
Prekarno delo na Filozofski fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani : zaključno delo
ID Hriberšek, Gašper (Author), ID Kovačič, Gorazd (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Prekarno delo predstavlja vse tiste oblike zaposlitev, pri katerih je za delavca vseprisotna socialna, ekonomska in preživetvena negotovost, ki jo spremljajo nizko plačilo, neredne ali kratkotrajne zaposlitve in slabši delovnopravni status. Te oblike zaposlitev velikokrat zapadejo v območje pravne nezakonitosti, saj so kršena določila delovne zakonodaje. S prihodom gospodarske, ekonomske in finančne krize leta 2008 so se v Republiki Sloveniji pospešeno sprejeli varčevalni ukrepi, ki so v javnem sektorju privedli do hitrega upokojevanja starejših sodelavcev in zamrznitve zaposlovanja. Posledično je zaradi tega nastala potreba po novem kadru, ki so ga bile fakultete primorane zaposliti s pomočjo avtorskih pogodb po fiksnih, vnaprej določenih honorarjih. Po plačilu vseh stroškov in davkov samozaposlenih ti honorarji ne dosegajo niti minimalne neto plače. Podobno je kriza zmanjšala količino denarja, ki je bil namenjen raziskovalni dejavnosti. To je privedlo do veriženja delovnih pogodb, velikokrat tudi z nižanjem odstotka obsega dela. Na fakulteti so se določeni delavci znašli v prekarni situaciji. Njihov socialni status je postal negotov, odvisen od uspešnosti kandidiranja na projektih. Raziskava je bila izvedena z namenom ugotavljanja stanja prekarnega dela na Filozofski fakulteti. Preko intervjujev z vodstvom in sindikatom na fakulteti je bil pridobljen uvid v razumevanje problematike, odnos vodstva do prekarnega dela ter aktivnosti sindikata pri prepoznavanju in reševanju tega problema. S pogovori pa se je poskušalo dobiti vpogled v razumevanje prekarnega dela na fakulteti med zaposlenimi in prekarnimi delavci.

Keywords:prekarno delo, filozofska fakulteta, raziskovalci, honorarno delo
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[G. Hriberšek]
Number of pages:74 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-141715 This link opens in a new window
UDC:331.102.12:378Filozofska fak.(043.2)
COBISS.SI-ID:133380867 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.10.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Precarious work at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana
Precarious work represents all those forms of employment in which the workers experience social, economic and survival uncertainty accompanied by low pay, irregular or short-term employment, and poorer labour status. These forms of employment often fall within the scope of illegality, as the provisions of labour laws are violated. Due to the economic and financial crisis in 2008, the Republic of Slovenia started to take austerity measures at an accelerated pace, which in the public sector led to the rapid retirement of older employees and the freezing of the proces of employing new people. This resulted in the need for new staff that the faculties were forced to hire through copyright contracts at fixed predetermined fees which, after paying all the costs and taxes of the self-employed, do not reach the minimum net wage. Similarly, the crisis reduced the amount of funds allocated for research activities, which led to the chaining of employment contracts, often by lowering the percentage of workload. At the faculty, certain employees found themselves in a situation of precarious employment; their social status is uncertain, dependent on their success of applying for projects. This study was conducted in order to determine the state of precarious work at the Faculty of Arts. Through interviews with the management and the trade union at the Faculty, I gained insight into understanding of the issue and the attitude towards precarious work by the management, as well as insight into the union's activities in identifying and resolving this problem. Through conversations with employees, an attempt was made to gain insight into the understanding of precarious work at the faculty by the employees and precarious workers.

Keywords:precarious work, Faculty of Arts, researchers, work on contract

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