
Vpliv kriterijev širitvene politike Evropske unije na Srbijo in Severno Makedonijo: primer regionalnega sodelovanja in dobrososedskih odnosov : primer regionalnega sodelovanja in dobrososedskih odnosov
ID Zelenko, Nika (Author), ID Požgan, Jure (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Kriterij regionalnega sodelovanja in kriterij dobrososedskih odnosov spadata med pomembnejše kriterije, ki jih morajo države Zahodnega Balkana (ZB) izpolniti, če želijo postati države članice EU. Cilj magistrske naloge je bil tako s pomočjo koncepta evropeizacije letnih poročil Evropske komisije (EK) analizirati vpliv EU na Srbijo in Severno Makedonijo pri izpolnjevanju kriterijev regionalnega sodelovanja in dobrih sosedskih odnosov. Pomemben vidik izpolnjevanja teh kriterijev so sodelovanje v regionalnih iniciativah in organizacijah ter bilateralno sodelovanje in dobrososedski odnosi z državami članicami EU in državami iz regije ZB. V obeh državah ugotavljam, da sta se vpliv in vloga EU tekom širitvenega procesa pri kriteriju regionalnega sodelovanja spremenila. Na začetku je kriterij predstavljal pomembno vlogo pri stabilizaciji regije, medtem ko danes služi predvsem kot forum za sodelovanje med državami ZB. Pri kriteriju dobrososedskih odnosov se EU pri reševanju sporov oz. odprtih vprašanj pri obeh državah bolj vključuje kot v preteklosti, ne glede na to, ali ima država spor z državo članico EU ali z državo nečlanico iz regije.

Keywords:regionalno sodelovanje, dobrososedski odnosi, evropeizacija, Zahodni Balkan, Srbija, Severna Makedonija, širitvena politika, pogoji širitve, Evropska unija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Zelenko]
Number of pages:109 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-141594 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:127296003 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.10.2022
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Secondary language

Title:The impact of the EU enlargement policy criteria on Serbia and North Macedonia: the case of regional cooperation and good neighbourly relations : magistrsko delo
The criteria of regional cooperation and good neighbourly relations are among the most important criteria that the countries of the Western Balkans (WB) have to fulfill in order to become the EU Member States. The aim of the Master’s thesis was to analyze the impact of the EU on Serbia and North Macedonia in fulfilling the criteria of regional cooperation and good neighbourly relations, using the concept of Europeanisation of the European Commission's (EC's) annual reports. An essential aspect of meeting these criteria is participation in regional initiatives and organizations, as well as bilateral cooperation and good neighbourly relations with EU Member States and countries from the WB region. In both countries, I find that the EU's influence and role in the regional cooperation criterion have changed over the course of the enlargement process. In the beginning, the criterion played an essential role in stabilizing the region, whereas today it serves mainly as a forum for cooperation between the WB countries. In the case of the good neighbourly relations criterion, the EU is more involved than in the past in resolving disputes or outstanding issues in both countries, irrespective of whether the country has a dispute with an EU Member State or a non-EU Member State from the region.

Keywords:regional cooperation, good neighbourly relations, Europeanization, Western Balkans, Serbia, Northern Macedonia, enlargement policy, enlargement criteria, European Union

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