
»Dajati pomeni zares živeti« ali pravi pomen dobrodelnosti : magistrsko delo
ID Ferenc, Sandra (Author), ID Živoder, Andreja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Zakaj posameznik daruje in pomaga ljudem v stiski? To vprašanje si zastavljajo številni strokovnjaki na različnih področjih, od psihologije, sociologije, biologije in antropologije do ekonomije in ne nazadnje nevroznanosti. Nekateri so prišli do rezultatov, ki so merljivi, drugi pa trdijo, da tovrstnih motivov ni mogoče empirično izmeriti. Bakkers in Wiepking (2011a) sta opravila obsežen pregled literature ter oblikovala osem mehanizmov, ki najpomembneje vplivajo na motivacijo za darovanje: zavedanje potreb, poziv k donaciji, materialni stroški in koristi donatorja, altruizem, ugled, psihološke koristi, vrednote donatorja in učinkovitost dobrodelnosti. Na podlagi navedenih mehanizmov se oblikuje motiv za darovanje, ki pooseblja dober namen in/ali lastno korist. Poznavanje motivov potencialnih donatorjev je zelo pomembno tudi za dobrodelne organizacije, saj tako lahko oblikujejo strategije in načrte zbiranja sredstev. Pri tem je zaupanje donatorjev odvisno tudi od konkretne organizacije in njenega delovanja. Dobrodelnost tako ni enoznačna, temveč se pojavljajo vzorci – nekateri bolj in drugi manj zastopani. Pri preučevanju vzorcev sem uporabila kvalitativno metodologijo. Opravila sem deset polstrukturiranih intervjujev z osebami, ki so vsaj enkrat darovale Anini zvezdici, dobrodelni organizaciji, ki sem jo uporabila za študijo primera. Z intervjuji sem poskušala ugotoviti, kateri motivi za darovanje pri intervjuvancih prevladujejo. Odgovori so pokazali, da njihovi motivi za darovanje izhajajo iz empatije, srčnosti in želje, pomagati osebi v stiski. Pri tem jim je tudi zelo pomembno, da darujejo zaupanja vredni dobrodelni organizaciji, ki je znana po transparentnem in poštenem delovanju.

Keywords:Motivi za darovanje, osem mehanizmov, dobrodelnost, dobrodelna organizacija, Anina zvezdica
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[S. Ferenc]
Number of pages:67 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-141592 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:134197507 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.10.2022
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Secondary language

Title:“Giving means truly livingˮ or the true meaning of charity
Why does an individual donate and help people in need? This question has been posed by numerous experts in different fields, from psychology, sociology, biology, anthropology to economics and, last but not least, neuroscience. Some have come up with results that are measurable while others argue that such motives can not be empirically measured. Bakkers and Wiepking (2011a) made an extensive literature review and formulated eight mechanisms with the strongest influence on the motivation to donate: awareness of need, solicitation, costs and benefits of the donor, altruism, reputation, psychological benefits, values of the donor and the efficiency of charity. Each of these mechanisms forms a motive for donating, which personifies good intentions and/or one’s own benefit. Knowing the motives of potential donors is also very important for charity organisations in order to shape their fundraising strategies and plans. In this, the donors’ trust also depends on the specific organisation and its operation. Charity is thus not uniform; rather, patterns emerge – some more, others less represented. I studied them by means of qualitative methodology. I conducted ten semi-structured interviews with people who had donated at least once to Anna’s Little Star, the charity organisation I used as a case study. Through the interviews, I tried to find out which motivations to donate prevail among the interviewees. Their answers showed that their motives for donating are based on empathy, sincerity, and the desire to help a person in need. It is also very important for them to donate to a trusted charity known for operating in a transparent and honest manner.

Keywords:Motives for donating, eight mechanisms, charity, charitable organisation, Anna’s Little Star

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