
Vpliv barve gojitvenih vreč za jagodičje na razmere v substratu in na rast rastlin
ID Stražar, Primož (Author), ID Zupanc, Vesna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Spomladi leta 2021 smo sadike ameriške borovnice (Vaccinum corymbosum L.) sorte 'Duke' posadili v 6 zelenih in 6 belih gojitvenih vreč. V tri zelene in tri bele vreče smo namestili merilce količine vode in temperature v rastnem substratu. Namen je bil ugotoviti, kako barva gojitvenih vreč vpliva na razmere v rastnem substratu in s tem na razvoj ameriške borovnice ter kako temperature zraka in tal, na katerih so vreče s posejanimi rastlinami, vplivajo na razmere v rastnem substratu. Ameriške borovnice, ki so bile posajene v belih vrečah, so imele večji povprečni prirast poganjkov na rastlino kot borovnice, ki so bile posajene v zelenih vrečah (za 10,5 cm). V raziskavi nismo potrdili vpliva severne oziroma južne strani na razvoj koreninskega sistema v vreči substrata. Rastni substrat v belih vrečah je imel nižjo povprečno temperaturo od rastnega substrata v zelenih vrečah (za 5 °C) in je vseboval večjo količino vode v merjenem obdobju (za 5,8 %). Gibanje temperature rastnega substrata v gojitvenih vrečah je pozimi sledilo gibanju temperature tal. Na temperaturo v rastnem substratu sta tako vplivala temperatura zraka kot tudi temperatura tal. Spomladi se je rastni substrat v zelenih vrečah nekoliko hitreje segreval kot rastni substrat v belih vrečah in je imel višjo povprečno temperaturo (za 1,5 °C).

Keywords:voda, tla, merjenje, šotni substrat, koreninski sistem, ameriška borovnica, gojitvene vreče, razvoj, rast
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-141283 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:126106371 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Influence of the color of growing bags for berries on soil conditions and plant growth.
In spring 2021 we planted the saplings of highbush blueberry (Vaccinum corymbosum L.), cultivar 'Duke', into six green and six white growing bags. In three green and three white bags, we placed sensors to measure the amount of water and the temperature in the substrate. The purpose was to find out how does the colour of the growing bags affect the conditions in the substrate and with this also the development of highbush blueberry and how does the temperature of air and soil, on which are the bags with planted plants, affect the conditions in the substrate. The highbush blueberries, which had been planted in the white bags, had higher average growth of sprouts per plant than the blueberries planted in the green bags (by 10,5 cm). In the research we didn't confirm the affect the northern or the southern side on the development on the root system in the bag of substrate. The substrate in the white bags had a lower average temperature than the substrate in the green bags (by 5 °C) and contained more water in measured timespan (by 5,8 %). The change in temperature in the growing bags in winter followed the change in soil temperature. The temperature in the substrate was affected by both the air temperature and the soil temperature. In spring, the substrate in the green bags had warmed up a bit faster than the substrate in the white bags and had a higher average temperature (by 1,5 °C).

Keywords:water, soil, measurement, peat mix, root system, American blueberry, growing bags, development, growth

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