
Pot k deinstitucionalizaciji življenja oseb z motnjo v duševnem razvoju
ID Doberlet, Tina (Author), ID Kroflič, Robert (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu obravnavam proces deinstitucionalizacije v povezavi z življenjem oseb z motnjo v duševnem razvoju, ki so vključene v Center za usposabljanje, delo in varstvo Matevža Langusa v Radovljici. V teoretičnem delu je pozornost najprej usmerjena v obravnavo oseb z motnjo v duševnem razvoju. V nadaljevanju je obravnavana zgodovina deinstitucionalizacijskih procesov, ki so se v svetu pričeli z antipsihiatričnim gibanjem ter s spoznanjem, da je za ljudi s posebnimi potrebami možno uspešno poskrbeti tudi v skupnosti in ne zgolj v zaprtih ter segregiranih totalnih ustanovah, ki kljub deklarirani skrbi in negi ne zagotavljajo temeljnih človekovih pravic. Prav tako predstavim delovanje institucij, predvsem socialnovarstvenih zavodov, katerih del je CUDV Matevža Langusa. Za samo obravnavno problematiko pozornost v teoretičnem uvodu namenim tudi uporabniškim gibanjem ter vpeljavi osebne asistence, ki so pomembno posegli na področje obravnave oseb s hendikepom. V ta namen predstavim še teoretske koncepte deinstitucionalizacije, ki vključujejo diskurze nezmožnosti, hendikep, medicinski ter socialni model obravnave, normalizacijo ter inkluzivne diskurze. V empiričnem delu s pomočjo polstrukturiranih intervjujev, ki so bili izvedeni z direktorico, člani strokovne skupine, zaposlenimi na oddelkih ter vodji bivalnih enot, želim ugotoviti, kakšno je razumevanje koncepta deinstitucionalizacije, kako so se samega procesa lotili v obravnavani instituciji, kako vidijo delo strokovne skupine za deinstitucionalizacijo ter s kakšnimi izzivi se pri tem soočajo. Na podlagi izsledkov poskušam predstaviti poglede in odnos zaposlenih do deinstitucionalizacije, vpeljavo procesa skozi čas, fokus pa nameniti delu strokovne skupine, ki je v namen deinstitucionalizacije oblikovala smernice za vse programe, ki jih izvaja institucija. Zanima me, kako so se lotili pisanja smernic, kaj so pri svojem delu zaznali kot pomanjkljivost, prednost ter izziv. Prav tako me je zanimalo, ali so pozornost namenili evalvaciji vpeljave smernic ter v kakšni meri so smernice namenjene za uporabnike, ki potrebujejo več nege in pomoči. Skozi pogovor z zaposlenimi v centru ter vodji bivalnih enot pa sem spoznala, kako oni doživljajo deinstitucionalizacijo, kje vidijo morebitne dodatne možnosti, kjer bi se življenje uporabnikov lahko dodatno izboljšalo, kako zaznavajo delo strokovne skupine in kar je najpomembnejše – kako gledajo in ocenjujejo prisotnost institucionalne kulture, kljub prizadevanjem za deinstitucionalizirano življenje uporabnikov.

Keywords:deinstitucionalizacija, osebe z motnjo v duševnem razvoju, institucionalna kultura, normalizacija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-141723 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.10.2022
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Title:The path towards deinstitutionalization kind of life for people with intellectual disabilities
In my master's thesis, I discuss the process of deinstitutionalization in connection with the lives of persons with intellectual disabilities, who are included in the Matevž Langus Training, Work and Care Center in Radovljica. In the theoretical part, attention is first directed to the treatment of persons with intellectual disabilities. In the following, the history of deinstitutionalization processes is discussed, which started with the anti-psychiatric movement and with the realization that it is possible to successfully care for people with special needs in the community and not only in closed and segregated total institutions, which, despite the declared care, they do not guarantee fundamental human rights. I also present the functioning of institutions, especially social welfare institutions, of which CUDV Matevž Langus is also a part. In the theoretical part, I pay attention to user movements and the introduction of personal assistance, which have had a significant impact on the treatment of people with disabilities. For this purpose, I also present the theoretical concepts of deinstitutionalization, which include discourses of incapacity, handicap, medical and social models of treatment, normalization and inclusive discourses. In the empirical part, with the help of semi-structured interviews, which were conducted with the director, members of the expert group, employees of the departments and heads of residential units, I want to find out what is the understanding of the concept of deinstitutionalization, how they tackled the process itself in the institution, how they see the work of expert group and what challenges they face in doing so. On the basis of the findings, I try to present the views and attitudes of employees towards deinstitutionalization, the implementation of the process over time, and focus on the work of the expert group, which formulated guidelines for all programs implemented by the institution for the purpose of deinstitutionalization. I am interested in how their work started, how they created the guidelines, what they perceived as a shortcoming, an advantage and a challenge in their work. I was also interested in whether they paid attention to the evaluation of the implementation of the guidelines and to what extent the guidelines are intended for users who need more care and assistance. Through the conversation with the employees of the center and the managers of the residential units, I learned how they experience deinstitutionalization, where they see possible additional possibilities, where the lives of users could be further improved, how they perceive the work of the professional group and, most importantly, how they view and evaluate the presence of institutional culture, despite efforts to deinstitutionalize users' lives.

Keywords:deinstitutionalization, persons with intellectual disabilities, institutional culture, normalization.

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