
Razvoj trdnih disperzij z iztiskanjem talin z uporabo fizikalnega vrednotenja, teoretičnih modelov ter simulacije procesa
ID Pučko, Taj (Author), ID German Ilić, Ilija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Jakasanovski, Ognen (Comentor)

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Tehnologija iztiskanja talin je v farmaciji vse bolj uporabljena za izboljšanje hitrosti raztapljanja v vodi slabo topnih učinkovin. Z iztiskanjem talin želimo učinkovino amorfizirati in dispergirati v polimernem nosilcu ter preprečiti njeno ponovno kristalizacijo. Doseganje slednjega je v veliki meri odvisno od termodinamskih in fizikalnih lastnosti vhodnih snovi, razmerja učinkovine in polimera v formulaciji ter procesnih nastavitev pri samem procesu iztiskanja talin. Optimiziranje procesnih spremenljivk iztiskanja talin z ekstruderjem je časovno in materialno potraten proces. Zato smo v nalogi pristopili k iztiskanju talin z obširno predhodno analizo vhodnih snovi, izdelavo faznih diagramov in programsko simulacijo procesa. S tem pristopom povečujemo uspešnost eksperimentov iztiskanja in zmanjšamo količino porabljenih snovi. Prav tako smo z validacijskimi potrditvenimi poskusi ocenili, v kolikšni meri se na uporabljene teoretične modele in simulacije lahko zanesemo. Obravnavali smo dve modelni učinkovini, nifedipin in kandesartan cileksetil, v dveh različnih polimernih nosilcih, Kollidon® VA64 in Soluplus®. Sposobnost mešanja in topnost sta lastnosti, ki nam pomagata pri napovedovanju kompatibilnosti in stabilnosti izbranih učinkovin in polimerov, ki tvorijo amorfno disperzijo. Te lastnosti opisuje interakcijski parameter teoretičnega modela Flory-Huggins, ki smo ga ocenili pri dveh različnih temperaturah in izdelali fazne diagrame. Na podlagi teh smo se odločali o masnem razmerju učinkovine in polimera v formulaciji za iztiskanje talin. Izbranim razmerjem učinkovine in polimera smo določili reološke lastnosti in s tem ocenili tudi primerno območje temperature cevi. Nato smo lahko s simulacijskim programom Ludovic® simulirali eksperimentalni načrt poskusov in proučili odnose med procesnimi nastavitvami in njihov vpliv na spremenljivke. S pomočjo eksperimentalnega načrta smo na podlagi s simulacijami pridobljenih rezultatov razvili modele, ki nazorno prikazujejo vpliv parametrov procesa iztiskanja talin znotraj proučevanega območja na ključne procesne spremenljivke (temperatura, tlak, navor, itd.). Na podlagi pridobljenih rezultatov fizikalnih lastnosti, izračunanih teoretičnih enačb in izvedenih simulacij procesa smo naredili potrditvene poskuse iztiskanja talin. Dobljene iztiskance smo analizirali z dinamično diferenčno kalorimetrijo in rentgensko praškovno difrakcijo ter dobljene rezultate primerjali z vrednostmi, ki smo jih napovedali s teoretičnim modelom topnosti. Na podlagi preprostih predhodnih meritev, teoretičnih modelov in simulacij procesa menimo, da lahko z zadostno visoko zanesljivostjo odločamo o sestavi zmesi za pripravo amorfne trdne disperzije ter določimo parametre iztiskanja talin, ki zagotavljajo robusten proces izdelave ter ustrezne procesne pogoje za tvorbo amorfne trdne disperzije.

Keywords:tehnologija iztiskanja vročih talin, simulacija, reologija talin, Flory-Huggins, eksperimentalni načrt
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-141634 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.10.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Development of solid dispersions with holt-melt extrusion using physical characterization, theoretical models and process simulation
Hot-melt extrusion is a technology, which is increasingly in use in production of pharmaceuticals to improve water dissolution rate of poorly soluble drugs. Aim of hot-melt extrusion is to amorphize and disperse drug substance in polymer carrier and prevent its recrystallization. Achieving such outcome, depends on thermodynamic and physical properties of used substances, ratio of a drug and polymer in formulation, and process settings at extrusion process. To optimize process variables of melt extrusion with an extruder can be a time and material consuming process. Therefore, the aim of this work is to approach the extrusion process with an extensive preliminary analysis of input materials, construction of their phase diagrams and in silico simulation, using simulating program. With the approach like this, in vivo extrusion experiments lead to more successful outcomes and reduce the amount of material used for process. Through validation experiments, we evaluated the extent to which the theoretical models and simulations can be trusted. In this work, we assessed two model drugs nifedipine and candesartan cilexetil in two different polymer carriers, Kollidon® VA64 and Soluplus®. Miscibility and solubility are properties that help us predict compatibility and stability of selected drugs and polymers that form an amorphous dispersion. These properties are described by an interaction parameter from the Flory-Huggins theory, which we estimated at two different temperatures and constructed phase diagrams. Considering phase diagrams, the mass ratio of the drug and polymer in extrusion formulation were determined. With the selected ratio of drug and polymer in formulation, we continued with evaluation of their rheological properties and determined an appropriate temperature range for extrusion. After that, we were able to simulate the design of the experiments and study relationships between the process settings and their influence on the process variables, using simulation program Ludovic®. With the help of the design of experiments, based on the results obtained through simulations, we developed models that clearly show the influence of extrusion process parameters within the studied area, on the key variables (temperature, pressure, torque). Obtained results of physical properties, calculated theoretical models, and performed simulations of the process were compared and validated with extrusion process itself. Produced extrudates were analysed by dynamic differential calorimetry and X-ray powder diffraction, and obtained results were compared with the values predicted by the theoretical solubility model. Based on simple preliminary measurements, theoretical models, and simulations of the process, we believe that we can decide with sufficiently high reliability on the composition of mixture for the preparation of amorphous solid dispersion and determine the melt extrusion parameters that ensure a robust production process and suitable process conditions for the formation of desired amorphous solid dispersion.

Keywords:hot-melt extrusion, simulation, melt rheology, Flory-Huggins, design of experiments

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