
Kvantizacija uspešnosti detekcije mikrokalcinacij pri tomosintezi
ID Prša, Aleks (Author), ID Studen, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen: Rak dojke je pomemben svetovni zdravstveni problem. Gre za najpogostejšo vrsto raka pri ženskah, katerega pojavnost zadnja desetletja narašča. Ključno vlogo pri odkrivanju raka dojke ima v okviru presejalnih programov osnovna preiskava imenovana mamografija. Pri mamografiji kot dvodimenzionalni tehniki slikanja prekrivajoče tkivo občasno zastre pogled na razvijajoče se maligno tkivo, zato z raziskavami preverjajo uporabnost tridimenzionalne tehnike slikanja, imenovane tomosinteza. Glavna težava tomosinteze je pomanjkljivo prepoznavanje mikrokalcinacij, ki so spremljajoč pojav rakastih obolenj. Namen magistrske naloge je bila kvantizacija vidnost mikrokalcinacij različnih velikosti pri tomosintezi ob različnih ravneh osvetlitve projekcijskih slik dojke. Podatki in metode: V magistrski nalogi so bile uporabljene projekcijske slike dojk pridobljene iz spletne baze podatkov medicinskih slik TCIA, natančneje v okviru študije VICTRE. Uporabljen je bil rekonstrukcijski program programske skupine raziskovalcev LAVI iz Univerze v São Paulu. Rekonstrukcijski program je bil validiran na projekcijske slike dojk iz študije VICTRE. V magistrski nalogi smo preverjali vpliv parametrov mikrokalcinacij (mesto v dojki, velikost in tip mikrokalcinacij) in nastavitev slikanja (raven osvetlitve projekcijskih slik dojke) z modelom virtualnega dodajanja mikrokalcinacij na projekcijske slike dojke in virtualnega spreminjanja osvetlitve le-teh. Vidnost mikrokalcinacij na rekonstruiranih slikah dojke je bila kvantizirana z metrikama razmerja SNR (angl. signal-to-noise ratio) in CNR (angl. contrast-to-noise ratio). Rezultati: V magistrski nalogi so prikazane odvisnosti razmerja SNR in CNR mikrokalcinacij tipa I in tipa II različnih velikosti ob različnih ravneh osvetlitve projekcijskih slik dojke. Vidnost mikrokalcinacij tipa I narašča z naraščanjem njihove velikosti, vidnost mikrokalcinacij tipa II pa se z naraščanjem velikosti bistveno ne spreminja. Splošna vidnost mikrokalcinacij se zmanjšuje z zmanjševanjem ravni osvetlitve projekcijskih slik dojke. Izboljšanje razmerja CNR mikrokalcinacij pri višjih ravneh osvetlitve projekcijskih slik dojke zaradi pomanjkljivosti modela virtualnega spreminjanja osvetlitve projekcijskih slik ne moremo potrditi. Zaključek: Rezultati magistrske naloge prikazujejo odvisnost vidnosti mikrokalcinacij tipa I in tipa II različnih velikosti od izbire vrednosti mejne frekvence filtra pri rekonstrukciji slike dojke in od ravni osvetlitve projekcijskih slik. Rezultati nakazujejo na izbiro optimalnih parametrov za optimalno vidnost mikrokalcinacij na rekonstruiranih slikah dojke. V sklopu magistrske naloge je bil razvit model virtualnega dodajanja mikrokalcinacij na projekcijske slike dojke, ki ima velik potencial v nadaljnji uporabi pri raziskavah rekonstrukcijskih algoritmov in sistemov DBT.

Keywords:Tomosinteza, mikrokalcinacije, rekonstrukcija, VICTRE, LAVI, FBP, SNR, CNR.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FMF - Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-141587 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:124628739 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.10.2022
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Title:Quantification of microcalcification detection performance in tomosynthesis
Research aim: Breast cancer is an important global health problem. It represents the most common type of cancer in women with increasing incidence over the last decades. Mammography, a two-dimensional x-ray image of the breast, plays a key role in cancer detection in screening programs. In two-dimensional examination technique overlapping tissue occasionally obscures the view of developing cancer, so research are being conducted to verifying usefulness of a three-dimensional imaging technique called tomosynthesis. The key difficulty in tomosynthesis is poor identification of microcalcifications as breast cancer precursors. The aim of the master’s thesis was to quantify the detection performance of microcalcifications various size in tomosynthesis at different levels of exposure of projection images of the breast. Methods and materials: Breast projection images used in the master’s thesis were obtained from the TCIA online database of medical images and were a part of the VICTRE study. The reconstruction program of the research program group LAVI from the University of São Paulo was used. It was validated to the breast projection images from the VICTRE study. A model of virtual addition of microcalcifications was developed to study the impact of microcalcifications parameters (location in the breast, size and type of microcalcifications) and scanner settings (exposure time) on imaging performance. The detectability of the microcalcifications on reconstructed breast images was quantified using SNR (signal-to-noise) and CNR (contrast-to-noise) ratio metrics. Results: The master’s thesis shows the dependences of SNR and CNR ratios on size of type I and type II microcalcifications at different levels of exposure of breast projection images. The visibility of type I microcalcifications increases with size of microcalcifications, while the visibility of type II microcalcifications does not change significantly with respect to size. The general visibility of microcalcifications is highly dependent on exposure of breast projection images and it decreases with decreasing exposure of projection images. The improvement of the CNR ratio of microcalcifications at higher levels of exposure of breast projection images could not have been confirmed due to the shortcomings of the model of virtual exposure of projection images. Conclusion: The results show how the detectability of the differently sized type I and type II microcalcifications depend on the selection of the threshold frequency value of the filter in breast image reconstruction and on the level of exposure of the projection images. The results indicate the optimal parameters selection for the optimal visibility of microcalcifications on reconstructed breast images. A model of virtual addition of microcalcifications to breast projection images was developed and it has a great potential for further use in the research on reconstruction algorithms and DBT systems.

Keywords:Tomosynthesis, microcalcifications, reconstruction, VICTRE, LAVI, FBP, SNR, CNR.

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