
Varnostni vidiki e-uprave – analiza nevarnosti napadov z lažnim predstavljanjem : diplomsko delo
ID Černe, Žan (Author), ID Dečman, Mitja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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S hitrim razvojem interneta je vprašanje o kibernetski varnosti vse bolj pomembno. Že danes se organizacije javnega in zasebnega sektorja srečujejo s številnimi kibernetskimi napadi in težavami, ki jih ti prinašajo. V diplomskem delu se poleg osnovnih tehnologij in kibernetske varnosti osredotočamo tudi na pomen varovanja tajnih in osebnih podatkov v javnem sektorju. Bolj specifično, diplomsko delo zajema podrobnejšo analizo napada z lažnim predstavljanjem, kjer napadalec s pomočjo pretveze žrtev prepriča v legitimnost sporočila in s tem pridobi dostop do podatkov ali računalniške opreme. Glavni cilji diplomskega dela so razumevanje in analiza kibernetske varnosti, napadov in možne zaščite, ki so obravnavani s pomočjo literature, in razvoj ter razumevanje delovanja programske opreme za napad z lažnim predstavljanjem. Programska oprema je bila razvita s pomočjo tehnološkega sklada MEAN, ki vsebuje tehnologije, kot so MongoDB, ExpressJS, Angular in NodeJS. Ugotovili smo, da je ključni element varnosti še vedno človek sam in je zato izobraževanje o kibernetski varnosti ključnega pomena za ohranjanje organizacije varne pred kibernetskimi grožnjami. Spoznali smo tudi, da je napad z lažnim predstavljanjem tehnično manj zahteven od nekaterih drugih vrst kibernetskih napadov, a ravno tako učinkovit. Ob vse večji uporabi in dostopnosti interneta se povečujejo možnosti za omenjeni napad. S pridobljenim znanjem smo ustvarili tudi izobraževalno gradivo v obliki videoposnetka, ki predstavlja nekatere glavne vrste napadov in načine obrambe. S pomočjo razvoja in raziskave programske opreme ter na podlagi literature smo prikazali in opisali probleme kibernetske varnosti, ki odpirajo nova raziskovalna vprašanja.

Keywords:kibernetska varnost, javna uprava, napad z lažnim predstavljanjem, zlonamerna elektronska pošta
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[Ž. Černe]
Number of pages:X, 57 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-141735 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:132303107 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.10.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Security aspects of e-government – the analysis of security breaches using phishing attacks
With the rapid development of the internet, the issue of cyber security is becoming increasingly important. Today public and private sector organisations are confronted with numerous cyber-attacks and the problems they bring. In this thesis, we focus on the importance of protecting classified and personal data in the public sector, in addition to the underlying technologies and cyber security. More specifically, the thesis covers a more detailed analysis of phishing attacks, where an attacker uses different techniques to convince the victim of the legitimacy of a message and thereby gain access to data or computer equipment. The main objectives of the thesis are to understand and analyse cyber security, cyber-attacks and possible defences as discussed in the literature, and to develop and understand how phishing attack software works. The software was developed using the MEAN technology stack, which contains technologies such as MongoDB, ExpressJS, Angular and NodeJS. We have found that the key element of security and keeping an organization safe is the human factor and therefore cyber security education is a key to keeping an organisation safe from cyber threats. We also learned that phishing attacks are technically less challenging than some other types of cyber-attacks but just as effective. With the increasing use and accessibility of the internet, the potential for such attacks is increasing. We have also used this knowledge to create an educational video that presents some of the main types of attacks and how to defend against them. Through software development, research, and based on the literature, we have illustrated and described cyber security problems that raise new research questions for the future.

Keywords:cyber security, public administration, phishing attack, malicious emails

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