
Analiza deleža žensk na vodilnih položajih v športnih organizacijah : magistrsko delo
ID Jakob, Janja (Author), ID Bon, Marta (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 599C06D3D0A6BD49DFB105C04D89DD47

Vprašanje enakih možnosti spolov za uveljavljanje na delovnih mestih je prisotno že vrsto let, tudi v športu. Namen našega raziskovanja je bil ugotavljanje zastopanosti žensk na vodilnih položajih ter možnosti uveljavljanja žensk v slovenskih športnih organizacijah. Zbiranje podatkov je potekalo v okviru Olimpijskega komiteja Slovenije, ki je anketo prek svojih članic razposlal vsem športnim organizacijam v Sloveniji. Anketo so izpolnjevali delavci v športu na vseh ravneh, med njimi so prevladovali moški, največ anketiranih je opravljalo funkcijo predsednika in največ jih je prihajalo iz Osrednjeslovenske regije. V anketo so bila zajeta vprašanja o stanju zastopanosti spolov v športnih organizacijah, o enakih možnostih za doseganje vodilnih položajev in o ukrepih za enakost spolov. Skoraj polovica preizkušancev poroča, da v njihovi športni organizaciji prevladujejo moški. Na osnovi rezultatov ugotavljamo, da je delež žensk na vodilnih položajih v športnih organizacijah manjši glede na moške ter da ženske prejemajo nižja plačila za podobna dela. Skoraj vsi moški anketiranci menijo, da so moški in ženske enakopravno obravnavani, s trditvijo se večinsko strinjajo tudi ženske. Večina predstavnikov športnih organizacij meni, da je področje enakosti dobro urejeno in ne potrebujemo ukrepov za uravnavanje enakosti med spoloma. Ukrepe, ki se že izvajajo, so ocenili kot nepomembne. V organizacijah, kjer predlagajo spremembe, pa predlagajo uvedbo obveznih ženskih kvot na vodilnih položajih in uvedbo komisije za enakost spolov v posameznih športnih organizacijah. Navesti je treba omejitve študije, in sicer, da so anketo izpolnjevali v večini moški in pa ženske, ki že delujejo na vodstvenih položajih, zato verjamemo, da oni elementov neenakopravne obravnave ne zaznavajo tako, kot bi jih verjetno tisti, ki niso na vodstvenih položajih. Natančneje bi bilo treba opredeliti vodstvene funkcije v športu, prostovoljno delo ter bolj razmejiti vprašanja o enakih možnostih (enako plačilo za enako delo, napredovanje, izobraževanje, zasedanje vodstvenih položajev ipd.). To je treba upoštevati pri nadaljnjem raziskovanju področja. Dobili pa smo pomemben vpogled v stanje na področju enakih možnosti, ki naj služi za strateške ukrepe na področju enakih možnostih v športu in družbi.

Keywords:neenakost, spol, ženske, šport, vodstvo
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-141712 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:125554179 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.10.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of proportion of women occupying leading positions in sports organizations
The dilemma surrounding equal opportunities for both genders to occupy certain workplace positions has been present for a number of years, including in sports. The aim of our research was to determine the proportion of women occupying leading positions and their opportunities to establish themselves in Slovenian sports organisations. Research data were collected with the help of the Slovenian Olympic Committee, which sent out our survey through its members to all sports organisations in Slovenia. The survey was filled in by sports workers on all levels, among which prevailed men, the majority assumed the role of a president and most of them came from central Slovenia. The survey included questions about the current proportion of genders in sports organisations, equal opportunities to occupy leading positions and the measures to ensure gender equality. Almost a half of the respondents state that men prevail in their sports organisation. Based on these results, we determine that the proportion of women occupying leading positions in sports organisations is lower than that of men and that women receive lower pay for fulfilling similar tasks than men. Almost all male respondents believe that men and women are treated equally, and the majority of women agree with this statement, too. Most of sports organisation representatives think that gender equality is guaranteed and that no measures to regulate gender equality are required. The measures already adopted were estimated as not relevant. However, in organisations where changes were advocated, the introduction of mandatory female quota on leading positions and the introduction of a gender equality committee in individual sports organisations were recommended. It is essential, nonetheless, to list restrictions of this study, i.e. the survey was mainly filled in by men and women already occupying leading positions, and one can believe that they do not perceive inequal treatment the same way as those not occupying leading positions would. In addition, it would be necessary to determine in more detail leading functions in sports and voluntary work, and to breakdown questions on equal opportunities (equal pay for fulfilling the same tasks, promotion, training, occupying leading positions, etc.). This has to be considered in further research of this field. All in all, we still gained an important insight into the current situation of equal opportunities, which should serve as basis to develop strategic measures to guarantee equal opportunities in sports and society in general.

Keywords:inequality, gender, women, sport, leadership

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