
Zadnja postaja – varno zatočišče ali hiralnica?: Kakovost bivanja v ljubljanskih domovih za ostarele
ID Smrdel, Neža (Author), ID Jezernik, Božidar (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Staranje je proces, na katerega nimamo vpliva, saj je naraven in ga moramo na splošno sprejeti. Vedno več starostnikov pa po dosegu določenih let ne zmore več skrbeti sama zase, ker so ali hudo bolni ali nepokretni, ali pa samo potrebujejo pomoč negovalcev za normalno življenje. Tako se odločijo skupaj s svojci, da bodo preostanek svojega življenja preživeli v domu upokojencev. Ker je to njihov novi dom, za njih ne sme predstavljati »hiralnice« pred smrtjo, temveč prostor, kjer živijo v miru, udobju in jim je nudena pomoč ter možnost aktivnega življenja in zadovoljstva. Seveda na življenje v domu vplivata dva dejavnika, kar je tudi osrčje diplomske naloge. Obravnavata se psihološki in finančni problem. Znotraj njiju diplomska naloga v več smereh razišče problematike, vsakega izmed njih pa predstavi na primeru dveh domov, javnega doma starostnikov Ljubljana – Šiška in zasebnega doma DEOS Trnovo.

Keywords:starostniki, negovalci, svojci, politika, cene, dom upokojencev
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-141187 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.09.2022
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Title:Journey's End – Safe Haven or Home for Decrepit People?: The Quality of Living in Care Homes in Ljubljana
Aging is a process that cannot be influenced by us because it is natural and has to be generally accepted. An increasing number of the elderly can no longer take care of themselves after reaching a certain age either because they are either very ill or immobile or they simply need the help of their carers to lead a normal life. This is how, together with their loved ones, they reach a decision to spend the rest of their lives in a retirement home. Since this is their home, it must not represent a “withering institution” before death but a space where they can live in peace and comfort while also being offered help and the possibility of an active lifestyle and satisfaction. Life inside a retirement home is of course influenced by two factors that are at the core of this graduation thesis. The tesis investigates the psychological and the financial problem. Within those, the graduation thesis explores the problems in various directions and presents both on the case of two retirement homes, the public Retirement Home Ljubljana – Šiška and the private retirement home DEOS Trnovo.

Keywords:elderly, carers, loved ones, politics, prices, retirement home

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