
Trendi migracij rokometašev in rokometašic v obdobju 2010–2020 : magistrsko delo
ID Vončina, Tanja (Author), ID Bon, Marta (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Migracije športnikov so eden najpomembnejših vidikov v globalnem razvoju modernega športa. Tudi v rokometu spremljamo intenzivni razvoj in spremenjene modele migracij. Osnovni namen našega raziskovanja je bil ugotavljati trende migracij rokometašev in rokometašic v Sloveniji za obdobje med letoma 2010 in 2020. Uporabili smo uradne podatke o prestopih igralcev, ki jih beleži RZS; podatki so bili obdelani s statističnim programom SPSS. Ugotavljali smo frekvence, odstotke in trende. Skupno beležimo 598 prestopov, od tega 418 (69,90 %) moških in 180 (29,93 %) ženskih; v Slovenijo je bilo izvedenih 290 prestopov (48,5 %) in iz Slovenije 308 (51,5 %). Rezultati kažejo še, da je trend migracij slovenskih rokometašev in rokometašic v omenjenem obdobju naraščajoč. Za prvi prestop v tujino so se igralci odločali povprečno pri 23 letih. Povprečno v tujini igralci zamenjajo dva kluba. Največ migracij se beleži znotraj EU – rokometaši največ migrirajo v Francijo, Avstrijo in Nemčijo, rokometašice pa v Nemčijo in Francijo. Velik delež (skoraj 70 %) tujih rokometašev in rokometašic v Slovenijo prihaja iz držav nekdanje Socialistične federativne republike Jugoslavije, a se delež v zadnjih letih zmanjšuje. Med prestopi v Slovenijo se pojavljajo tudi državljani izven EU (na primer iz Avstralije, Turčije, Švice). Ključne ugotovitve našega raziskovanja so, da je trend migracij v slovenskem rokometu naraščajoč in da se starostna meja migrantov v rokometu znižuje, v tujino odhajajo celo igralci, mlajši od 18 let. Predvsem pa je ključna ugotovitev, da v zadnjem obdobju beležimo naraščajoč delež prestopov Slovenk in Slovencev v tujino. Podatek potrjuje tezo o dobrem strokovnem delu oziroma o vzgoji velikega števila talentov in kvalitetnih igralcev, ki so zanimivi tudi za najboljše tuje klube. Intenzivnost migracij ima veliko pozitivnih učinkov in prednosti; ima pa tudi nekatere omejitve in slabosti. Predlagali bi nadaljnje raziskovanje vidikov migracij v slovenskem rokometu.

Keywords:rokomet, migracije, trendi migracij, športne migracije
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-141752 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:125755395 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.10.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Migration trends of handball players in the period 2010-2020
The migration of athletes is one of the most important aspects in the global development of modern sports. In handball we are monitoring intensive development and changed patterns of migration. The basic purpose of our research was to determine the migration trends of male and female handball players from and in Slovenia for the period between 2010 and 2020. We used official data on player transfers recorded by the RZS; the data were processed with the SPSS statistical program. We determined frequencies, percentages and trends. We recorded a total of 598 transfers, of which 418 (69.90%) were men and 180 (29.93%) were women; 290 (48,5%) transfers were made to Slovenia and 308 (51.5%) from Slovenia. The results also show that the trend of migration of Slovenian handball players in the mentioned period is increasing. On average, players decided to move abroad for the first time at the age of 23. On average, players change two clubs abroad. Most migration is recorded within the EU - men mostly migrate to France, Austria and Germany; women to Germany and France. A large share (almost 70%) of foreign handball players are coming to Slovenia from the countries of the ex Socialist federal republic of Yugoslavia, but the share has been decreasing in recent years. Citizens from outside the EU (for example Australia, Turkey, Switzerland) also appear during transfers to Slovenia. The key findings of our research are that the trend of migration in Slovenian handball is increasing and that the age limit for migrants in handball is decreasing, even players under the age of 18 are going abroad. Above all, the key finding is that in the last period we have been recording an increasing share of Slovene men and women moving abroad. The data confirms the thesis about good professional training, or about the training of a large number of talents and quality players, who are also interesting for the best foreign clubs. The intensity of migration has many positive effects and advantages; but there are also some limitations and weaknesses. We would suggest further research into aspects of migration in Slovenian handball.

Keywords:handball, migration, migration trends, sports migration

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