
Orodja kitajske mehke politike v Afriki v 21. stoletju : diplomsko delo
ID Kokelj, Petja (Author), ID Veselič, Maja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V zadnjih desetletij postaja sino-afriško sodelovanje vedno bolj intenzivno, ne le na ekonomski ravni, temveč vse pogosteje tudi na politični ravni in na področju medkulturne izmenjave. Kitajska, ki si je še nedolgo tega z afriškimi državami delila status razvijajoče se države in smo jo razumeli kot periferno državo v svetovnem kapitalističnem sistemu, je s svojim hitrim ekonomskim napredkom in uspešnim gospodarskim razvojem spremenila svojo vlogo znotraj tega svetovnega sistema. V diplomski nalogi me zanima, kakšni so načini, s katerimi Kitajska širi svojo mehko moč v Afriki, med katerimi sta glavna gotovo njena ekonomska moč in širjenje specifičnega razvojnega modela, vendar pa so za to nalogo pomembnejši bolj subtilni načini širjenja kulture. Slednji se v Afriki v 21. stoletju izražajo na treh področij, in sicer skozi program Konfucijevih inštitutov in Konfucijevih učilnic, s širitvijo kitajskih medijskih agencij in z razpisovanjem študijskih štipendij za študij na Kitajskem, njihova uspešnost pa je glavno raziskovalno vprašanje te diplomske naloge. Opisal bom izvorni koncept mehke politike, kako se mehka moč ali politika razlikuje od trde moči ter na kakšen način koncept mehke moči razume kitajska zunanje-politična stroka in naposled značilnosti modernega sino-afriškega sodelovanja navezati na to razumevanje. Z razumevanjem teh metod širjenja kitajskega vpliva v Afriki in njihove uspešnosti, lahko presodimo, kaj sploh je razlog za željo po širjenju kitajskega vpliva v Afriki.

Keywords:Kitajska, Afrika, sino-afriško sodelovanje, mehka moč, diplomacija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[P. Kokelj]
Number of pages:37 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-141398 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:170028035 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Tools of chinese soft power in Africa in the 21. century
Sino-African cooperation has been increasing more intensively in the past few decades, not just on an economic scale, but also on a political scale and on the level of intercultural exchange. China, which not long ago shared the status of a developing country with other African countries and was regarded as a peripheral country in the capitalistic world order, has managed to change its role in this world system through vast economic improvements and its very successful development model. During my thesis, I am focusing on the ways in which China is expanding its soft power in Africa, among which the main topics are definitely its economic power and the expansion of its development model. However, for this thesis, more subtile ways of cultural expansion, that don't arise from plain economic cooperation, are of greater importance. In Africa in the 21st century, the latter are most expressed in three areas, through the Confucius Institutes and Confucius classrooms, through the expansion of Chinese intelligence agencies and by offering study scholarships to study in China, and their success is the main research issue of this thesis. I will thoroughly describe the original soft power concept, how soft power differs from hard power, as well as how Chinese foreign-policy professionals understand this concept, eventually linking this understanding with the characteristics of modern Sino-African cooperation. With the understnding of these methods of spreading Chinese influence in Africa, we can therefore assess what actually is the reason behind the desire to expand its influence in Africa.

Keywords:China, Africa, sino-african cooperation, soft power, diplomacy

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