
Vpliv umetne inteligence na prihodnost sojenja : (magistrsko diplomsko delo)
ID Novinec, Ana (Author), ID Novak, Aleš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Kakšna je prihodnost sodnih postopkov glede na vse hitrejši tehnološki napredek? Ali je širša mednarodna skupnost oblikovala pravne in etične standarde za uspešno in varno algoritemsko sodno odločanje in v katerih regulativnih dokumentih so zajeti? Kakšne so možne oblike uporabe orodij umetne inteligence v postopkih sodnega odločanja? Ali obstojijo primeri dobrih in slabih praks nadomestitve človeških sodnikov z robotskimi, katere lahko deležniki umetne inteligence uporabijo kot izhodišče za nadaljnji razvoj in uporabo tega tehnološkega orodja v sodnih dvoranah? Na varstvo katerih temeljnih človekovih pravic in svoboščin udeležencev postopka ter pravnih načel bodo vplivali robotski sodniki? Katere so ključne dileme, ki se porajajo ob misli na kibernetsko pravosodje? V magistrskem diplomskem delu podajam odgovore na zgoraj zastavljena vprašanja, ki privedejo do zaključka, da orodja umetne inteligence vsekakor ne bodo zmožna v popolnosti nadomestiti človeških odločevalcev, vendar pa bodo zaradi svojih karakteristik predstavljala še kako dobrodošlo dopolnilo in korekcijo pomanjkljivosti obstoječega načina sodnega odločanja.

Keywords:umetna inteligenca, algoritem, avtomatizacija, sodno odločanje, sodnik, kibernetsko pravosodje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Novinec]
Number of pages:38 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-141602 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:124545539 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.10.2022
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Secondary language

Title:The impact of artificial intelligence on the future of the trial
What is the future of judicial proceedings in the face of accelerating technological progress? Has the wider international community developed legal and ethical standards for successful and secure algorithmic adjudication, and what regulatory documents cover them? What are the possible applications of AI tools in judicial decision-making processes? Are there examples of good and bad practices of replacing human judges with robotic ones that AI stakeholders can use as a starting point for further development and use of this technological tool in courtrooms? Which fundamental human rights and freedoms of the participants in the proceedings and which legal principles robotic judges will affect? What are the key dilemmas that arise when thinking about cyber justice? In my Master's thesis, I provide answers to the above questions, which lead to the conclusion that AI tools will certainly not be able to fully replace human decision-makers, but their characteristics will make them a welcome complement and correction to the shortcomings of the existing way of judicial decision-making.

Keywords:artificial intelligence, algorithm, automation, judicial decision-making, judge, cyber justice

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