
Analiza strahu pred vodo pri otrocih : magistrsko delo
ID Sinkovič, Maja (Author), ID Kajtna, Tanja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kapus, Jernej (Comentor)

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Cilj magistrskega dela je bil preveriti zanesljivost vprašalnika o strahu pred vodo »Fear of Water assessment questionnaire« (Misimi idr., 2020) v slovenskem jeziku. Z raziskavo smo želeli ugotoviti pri kolikšnem deležu otrok je prisoten strah pred vodo, ugotoviti ali obstajajo statistično značilne razlike v pojavnosti strahu pred vodo pri deklicah in dečkih ter kateri so glavni vidiki strahu pred vodo. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 236 učencev tretjega razreda osnovne šole, v povprečju starih 9 (1) let. Najmlajši otrok je bil star 7 let, najstarejši pa 11 let. Vključenih je bilo 18 osnovnih šol iz petih različnih statističnih regij. Vprašalnik je zajemal 40 trditev o strahu pred vodo, katere so preizkušanci ovrednotili s 5-stopenjsko Likertovo lestvico strinjanja. Izpolnjevali so ga sami, skupaj s svojimi starši ali s pomočjo učitelja. Raziskava je bila opravljena v mesecu aprilu, ko je bila večina tretjih razredov že deležna obveznega plavalnega tečaja. Kaiser-Meyer-Olkinov test je presegal 0,5, vrednost Bartlettovega testa pa je bila statistično značilna, kar pomeni, da je bil naš vzorec zadosti velik in da so bile povezave med anketnimi vprašanji zadosti visoke za izvedbo faktorske analize. S faktorsko analizo zbranih podatkov smo pridobili 4 ponovljive faktorje: znanje plavanja, prilagojenost na vodo, strah pred vodo (zaprte vode), strah pred vodo (odprte vode). Ugotovili smo, da je vprašalnik o strahu pred vodo zanesljivo orodje za določanje strahu pred vodo pri otrocih. Vrednosti koeficienta alfa, so pri vseh štirih faktorjih presegale 0,75, kar potrjuje zanesljivost vprašalnika. Analiza podatkov je pokazala, da strah pred vodo izraža 9,63% učencev. Glede na spol, so rezultati pokazali, da nekoliko več strahu pred vodo izražajo dečki (10,84%), kot deklice (8,74%). Kljub temu pa med spoloma nismo potrdili statistično značilnih razlik. Strah pred vodo se močno povezuje z neznanjem plavanja. Po naših raziskavah v tretjem razredu osnovne šole delež neplavalcev znaša 7,2%. Za plavalce se je ovrednotilo 92,8% otrok. Pri analizi glavnih vidikov strahu smo ugotovili, da otroci v povprečju izražajo več strahu v povezavi z odprtimi vodami: nezmožnost kontrole tekočih voda, valovanje vode in strah pred odprtim morjem, kot pa strahov, ki so povezani z zaprtimi vodami, kjer je kontrola okolja veliko lažja.

Keywords:strah pred vodo, plavanje, otroci, učenje plavanja, odpravljanje strahu pred vodo
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-141470 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:124775683 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of fear of water in children
The aim of the thesis was to check the reliability of the questionnaire »Fear of Water assessment questionnaire« (Misimi et al, 2020) in the Slovenian language. The research objectives were to find out the percentage of children who experienced fear of water, determine possible statistically significant differences between girls and boys regarding their fear of water and define the main aspects of the fear of water. The study included 236 elementary school children, with the average age of 9 (1). The youngest child was 7 years old and the oldest was 11. Eighteen elementary schools from five different statistical regions participated. The questionnaire consisted of 40 statements regarding fear of water, which were evaluated by the subjects on the 5-level Likert scale of agreement. They answered the questionnaire by themselves, together with their parents or with the help of a teacher. Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin test exceeded 0.5 and the value of Barlett test was statistically significant, indicating that the sample was large enough and that correlations among the questions were high enough to perform the factor analysis. Based on the factor analysis of the collected data, 4 recurring factors were obtained: swimming ability, adaptation to water, fear of water (enclosed water), fear of water (open water). The study found that the Fear of water assessment questionnaire was a reliable tool for identifying fear of water in children. The value of the alpha coefficient exceeded 0.75 in all four factors, which confirmed the reliability of the questionnaire. The data analysis revealed that the fear of water was expressed by 9.63% of children. The majority of children (90.37%) did not have significant fear of water. The results showed that slightly more fear of water was expressed by boys (10.84%) than by girls (8.74%). However, no statistically significant differences between the two genders were confirmed. The fear of water is strongly related to the inability to swim. According to our study the percentage of non-swimmers in the third grade of elementary schools was 7.2%, while 92.8% of children identified themselves as swimmers. The research was performed in April, when the majority of third graders had already participated in the compulsory swimming lessons. The analysis of the main aspects of fear revealed that on average children expressed more fear of open waters: inability to control running water or waves and fear of the open sea, than fears related to enclosed waters where they could control their surroundings much more easily.

Keywords:fear of water, swimming, children, learning to swim, overcoming fear of water

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