
ID Kuhar, Borut (Author), ID Twrdy, Elen (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Javni potniški promet je vrsta transportne storitve, ki omogoča prevoz potnikov in je javno dostopna na nekem območju. Potniški promet vključuje različna prevozna sredstva v različnih prevoznih panogah in deluje po vnaprej določenih trasah, urnikih in cenah. Problematika magistrskega dela obravnava tematiko sodobnega cestnega in železniškega potniškega prometa v Evropi, trende in inovacije razvoja ter trenutno stanje in možnosti izboljšave potniškega prometa v Sloveniji. Pri pregledu literature in pisanju magistrskega dela so bile uporabljene različne baze podatkov, kot so »Web of Science«, »ScienceDirect« in »Cobiss«. Uporabljene pa so bile tudi naslednje metode dela: induktivno-deduktivna metoda, analitična metoda, sintetična metoda, komparativna metoda, metoda deskripcije, in metoda kompilacije. Magistrsko delo ima uvodno poglavje, 3 glavna poglavja, ter zaključno poglavje. Glavna poglavja se nanašajo na evropski potniški promet, slovenski potniški promet ter predlog aktivnosti, ki bi lahko izboljšale potniški promet v Sloveniji. V poglavju evropski potniški promet je raziskana meritev dostopa do potniškega prometa v evropskih mestih, predstavljene so lastnosti potniškega prometa v najbolje razvitih evropskih državah, opisana je statistika potniškega prometa za cestno in železniško panogo, predstavljeni so trendi in inovacije potniškega prometa ter uporabe alternativnih goriv v potniškem prometu. V poglavju slovenski potniški promet je analizirano stanje cestnega in železniškega potniškega prometa v državi, opisan je projekt integriranega potniškega prometa, predstavljeno je upravljanje z javnim potniškim prometom in opisane so dejavnosti, ki lahko prispevajo k trajnostni mobilnosti in zeleni prihodnosti. V poglavju predlog aktivnosti za izboljšanje potniškega prometa v Sloveniji so predstavljene aktivnosti, za katere menim, da bi pripomogle k izboljšanju storitev javnega potniškega prometa in povečale njegovo uporabo med prebivalci vseh starostnih skupin. V magistrskem delu sta postavljeni raziskovalna in pomožna hipoteza, ki sta potrjeni v zaključnem poglavju. Raziskovalna hipoteza trdi, da ima Slovenija premalo razvit potniški promet, pomožna hipoteza pa, da s pravilnimi pristopi Slovenija lahko vzpostavi učinkovit sistem javnega potniškega prometa.

Keywords:javni potniški promet, trendi in inovacije, trajnostna mobilnost, zelena prihodnost, alternativna goriva
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FPP - Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-141500 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.09.2022
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Secondary language

Public passenger transport is a type of transport service that enables the transport of passengers and is publicly accessible in a certain area. Passenger transport includes different means of transport in different transport industries and operates according to predetermined routes, schedules and prices. The subject matter of the master's work deals with the topic of modern road and rail passenger transport in Europe, development trends and innovations, as well as the current state and possibilities for improving passenger transport in Slovenia. Various databases such as "Web of Science", "ScienceDirect" and "Cobiss" were used in the literature review and writing of the master's thesis. The following work methods were also used: inductive-deductive method, analytical method, synthetic method, comparative method, description method, and compilation method. The master's thesis has an introductory chapter, 3 main chapters, and a final chapter. The main chapters refer to European passenger traffic, Slovenian passenger traffic and a proposal for activities that could improve passenger traffic in Slovenia. In the European passenger transport chapter, the measurement of access to passenger transport in European cities is investigated, the characteristics of passenger transport in the best developed European countries are presented, passenger transport statistics for the road and rail industry are described, trends and innovations in passenger transport and the use of alternative fuels in passenger traffic is presented. In the Slovenian passenger transport chapter, the state of road and rail passenger transport in the country is analysed, the integrated passenger transport project is described, public passenger transport management is presented and activities that can contribute to sustainable mobility and a green future are described. In the chapter proposals for activities to improve passenger transport in Slovenia, activities are presented that I believe would help to improve public passenger transport services and increase their use among residents of all age groups. In the master's thesis, research and auxiliary hypotheses are set up, which are confirmed in the final chapter. The research hypothesis claims that Slovenia has insufficiently developed passenger transport, while the auxiliary hypothesis claims that with the right approaches, Slovenia can establish an efficient system of public passenger transport.

Keywords:public passenger transport, trends and innovations, sustainable mobility, green future, alternative fuels

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