
Odnos pacientov do pacientom dostopnih elektronskih zdravstvenih zapisov : diplomsko delo
ID Rovtar, Maja (Author), ID Ficzko, Jelena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Mihelič Zajec, Andreja (Comentor), ID Slabe, Damjan (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Pacientu dostopni elektronski zdravstveni zapisi so zapisi vseh pacientovih zdravstvenih podatkov, shranjenih v digitalnem formatu, do katerih lahko pacient prosto dostopa. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je raziskati odnos pacientov do pacientu dostopnih elektronskih zdravstvenih zapisov ter opredeliti najpogostejše razloge pacientov za in proti uporabi. Metode dela: V diplomskem delu smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo dela s pregledom literature. Pri iskanju smo se časovno omejili na članke, izdane v zadnjih desetih letih (od 2012 do 2022), na angleški jezik, vsebinsko ustreznost in moč dokazov. Uporabili smo podatkovni bazi CINAHL in Medline ter strežnik PubMed, in sicer z iskalnim nizom: (PAEHR OR patient accessible electronic health record*) AND (experiences OR perceptions OR attitudes OR views OR feelings OR perspectives OR opinions) AND NOT (nurs* OR healthcare professional OR health personnel). Analizirali smo sedem raziskav, iz katerih smo identificirali razloge pacientov za in proti uporabi pacientu dostopnih elektronskih zdravstvenih zapisov. Rezultati: Pacienti se za dostop do svojih zdravstvenih zapisov odločajo zaradi izboljšane komunikacije z zdravstvenim osebjem, večjega občutka lastne odgovornosti, lažjega dostopa do informacij, boljšega razumevanja svojega zdravstvenega stanja, boljšega razumevanja informacij, podanih na zdravstveni obravnavi, večje pripravljenosti na nadaljnje preglede, priročnosti, občutka večjega nadzora nad zdravstvenim stanjem, večje vključenosti v zdravstveni proces, možnosti preverjanja skladnosti izrečenih informacij z zapisanimi ter večje nagnjenosti k sledenju zdravstvenim navodilom. Pacientom dostop ovira nerazumevanje medicinskih izrazov, nerazumljivost prebranih informacij, tesnoba glede prebranih informacij, strah pred vpogledom v slabe izvide in tehnične težave. Razprava in zaključek: Večina pacientov ima pozitiven odnos do dostopa do svojih zdravstvenih zapisov, vendar so potrebne izboljšave predvsem na področju razumevanja informacij. Prilagojeni elektronski zdravstveni zapisi, razumljivi pacientom, bi pripomogli k večji in kakovostnejši uporabi ter zmanjšali tesnobo ob nerazumevanju. S tehnološkimi napredki je treba razrešiti tudi tehnične težave, ki se pojavljajo ob uporabi.

Keywords:diplomska dela, zdravstvena nega, pacientu dostopni elektronski zdravstveni zapisi, PDEZZ, elektronski zdravstveni zapisi, EZZ
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Rovtar]
Number of pages:29 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-141291 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:123307779 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Patients' attitude towards patient accessible electronic health records : diploma work
Introduction: Patient accessible electronic health records are records of all the patient's health data, stored in a digital format, which the patient can freely access. Purpose: The purpose of the diploma work is to investigate patients' attitude towards patient accessible electronic health records, and to define the most common reasons for and against the use of electronic health records. Methods: In the diploma work, we used a descriptive work method with a review of the literature. When searching, we limited our search to articles published in the last ten years (from 2012 to 2022), articles published in the English language, content relevance and strength of evidence. We used the CINAHL and Medline databases and the PubMed server, with the search string: (PAEHR OR patient accessible electronic health record*) AND (experiences OR perceptions OR attitudes OR views OR feelings OR perspectives OR opinions) AND NOT (nurs* OR healthcare professional OR health personnel). We analyzed 7 studies from which we identified patients' reasons for and against the use of patient accessible electronic health records. Results: Patients choose to access their medical records due to improved communication with medical staff, a greater sense of responsibility, easier access to information, a better understanding of their health condition, a better understanding of the information given during the medical examination, greater readiness for further examinations, convenience, feeling greater control over the state of their health, greater involvement in the health process, the possibility of checking the consistency of the spoken information with the written one, and a greater tendency to follow medical instructions. Patients' access is hindered by lack of understanding of medical terms, incomprehensibility of the information read, anxiety about the information read, fear of confronting bad results and technical problems. Discussion and conclusion: Most patients have a positive attitude towards accessing their medical records, but improvements are needed, especially in the area of information comprehension. Adapted electronic health records that are comprehensible to patients would contribute to greater and better use and reduce patients' anxiety. With technological advances, it is also necessary to resolve technical problems that arise during use.

Keywords:diploma theses, nursing care, patient accessible electronic health records, PAEHR, electronic health records, EHR

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