In my master's thesis, I researched the Lisec Hill with its surroundings, which structurally belongs to the External Dinarides and consists of the rocks of the Dinaric Carbonate Platform. I divided the Lisec hill into different areas according to the spatial distribution of facies in the rocks. I identified and described eight different microfacies types, which are equivalent to the standard microfacies types: SMF 5 and SMF 6, SMF 15-C, SMF 7-Bafflestone, SMF 11 and SMF 13, SMF 15-C, SMF 21, SMF 16- Laminated. The sedimentary environment is represented by an inner barrier reef consisting of corals and calcisponges. The reef is comparable to other Upper Jurassic reefs in the Tethys area.
Key words: External Dinarides, Šentrumarska Formation, Upper Jurassic, reef, microfacies, stromatoporoids, corals
Area coordinates (WGS 48): N45°51'51,15", E14°56'57,75".