The right to abortion is one of the women's fundamental rights. In Slovenia, women are allowed to exercise this right, which certain groups oppose. In this paper, the historical background of the legalisation of abortion is presented, with an emphasis on the area of Slovenia during socialism. In addition, the attitude of the Catholic Church towards the socialist state and towards abortion is also shown. Slovenia has a long tradition of opposing the right to abortion. In the last thirty years, it was possible to detect an increase in discussions about abortion. The discourse analysis is based on Foucault's understanding of discourse as something that is directly tied to and dependent on institutions. In this part, texts with anti-abortion content are analyzed, namely papal documents, newspaper and scientific articles, and articles on websites. In the following, the emphasis is on the connection between the institution of the Catholic Church and the Pro-life Movement association, which defends traditional Christian values and refers especially to the Bible. The connection between various anti-abortion organizations is also visible in the organization of the March for Life, in which representatives of the Catholic Church, members of civil society organizations, and members of right-wing political parties participate.