
Odraz seksualnosti moških in žensk v podobi lisice v dinastiji Qing
ID Berčič, Lucija (Author), ID Vampelj Suhadolnik, Nataša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo raziskuje povezanost podobe lisice s seksualnostjo žensk in moških v dinastiji Qing, pri vrednotenju pa je upoštevan tudi vpliv mandžurskega ljudstva. Njihov vpliv se kaže predvsem v zakonih dinastije Qing in po strogo določenih vlogah, ki se pripisujejo različnim spolom, zlasti ženskam, čeprav tudi moški niso popolnoma izključeni. Ženske so bile po naravi zakonov bolj podrejene moškim in niso imele veliko pravic, še posebej pa je trpela njihova seksualnost. Moški so v nasprotju z ženskami imeli veliko več svobode, predvsem v izbiri več partnerjev, pa naj je bila to žena ali prostitutka. Vloga lisice v umetnosti dinastije Qing je nakazovala na to, da so jo videli kot zapeljivko, ki lahko spremeni podobo, obsede ljudi ali pa uporabi biser z namenom, da bi ukradla človeško življenjsko esenco. Po navadi se lisice prikazujejo kot ženske, ki nato moške zvabijo v spolne odnose, medtem ko jim črpajo esenco. To potem kultivirajo dokler ne dosežejo nesmrtnosti oziroma zmožnosti spremembe oblike. Nakazano je, da so bolj zlobne narave, kakor dobre. A vseeno obstajajo zgodbe o dobrih lisicah, ki ljudem pomagajo z različnimi zdravili in darili.

Keywords:lisica, seksualnost, dinastija Qing, življenjska esenca, ženske, moški
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-141571 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.10.2022
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Secondary language

Title:The reflection of male and female sexuality in the image of the fox in the Qing Dynasty
This study explores the connection between the image of the fox and the sexuality of women and men in the Qing Dynasty. Additionally, the influence of the Manchu people is also considered. It can be seen mainly in the laws of the Qing Dynasty and the strictly defined gender roles especially those assigned to women, although men are not completely excluded. By the nature of laws, women were subordinate to men. They did not have many rights and their sexuality suffered. In contrast to them, men had much more freedom, especially in choosing multiple partners, which they could take as wives or keep as prostitutes. The role of the fox in the Qing Dynasty art implies that it was seen as a seductress who could shapeshift, possess people, or use a pearl to steal a person's life essence. Usually, vixens are portrayed as women who lure men into having sex with them and then drain their essence. Through this they can achieve immortality or the ability to change shape. It is indicated that the nature of the foxes is more evil than good. However, stories about good foxes who help people with various medicines and gifts also exist.

Keywords:fox, sexuality, Qing Dynasty, life essence, women, men

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