju vrtca
ID Fugger, Lea (Author), ID Kos, Marjanca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/7403/ This link opens in a new window

Ptice so del vsakodnevnega življenja otrok. Prav zato sem se odločila, da v diplomski nalogi raziščem predstave otrok o pticah, kakšen je odnos otrok do teh živali in na podlagi podanih odgovorov otrok zasnovala dejavnosti, ob katerih bi otroci aktivno in izkustveno spoznavali ptice, njihove značilnosti in tako vplivala na oblikovanje pozitivnega odnos do teh živali. Izvedli smo kvazi eksperiment z eksperimentalno in kontrolno skupino. Z otroki iz eksperimentalne skupine, starih od tri do štiri leta, smo izvedli projekt spoznavanje in opazovanje ptic, kjer so z aktivnim učenjem spoznavali različne vrste ptic in njihove lastnosti. Spoznali smo piščanca, kokoši in telesne značilnosti ptic, opazovali smo ptice v njihovem naravnem okolju in tako spoznavali življenje različnih vrst. Spoznali smo, kako se ptice razvijajo in izležejo iz jajca, pri tem pa smo si ogledali zgradbo jajca ter kokošje jajce primerjali z jajci drugih ptic. Spoznavali in raziskovali smo, zakaj ptice izdelujejo gnezda in iz česa so sestavljena. Izdelali smo ptičjo gnezdilnico za ptice, saj smo spoznali, da ljudje izdelujejo ptičje gnezdilnice zaradi pomanjkanja dupel oz. prostora za vzrejo zaroda. Pred projektom in po njem smo izvedli individualne intervjuje, tako z otroki eksperimentalne skupine kot tudi z otroki iz kontrolne skupine, kjer smo lahko primerjali odgovore otrok, ki so bili vključeni v projekt, in otrok, ki niso bili. Na podlagi danih odgovorov otrok smo lahko ugotavljali, ali so izvedene dejavnosti vplivale na znanje otrok o pticah, predvsem pa na odnos do teh živali. Pridobljene rezultate smo obdelali kvantitativno ter jih prikazali v obliki grafov. Ugotovili smo, da so bile začetne predstave otrok o pticah in njihovem življenju večinoma površne ali napačne. Po izvedenih dejavnostih v eksperimentalni skupini pa je večina otrok razvila ustrezne predstave. Če pa primerjamo rezultate otrok iz kontrolne skupine, pa je razvidno, da so imele izvedene dejavnosti pomemben vpliv na razumevanje in poznavanje lastnosti ptic. Na podlagi teh ugotovitev zaključujem, da je potrebno otrokom že v predšolskem obdobju omogočiti priložnosti spoznavanja in opazovanja ptic, kajti z neposrednimi izkušnjami in stikom z naravo otrok gradi prve korake k pozitivnemu odnosu do narave ter spoznavanju pomena ohranjanja narave ter prevzgajanju novih in boljših pogojev življenja tako ptic kot ljudi.

Keywords:predšolski otroci
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-141767 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:124630275 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.10.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Observing and learning about birds in the kindergarten enviroment
Birds are part of a child's everyday life, that’s why I decided to research, in my paper, children’s perceptions of birds and children’s relation to these animals. Based on the results given by children, I developed activities during which children could actively and experientially familiarize themselves with birds and their characteristics. With this the shaping of a positive relationship to these animals was developed. A quasi experiment was performed with an experimental and control group. With the first group, consisting of children aged three to four, we conducted a project of observing and familiarizing ourselves with birds. Through active learning they learned of different types of birds and their characteristics. We introduced a chicken chick and the bodily characteristics of birds. We observed birds in their natural habitats and, by doing so, explored the lives of different types. We learned how birds develop and hatch, researched the constituents of eggs and compared a hen egg to those of other birds. We discovered and researched why birds create nests and what materials are used. We built a bird nesting box, due to the finding that people create them, due to a lack of hollows or areas for raising their young. Pre and post project we conducted individual interviews, with children from both the experimental and control group. The answers between the children included into the experiment and those could not be compared to see, if the performed activities affected children’s knowledge of, and especially, relationship towards birds. The received results were processed quantitatively and presented in the shape of graphs. It was found out that the beginning perceptions about birds and their lives were mostly insufficient or incorrect. Post the activities, the children in the experimental group developed correct perceptions. Compared to the results of the children from the control group we also find that the performed activities had an important influence on the understanding and familiarity on the characters of birds. Based on these finding, it can be concluded that already in the preschool period it must be enabled that children encounter and observe birds. With these direct experiences and contact with nature a child builds their first steps towards a positive relationship with nature. Additionally, they discover the importance of nature conservation and the changes towards better and new circumstances for both birds and people.

Keywords:preschool children

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