
Zaznavanje mikrostrukturnih sprememb med toplotno obdelavo 3D tiskane aluminijeve zlitine AlSi10Mg z merjenjem električne upornosti : diplomsko delo
ID Veber, Anemarie (Author), ID Bizjak, Milan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Dodajalne (aditivne) tehnologije oz. 3D tisk je proces izdelave, ki temelji na dodajanju materiala sloj za slojem in predstavlja nov način izdelave izdelkov. Izdelek se oblikuje v zaporednih slojih od spodaj navzgor in je ravno nasprotje strojnim – tradicionalnim obdelovalnim postopkom. Tradicionalne metode izdelave omogočijo izdelavo izdelka, tako da se deli materiala odstranijo na različne načine (struženje, vrtanje, rezkanje in drugo). Obstajajo različne metode aditivne proizvodnje. Selektivno lasersko taljenje (SLM-Selective Laser Melting) je za kovine ena izmed najučinkovitejših metod aditivne tehnologije. Postopek se lahko uporablja za izdelavo strojnih ali konstrukcijskih elementov iz različnih kovin in zlitin. V diplomskem delu se bomo osredotočili na mikrostrukturne raziskave 3D tiskanih vzorcev, ki jih bomo pridobili s postopkom SLM prahu zlitine AlSi10Mg in spremembam metastabilne mikrostrukture med toplotno obdelavo. Spremembe med toplotno obdelavo bomo detektirali z in-situ meritvami električne upornosti. Na osnovi določenih temperaturnih intervalov sprememb električne upornosti bomo nove SLM vzorce ustrezno toplotno obdelali. Poleg vsega tega bomo še opravili karakterizacijo vzorcev, kjer bomo določili trdoto po Vickersu in okarakterizirali mikrostrukturo s svetlobno in elektronsko mikroskopijo (SM, SEM). Za določitev kemijske sestave mikrostrukturnih sestavin bomo opravili energijsko disperzijsko spektrometrijo rentgenskih žarkov (EDXS).

Keywords:Dodajalne tehnologije, selektivno lasersko taljenje, zlitina AlSi10Mg, toplotna obdelava, električna upornost
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Veber]
Number of pages:XII, 46 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-141310 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:131439107 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.09.2022
VEBER, Anemarie, 2022, Zaznavanje mikrostrukturnih sprememb med toplotno obdelavo 3D tiskane aluminijeve zlitine AlSi10Mg z merjenjem električne upornosti : diplomsko delo [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Ljubljana : A. Veber. [Accessed 25 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Detection of microstructural changes during heat treatment of 3D-printed aluminium alloys AlSi10Mg measurement of electrical resistivity : diploma work
Additive manufacturing (3D printing) is a manufacturing process based on the layer-by-layer deposition of material that represents a new way of manufacturing products. The product is formed in successive layers from the bottom up and is the opposite of machine - traditional machining processes. In traditional manufacturing processes, the product is made by removing parts of the material in various ways (turning, drilling, milling, etc.). There are several additive manufacturing processes. Selective laser melting (SLM) is one of the most efficient additive manufacturing methods for metals. The process can be used to manufacture machine or structural components from a variety of metals and alloys. In this work, we focus on microstructural studies of 3D-printed AlSi10Mg alloy specimens fabricated by the SLM powder process and the changes in the metastable microstructure during heat treatment. The changes during heat treatment are determined by in-situ electrical resistivity measurements. Based on the determined temperature intervals of the electrical resistivity changes, the new SLM samples are heat treated accordingly and we characterize the microstructure by optical and electron microscopic studies (SM, SEM) and determine the Vickers hardness. To determine the chemical composition of the microstructure constituents, we will perform energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDXS).

Keywords:Additive technologies, Selective laser melting, AlSi10Mg alloy, Heat treatment, Electrical resistivity

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